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So germand is using Silent SMS to locate people without them
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So germand is using Silent SMS to locate people without them knowing.

Is there a way to hide from them?

I was thinking maybe equiping a raspberry pi with a simcard that then sends normal sms to my phone via the internet?!
what the fuck are you talking about
google silent sms, basically the person that wants to track you down sends a sms to your phone but you can't see it. this activates your phone and they can see where you are.
Why don't you just keep your fucking phone at home when you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing?
It's not about that, I just do not want them to make a profile about how I move around the city
Who is germand and why should I care?
Thanks for the advice though, if I ever plan on committing rape or murder, I'll leave my phone at home. It's sad I wouldn't be able to take photos then though, but I guess I just have to put up with That
They don't do that. Do you really think you're THAT important?

Boo fucking who. Turn off your fucking phone.
if your adversary is a three-letter agency there is no safe way to use a phone. simple as that.
Raspberry should work fine just don't have your go bag stashed in the same city as the sims relay Mr Bond
>They don't do that. Do you really think you're THAT important?

Yes they do do that. Everyone's privacy is important.

you are understanding it a bit wrong. "silent sms" are just transferred to your isp and maybe cell where you are, then it will be thrown away, as in never reach your phone. the cell/isp will just send back that you are in that cell of the mobile network. since cells are quite small these days the result will be a useful/accurate enough movementprofile.
so there is absolutly no way to detect or prevent it on your side. only just don't use mobile, or a sim where your surveiler don't know that you are using that special sim/number and also phone, since it coul already have been bugged over software in various ways.
Your mobile operator can send you baseband updates over the air.. That means they have full control over your hardware and there is nothing you can do about it.

They could, for example, rewrite it so that it stays connected to the network and silently answer calls, even when the main processor, the phone as you see it, is turned off. This was being done by various TLAs back when everyone were playing snake on their nokias, just imagine how they might have progressed from there.

Tl;dr: take battery out, or leave at home. There's no such thing as a secure mobile phone.
Faraday cage
So if I buy a new phone off contract and don't put a sim card that's not the case though right? Because it's not affiliated with any telco or such.
I know that the baseband processors are (probably) full on complete botnet, but as long as I'm not in a cell network, it shouldn't even do shit, right?
If you weren't on a network, how come you can still dial 911?

The up side of your scenario I guess would be that nobody would know it's your phone.
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