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K&R himegoto waifux2.png
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old thread: >>52509824

What are you working on, /g/?
A waifu
reading through the copy of K&R C I got for christmas. I'm fairly new to programming and looking to learn C before I become to attached to any of the higher-level/Object-Oriented languages I've used (Java, Python, Objective-C).

Is C truly the master race? Will I come to regret this?
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losing snake.gif
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Just the usual
>Made before the bump limit
Delete this degenerate shit, faggot.
Thank god for Curry and Howard, they're making my discrete math class so easy. For example, the value of implication was immediately intuitive to me:
0 => 0 = 1
0 => 1 = 1
1 => 0 = 0
1 => 1 = 1

a : 0 => 0
a = id

b : 0 => 1
b = absurd

c : 1 => 0
-- cannot prove c!

d : 1 => 1
d = id

>it's not the programmer's responsibility to write correct and fast programs

>he doesn't know about programming with proofs

static typing + no manually written testing needed > everything
Just wrote this:
    mov $0xe,%edx
mov $0x400095,%ecx
mov $0x1,%ebx
mov $0x4,%eax
int $0x80
mov $0x1,%eax
int $0x80
gs insb (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
insb (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
outsl %ds:(%rsi),(%dx)
sub $0x20,%al
ja 40010
jb 40010
and %ecx,%fs:(%rdx)

Am I a hacker now?
Even better, actually, I can prove the contradiction of c:
~c : (1 => 0) => 0
~c f = f tt
>no manually written testing needed
lel, you are a 10x programmer, right ? most of the errors (i would say 99%) that i had when programming with dynamic languages where logic errors and not type errors.
Animefags need to go to reddit.
There are more than just logic errors and "type errors", such as doing something that will cause a segfault. Expressive type systems can statically verify that a correctly-typed program will never segfault (of their own folly).
Also, logic errors that can lead to a segfault will be caught.
>such as doing something that will cause a segfault
Which is the result of a logic error or a type error.
This. The few times I had type errors was not reading the standard library careful enough. There's really no situation where normal coding is going to be bogged down by dynamic typing. You have to go out of your way to cast a type to another type without knowing, or to pass a type to a function that doesn't use it, so it's useful in self-contained tiny functions where you're using dynamic typing to shorten code.
Nice job not reading my post.
>int $0x80
>my little 20 line toy programs never had issues with dynamic typing xd
I did. It was bullshit. Whether or not this will be caught has nothing to do with the type system used.
What's it supposed to do anyway
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Funny that you say that. Before writing chip-8 in C, I've had no problems implementing virtual machines in python, small or large as they are
This is such a cute girl!

Today I realised the importance and superiority of state machines while working on my programming language implementation.
Plug it into as and see for yourself! It should be compatible with all versions of Linux running actual versions of GNU Binutils.
>how you want your type system senpai
>just fuck my performance up and force me to fully compile and run my program to find a bug that I can then hunt down with a debugger

It literally does. You can have a type system that's expressive enough that you can know that a program that compiles will never segfault, even in the presence of logic errors (which are purely an error on the programmer's part to make what they want to make).
>problem of static typing is not the syntax, it's the handcuffing of the programmer forcing him to think about types when its unneeded most of the time. also, it's shit for a dynamic language to be statically typed.
I don't get it, dynamic or not you will have to think about types.

>he doesn't know about programming with proofs
Is there any non-shitty* language that does this?

*aka not agda
Not yet, unfortunately, but I'm working on one.
And both of them can be avoided.
No. Dynamically typed languages don't create segfaults by type abuse. Those are caught when they happen as they are still strongly typed. The only way segfaults happen in those is when you call unsafe libraries. And even then your beautiful statically typed program has no chance of not segfaulting,
Hurry up with your rebuttal familio. I've got snake node shifting to implement
I only learned a bit of MIPS for a class.
How do I git gud with real assembly?
>40 line toy program
>half of it is an array
not laffin
Is there any way to combine ja and jb instructions into a single line? Right now I have
ja 40010
jb 40010

'jne 40010' breaks things, so I'm assuming I need an unsigned version of jne. Does such a thing exist?
>40 lines
pretending to be retarded I see
integer faculty(integer n)
return n + 1;

I don't see how static typing helped me prevent this logic error here. You might want to elaborate on that.
I didn't imply that. I'm just saying that a type system alone (without tests) can be enough to prevent segfaults and other nasty bugs.

