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what's your favourite retro operating system, /g/?
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what's your favourite retro operating system, /g/?
NT4 is probably my favorite legacy OS that I've actually used desu, it feels very ahead of its time

I really want to try NeXTSTEP out some day though, seriously considering splurging on a NOS slab or cube
win 3.1, because it was my first os
This for me as well. I had a junky PC in my room back in the day that had 3.1 on it. I spent most of my time on the family computer (that had internet access) downloading stuff to put on floppy disks to bring back to my own computer in my room. The family computer had 95, and some shit wouldn't work on my computer in my bedroom, but I still accumulated a bunch of cool shit.

Doom 1 and 2, a bunch of old Apogee games, old versions of wordperfect, etc.

Was the best of times, was the worst of times

Win3.1 was nice
My first was Win 3.11, so probably that.
I had one of those colored all-in-one macs when I was a kid, whatever macOS version that came on it looked retro as fugg the last time I booted it.
I think it was 8 or 9
Palm OS, Symbian, Maemo
DOS was pretty comfy desu.
What I don't get is why we moved away from this.

UI frameworks are getting more and more complex by the second, yet they still provide the exact same fucking functionality. Sometimes I'm thinking we could really boost performance by going retro.
95 because my first OS and I
didn't have internet acess so I had to use floppies and share shit with friends
good times
System V release 4
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Windows ME
Dos desu senpai
Master race.
I adore windows 98 SE. I still miss it. It was felt imaginative and colourful in its aesthetics. I long for the haunted house screensaver
XP with 98 Theme I guess.
your mum
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palm os for me
DOS for the games
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AmigaOS 3 and GS/OS. UAE and KEGS are between the most used apps on my mac.
Oh and my desktop OS is still OSX 10.4 , could be considered ancient by someone.
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agreed it felt magic, like the start of something big.
I googled that screensaver and I've probably not seen it since ~2001, thanks for the nostalgia.
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It even had a sweet compiler for OPL on it
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Any version of classic Mac OS that featured the Platinum UI theme. Yes, it was unstable compared to modern operating systems but it was simple while feeling complete and polished. I still love modern Mac OS but pre-OS X versions had a certain sense of almost zenlike "just enough" that never got in your way and faded into the background when you worked or played.

It was also extremely easy on resources so if you had a mid-to-high-end mac, the OS only took up a tiny fraction of your available resources which was fucking awesome for intense software like virtual machines and games. With its modular setup through extensions you could pare it down even further - don't need AppleTalk or printer drivers or FAT filesystem support for what you're doing at the moment? Create a customized extension set, disable them, and reboot. Boom, the OS is only taking resources for things you actually need it for.

It had its problems but it has aspects that I wish applied to modern operating systems.
That looks so fucking nice.
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Here's the extension manager mentioned in the previous post. Just look at all of that exquisitely simple configurability and control… practically unheard of in modern operating systems.
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>had a certain sense of almost zenlike "just enough"
AmigaOS remains still unbeatable in resource efficiency. 0.5 MB ROM + about 2.5 MB on hdd with the same features like old MacOS (except virtual memory and QT3D) plus also some other (preemtpive multitasking, text interface, heavy customization features...)
Windows 7
Is there any modern easily accessible OS with similar usage and simplicity?
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Seems no :-( There is AmigaOS4 and MorphOS (Amiga OS derivative/clone) but they have only minor, hobbyist market and require dedicated hardware. However, there are plans for x86 MorphOS - hope they also improve its stability over PPC edition.
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there's always Haiku, which is a re-imagining of BeOS.
No, not really. You can make Linux or *BSD be whatever you want them to be, but not without a lot of tinkering, trial/error, and even programming.

There's nothing out there today that is simple and clean right out of the box and puts full customization powers in the hands of users, even if said users aren't technically-inclined. No, instead modern operating systems are geared towards a more "kitchen sink" sort of design where anything that might have the tiniest bit of usefulness even for two seconds is shipped enabled with no readily apparent non-technical way to disable it. As such anybody who hasn't built their OS from the ground up has shitloads of daemons and services running that they'll never need, sucking up CPU cycles and memory, generating space and I/O-eating log files, and acting as potential attack vectors. What a mess.
It'd be amazing if Haiku ever "took off" as well as even less popular Linux distros but unless something changes drastically I don't see that happening any time soon. Even if it does happen, by that time it will have been diluted with the same bloaty messy GTK+ and Qt-based applications we've come to know under Linux rather than more desirable Haiku-native applications.
See >>52599928. Linux is indeed customizable to an extreme extent, but not easily so. It's not as simple as running down a list of checkboxes, and once you've customized quickly recustomizing isn't straightforward or easy. There's no way to swap sets of active daemons and services.

I'd also argue that none of the currently available DEs are as clean as simple as some classic operating systems. One can build something reminiscent of classic OSes through selecting individual components (WM, taskbar, etc) but there WILL be holes in functionality unless you're capable of developing your own software.
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GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0
Its what my first computer ran.
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its predecessor on the Commodore 64 (GEOS) was a technical marvel.

all the usability of a 128K Macintosh, but on an 8-bit computer with 64K of RAM.
But better You have disc accelerator cart or REU :-) Yes, Ive used it too back then, on a real c64 with 1541-II... This is stll kinda "actively-developed" - coders replaced large parts of the OS with their improved procedures and distribute them as "new versions"
A/UX was fucking neat, real System V all the way but with the System 7 interface and almost 95-100% compatibility with Macintosh applications

Really want to put it on my Quadra 700

the shortcuts and unique software make me nostalgic even though I never used it when it was out
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Windows Longhorn
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Still looking for a floppy on that, i have a rack that is within its spec range to install bare metal
>he doesn't shitpost from w3.11

baka desu senpai
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>not using windows 3.2
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Solaris 9
CDE was top tier
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