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>you fell for the raspberry pi meme
what the fuck do i do with this thing?
Eat it.
By a hifiberry and instill Volumio, make it a high quality internet radio box to hook up to your speakers.

At least that's my plan for mine right now.
return it
make your own cloud server
Microwave it
install arch and make a web server that pull random webms from /wsg/ and learn 2 linux better with it.
install gentoo
My cousin put one in a game boy.
like this?

Iktf. I bought my wife's son one for Christmas and he still hasn't plugged it in.
Old emulators box, media server, IRC bouncer, etc
shove it up your vagina
Seed box
Web server
"Cloud" server
Tor node
Smart Fridge
i'm installing it in my cars dash, gonna run void linux in a chevy
Install openvpn. Hide it at a coffee shop or mcdonalds. Enjoy your free vpn.

depends on your hobby

i'd use it for a pentesting box
teach it to love
Explain please? I'm intrigued yet confused.
i don't know, why'd you buy it? wtf is wrong with you retards buying the rpi and then getting mad because you don't know what to do with it? did you think as soon as it showed up in the mail you'd have a cool idea for once in your life?
I already run that on my desktop.
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>getting cucked by the power companies
Yep I'd say that's pretty accurate
I mean what were you expecting? It's just a small computer with GPIO pins
Mine's is going to be a controller for an irrigation system for an orchard.
1) Update it since a new driver just came out for OpenGL that massively improves support for the hardware.
Actual decent graphics rendering can be done on it now, better window management and such.

2) look up some electronics ebooks

3), look up some youtube raspberry Pi videos to get excite.

4) just like make something

5) ????

6) Be less profitable.
I've always thought that when I get a RasPi I'll make a jukebox out of it.
Run gogs and a diy nas.
Could it handle being a ssh gateway and vpn?
shitpost on g


>he fell for the meme meme
fucking kek
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Sell it on ebay for ten times what you paid for it like everyone else.

isnt that only for the pi zeroes?
that's the literal definition of meme though
hey, i just got a raspberry pi B+ and im a bit of a noob on it. i installed Raspbian and OpenELEC through NOOBS and now i wonder
Whats the best emulators for Raspberry Pi ?
I installed DOSBox and pcsxr through the cool package manager
I was planning on installing RetroPie but wasting a whole SD card just for that seems dumb.
Best regards

It's a micro SD card, throw $12 at it for an 8gig, then just swap it out when you want to do something else.
oh okay, i guess ill get some old 4GB SD card or something for it.
but still, fuck retropie, why can i just put it as one of my OS in NOOBS ?
>$12 for an 8 gig
Senpai you can get a class 10 32 gig for $12
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>not posting through raspberry pi wirelessly
You can boot into RetroArch from any linux distro, but it's a bit easier to do it on a separate card. It does take a good hour or so of configuration to get it running nicely, but once you have controllers mapped correctly that should be the extent of the work.

RetroArch has a really nice frontend and some nice little utilities, you do a lot less fucking around in command line once everything is set up. However I would recommend getting a bigger SD card and just filling it to the brim with every damn ROM you can find. Then I can bring my PI to parties and set it up, let my friends go wild on literally any old game ever made.

I'm sure I could get one that cheap if I ordered it, but i'm talking about just running to the local Walmart and grabbing it.
don't you have homework/studying to do
You say that like its a bad thing.
Everyone has studying they could be doing. Instead of enriching my mind I'm here with my friends :^)
that an xps?

wish i had won one when i went somewhere with it being raffled away.

oh well, my thinkpad is still functioning at least.
by friends, do you mean anonymous members of this board, or are you posting on 4chan while physically with other people

either way it's kinda sad
>Buy a microprocessor board with no plan for it
Have you tried not being retarded
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>using an actual laptop to post through a raspberry pi


Openvpn turns the rpi into a vpn server, which connects to the internet via the public hotspot. You connect to the rpi via your openvpn client and use that to access the internet. Any DMCA notices will be sent to the host of the wifi.

Openvpn turns the rpi into a vpn server, which connects to the internet via the public hotspot. You connect to the rpi via your openvpn client and use that to access the internet. Any DMCA notices will be sent to the host of the wifi.
I usually get involved in some enjoyable projects to keep myself busy, so knowing how to code and having a microprocessor is super useful. So really you just aren't doing anything interesting, which is your fault, not the PI's.

I use my as a portable party game setup, instant emulation for all your classic retro games. Swap out a card and I can run some movies without having to use my laptop. Hell, I might even stick it inside an old GameGear when I get some extra shekles for parts.
maybe he's referencing the fact that that's 9th grader math youre doing there bud
maybe if you weren't such a pussy you could get friends in real life and you wouldn't need to cry about being told facts on a Chinese cartoon enthusiast board
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Yeah xps 13 (2015). I love it a ton. Had to replace the broadcom WiFi chip so wireless would work with Linux. It was $30 and the card is better anyways.
Thinkpads are always fine machines!

Wanna have a seat, my friend?
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Again, you say that like working on homework and getting an education, regardless of your current age is a bad thing.