>tfw just deleted 1500 lines of depreciated code from the repo

A-atleast I learned something r-right?
>without tests
Worthless in any professional real-world scenario.
We are talking about logic errors leading to segfaults.
I have my Windows up so I can take notes for class
Is it true that Python doesn't have TCO and has problems running two threads concurrently?
getting rid of code is sometimes more important than adding new one
implementation defined
That's probably why he had to remove them

You never know how much the whole code might be worth in the future
You will have to elaborate on that as well.
What kind of logic error that can't possibly happen in a statically typed system can lead to a segfault in a dynamically typed one?
oh boy, someone is confusing concurrency and parallelism again
>problems running two threads concurrently
Last time I checked, python's solution to multithreading issues was to run them one at a time.
I misspelled it on my git commit too.


Anway to change a commit message? I haven't pushed yet.
Not really, it's pretty clear what I mean.
Currently a student intern working on an angular.js app making dece money at a reputable place.

I want to get smart and make big bucks. What do I learn and git gud at? Data science? Machine learning? Security? Point me in the right direction, family.
Your argument against static typing is that you need tests anyways to prevent bugs, so why even have types in the first place.

My counterargument is that a type system can prevent bugs without the need for tests. Errors that purely reside in "business logic" are not errors to the computer, so it makes no sense for the computer to check them. However, they will not be able to lead to an error that the computer does care about, again because of the type system.
Any of you have some spare idea for a degree work?

some of seniors' work:
card game in java
-somebusiness analytics software
-walleyball support software with analytics
-menu ordering software in c#

desu these are rubbish
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GameBoy/GameGear virtual machine
Security is a pretty big field nowadays
>degree work
>card game in java
no that's not okay
>My counterargument is that a type system can prevent bugs without the need for tests.
>Errors that purely reside in "business logic" are not errors to the computer, so it makes no sense for the computer to check them.
Good job, you have convinced me: You are a fucking retard.
Write some freetard programs that people will actually use. There's plenty of libraries to contribute to.
I'm ashamed as well
Everything decent is already written though.
Where are my virtual waifus then?
trying to learn java to make some android apps, I hate java but I love the whole java ecosystem and tooling it provides.

It's really hard coming from a language as nice as c++
>the kernel is trying to pack the struct
I did a card game in my babies first intro to c# class as a final project. So yeah that is not acceptable for a senior project.
Cluster analysis and visualization.
How else are they going to encourage retards to get CS degrees?
Well, the things that don't require dozens of years of research, anyway.
Actually, I'm going to change my stance. A lot of business logic errors can be squashed using types -- for example, having a type for sorted lists that simply does not permit you to express an unsorted list. Then, a sorting algorithm would have to output a sorted list.

You wouldn't ever need to write a unit test to ensure that the algorithm outputs a sorted list.
such as?

there are plenty more, mainly business analytics/support softwares

maybe cardstone#2 idk
Do you Python?

There's a shitton to write.
Such as?
Why aren't you using GCC yet?
But I am
I am though
thats is my exact problem, I just dont wanna shit out some stupid ripoff

Take something like scipy.

The integrate package is shit. You could easily grab a paper from the 90s and write a better ODE/PDE simulation functions. It's easy and used by a lot of academics nowadays.