We all have to get through high school at some point, you're just made because it took you a few tries.
better be careful, you might get grounded for taking one of your dad's beers
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hey everybody check out this cool kid
hes cool
>that's not very guh-neece

>this damage control
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Oh no you just made a recursion boy. Good job destroying 4chan
So what math are you taking in uni that makes calculus baby tier?

Don't worry I checked to make sure he's asleep
Don't feed the trolls
Install it in your car as a media player/emulator for the backseat.
You can price match with Amazon as long as it's fulfilled through amazon
Rasperry Pis are fatally flawed and entirely unusable because the boot loader is non-fre.
non-free even
Emulate some N64, negro.
Comfy as fuck, portable n64 player?
I think that's pretty good for the money

Or you can maybe turn it into a router or some shit if you're so inclined
Use as main PC
yes, it didn't work
but really, i thought this was gonna be powerful enough to be sold as a home computer. why is youtube so slow on any raspberry pi browser ? also are 2nd hhand raspberry pis a thing? ive seen 30€ 2nd hand PCs that are more powerful than my Pi, and surely much easier to configure
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>Back seat
Not one to dismiss the idea, what temps are these things happy to sit at?
Gets enough enough in the sun here with the top up to partially melt a GPS holder.
use the gpio god damn it
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Oops, forgot pic.
What WiFi adapter is that?
And how good is it? I'm assuming it can handle music/video streaming without stutter?
don't like this of my friend you fucking faggot.
*don't talk like this of my friend you fucking faggot.
I used my first RPI a little bit as a basic Linux box, installed synergy between it and my windows PC then just used it for torrents and IRC. The SD cards I used (even good quality ones) kept getting corrupt over time, wasn't sure if it's just a piece of shit or the RPI was fucked.

Anyway bought the RPI 2 model B when it came out, literally still brand new in the box on my desk. Dat meme tho.
Damn that's cute. Those screens are expensive though.
B-but how would that even work without port forwarding?
How are you going to connect to it when its behind NAT.
SSH tunnel or something?
Actually yeah, ssh tunnels could work much better than openvpn in this case, no?
More importantly how will it go unnoticed when plugged into a power source?
how do i look for games that run natively on raspberry pi ? i tried installing 0ad (age of empires clone i think) but it doesnt show up on my Raspbian Games menu !! also i tried playing some DOSBOX games but even simple stuff like comander keen or skyroads runs painfully slow. is emulation this shit always or do i need retropie to save more resources and have better emulation performance?
can i use a DVI to VGA adapter on my HDMI to DVI adapter for my Raspberry Pi ?
Buying a computer intended for embedded systems and education. Knows jack shit about embedded stuff.
Typical /g/tard.
whats the cpu speed and ram specs?
>A 900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU
why is this faggot asking what to do with it that can do a lot of shit. turn it into a seedbox, VPN, webserver, Think of something you want to happen and make it happen you can get all kinds of sensors and controllers for it as well.
It's not meant meant to be a desktop replacement moron. I swear people like you are are probably the top reason the RPi has such a shit reputation. It's just a really low power (in performance and power draw) small computer you can easily program to communicate using the GPIO pins to whatever you need. Think of something and make it. Not just buy shit when you have no use for it.
>Think of something and make it.
this would be easier if i didnt buy the old raspberry with ARMv6.
What can I do with a Raspberry Pi B+ ? other than trying to emulate 1992 DOS games at like 20% speed
there is any remote-desktop that workwell with this thing?
make it do something for you. thats what they are for, that and learning how to make a computer actually do something.
play videogames!
use it as a webserver!
im actually learning html and a bit of php i could put what i learn on a website there
thanks dude!
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I'm putting my Pi Zero in a GameBoy cartridge, I'll be pulling power from the GameBoy pins, can I do anything with input to the GameBoy?


You could use it to communicate with broads, I guess.
Does the RPi2 run LXC?
I want to set up 2 as a small HA cluster
I'm gonna try running a obfs4 tor bridge from mine, but I don't actually think it'll work since i'm unsure if there's any nat/firewall punching for incoming connections.
>wife's son
>Step son
If i want to buy one, what do i need? Do i have to buy a special charger or does usb work? I already have hdmi, network ecc
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I have mine setup for music steaming via airplay. Girlfriend can play music from her laptop and from her phone.

Happy wife happy life.
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Next big project, guest wifi for that replaces every image with dick pics.
I plugged in a webcam and installed motion. It now works as an IP cam in my kitchen watching my toaster so I can check if my bread is done toasting
IIRC the trick is to put it between the ceiling and the removable ceiling panels (those light ones they have everywhere nowafays). There should be a plug there
Just move your toaster to your battlestation, Tactical toast.
why dont you just have it email you when the toaster strudel is done fat ass.
Did the Rpi Zero have GPIO pins?
Yeah it's got 40 pins
What screen is that, and is it good?
Then try sending data through the pins. There should be schematics online for gameboy cartridges and how they work
Return it because you bought it for all the wrong reasons.
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Actually got one just now. Planning on using it to serve stuff that needs to be on 24/7. Also git server so I don't use shithub
It's shit, better-off using literally any other dingle dongle.

Just look up "Raspberry Pi 3.5'' TFT" and any result will probably be the same product. It's really difficult to use because the buttons on the home screen are tiny and the the touch isn't very responsive. I'm going to install android on it soon so hopefully it'll be easier since the UI is designed for smaller displays.

I used a mouse and keyboard on it which actually worked great but then it loses it's portability.
Aw man, I was going to get that as well.

I guess I will try that other slightly more complicated one, see if that is any better.
There was one with the 2 sets of IO for the screen that use different methods, forgot which though. (one using the pins, other using SPI I think, fuck knows, my head is killing me today due to bug)
Damn, I wanted to post these exact same words.
You don't need a pi for that.
>Girlfriend can play music from her laptop and from her phone.
>Happy wife happy life.
make up your mind
You can find it for 7 bucks on AliExpress, dud
Yeah, SSH
reverse ssh.
Idk about McD, but what works quite well in offices is to use an old laptop power supply as housing and just plug it in somewhere. while I was still at the company they moved the whole office equipment once and pluged it back in, even my rPi. A year after I left it stopped responding... really interested how they found it
I'm currently using it as either smart TV module (with Kodi) or an external laptop speaker (with Pulseaudio, but it hangs after some time and I need to ssh to the RPi, play a sound file locally and abort it - then somehow PA on RPi magically remembers that it's supposed to play the sound from Firefox running on my laptop)
VPN server.
non of it's specs are /homeserver/ worthy, except the gigabit ethernet port.
I use it as VPN because fuck fortinet's torrenting rules
Are you unfamiliar with the concept of step-parents/children? If so you must live under a rock, or in some Islamic shithole.
Plug it in and show him what kind of things he could do with it. If nothing else it could give the two of you a chance to do something together.
Put a minecraft server on it. The kids love the minecrafts.
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British version of an Mazda MX-5 Miata?
I plan to do something like this
with a stepper motor and sending the signal to the camera from the raspi
not sure how old the kid is, but children tend to immitate what they see. If you don't show him what he can do with it he'll never touch it.

rPi might not be the best for this application, but I'd recommend buying something like lego-technic + some servos.
just programming is a little to abstract for kids. They need to see what happens when you change one variable.
robots are the shit for kids
some guy posted that they did this a while ago, hid a raspberry pi behind a panel in a coffee shop. Wonder if it's still in operation.

i'm buying four quadkör pine64 units to learn parallel processing and 64 bit arm assembly
Are these pine64 good?
Host Telegram bots
Arduino would be great too. Lots of cool stuff that can be done with one of those. Though it might not be as apparently fun as legos.

I've got a RPi that I'm planning to use for a lo-fi effects pedal for my bass. I don't really need many effects normally--distortion/overdrive/fuzz, and maybe an envelope filter--but effects are fun to fuck around with. The problem is that I don't want to spend a lot of money on a bunch of different ones that I don't really need. Even cheap ones can get expensive if you buy enough. So I'm thinking a re-programmable pedal built from a cheap RPi would be a better solution. It'll save space too. The money I save can go towards nicer gear that I actually do need.
I wonder why everyone keeps saying to do some network related stuff with it.

Isn't it too slow for that task since it shares a bus with the USB stuff?

If you were to build a NAS using external USB hard drives, wouldn't it be too slow?
I use mine as a plex server, cant handle transcoding but otherwise it works pretty good!
being this mad
This is actually kind of a neat project. Shame the guy couldn't find working drivers for the touchpad, which is weird since Linux clearly works on macbooks. Maybe the ARM kernel doesn't have support for it?
Reaction gif guru right here. Beautiful.
Your house is beautiful faggot
Oooh Is that a TI CAS?
Thanks familia

No. Just a regular ti cx. I should've bought the cas version. I had my chance when someone stole my calculator but I just reordered the regular version again.
Fun fact: you can run a gameboy color emulator on them
twitter bot
i don't understand you guyz. what the fuck will you do with a raspberry if you are not interested in embedded systems?

you are retard. tech retards are worse than shopping retards.

you buy what you need. i bought an arduino uno and i am using it for my embedded projects.

why did you buy a raspberry pi although you don't need it?
that's the point retard. you should had a purpose when you bought it.
raspberry pi is a small computer with a low power consumption.
it is for poor people who can't afford a full computer or who wanna make embedded/low power projects.
I installed retropie on it and it is great.
How is Plex compared to Kodi?

Kodi was easier to install but I hear plex uses MPV now
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2,5" usb hdd cable tied to it, ethernet and power plugged in, I'm using it as a seedbox for a year now.
It took me 2 days to properly configure everything with literally zero linux knowledge.
I set up rtorrent with watch folder, rutorrent, init.d for rtorrent, samba, moved everything to hdd except boot partition so the sd card isn't used, all through ssh.
It was kind of stable, but at 500+ torrents some gave me timeouts and other errors, I guessed the raspberry cannot hold up, so as a last resort I compiled the latest libtorrent and rtorrent, that took me another fucking 2 days to figure out compiling and resolving the shitton of errors I got, but it's all working and stable since.
Thread replies: 153
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