Actually I think there's still not even a basic PDE simulator. You could write that and do a PR, unless you somehow fuck up that's contributing to a major and relevant open source project. It will look better on your CV that your stupid GUIshit addons and card games anyway.
what is this, what does it do? i literally just started taking a programming class in college
>those C changes
are we in heaven lads?
>GCC 6 release April
Didn't 5 just come out last summer?
That seems pretty neat actually, if it doesn't slow down compilation a lot.
Why would that in particular slow down compilation?
Hopefully, soon enough braces won't be mandatory, we can scope with indents, as it should be

>that last link
absolute madman, slow down GCC
>soon enough braces won't be mandatory
They aren't:
if (test)

>we can scope with indents
But this is stupid.
I figured it would have to do extra work in tracking indentation rather than just ignoring it. Though maybe they already keep tabs or spaces on it.
>They aren't:
For scoping multiple lines they are

>But this is stupid.
I didn't say it should be mandatory, just that the alternative wouldn't be mandatory. That way, I don't have to throw braces everywhere unless I wanted to
>For scoping multiple lines they are
huh? no
multiple statements, you know what I mean
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le absolute aryan.jpg
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Look at the example they showed. Absolute madmen.
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>Taking some introductory programming class workshop thing teaching VB.NET to familiarize myself with how programming languages work
>Did about twenty exercises in LPTHW, felt confident in my abilities but too lazy to open the PDF again and finish the rest
>Assigned to write up a simple program, either an extremely basic roguelike game, Minesweeper or a scientific calculator in Visual Studio
>Decide to write a simple 8x8 Minesweeper game
>Given two months to complete it
>No idea what the fuck I am even doing
>Struggle and feel stressed as I overheard others in the class discuss how complete his or her project is

>Fail it completely
>Couldn't even write code for the basic shit like setting the variables or strings or outputting a system message
>Drop the workshop thing completely and stopped attempting to learn how to program for over two years

I want to try learning VB.NET. I enjoy coding. It's fun, but I get so demotivated when there are people obviously more enthusiastic than me..
>Dynamically typed languages don't create segfaults by type abuse.
ehh... C? Assembly?
Almost trolled me 6/10
org 100h    ;this is a .com executable

mov si,00h
mov cx,100h

hexdump: ;takes DS:SI as a pointer and
cld ;dumps up to CX bytes of memory to screen as hex
;does not change segment
hxs: ;uses si,cx,ax,bx,dx
xor ax,ax
mov dx,ax
shr ax,4
add ax,48
cmp ax,57
jna something
add ax,39
and dx,15
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
mov ax,dx
add ax,48
cmp ax,57
jna something2
add ax,39
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
loop hxs

Compare with:
org 100h    ;this is a .com executable    

mov si,00h
mov cx,100h

hexdump: ;takes DS:SI as a pointer and
cld ;dumps up to CX bytes of memory to screen as hex
lea bx,hxtab;does not change segment
hxs: ;uses si,cx,ax,bx,dx
xor ax,ax
mov dx,ax
shr ax,4
and dx,15
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
mov ax,dx
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
loop hxs

DB 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102

Which one should I prefer in a real application? The first one, just because it doesn't take up space in the data segment, right?
those aren't dynamically typed
>Dynamically typed
Unless you write for space-constrained chip choose the one that reads better.
You can pass everything around as pointers in C to code dynamically. Just like every otherwise statically typed languages. Dynamic typing is simply the absence of static type checking at compile time. Every language I know of gives you ways to bypass it.
I've finished my first bash script it's a password hasher, how'd I do? ( https://github.com/ZippyWeb/PassHasher)


#! I got the idea for this script off /g/, so far I've added Salting ROT and character limits

echo "Usage: Pick up to five words, you can use one if you want (your "salt sentance") and two numbers, this will be your passphrase your passphrase will stay the same but the passwords generated will change for each website.
#! you should edit the ROT alphabets and salt order for added security

read -p "Salt sentence: " salt1 salt2 salt3 salt4 salt5
read -p "Website: " password
read -p "Character Limit: " charlim

md5_PASS01=$(echo -n $salt1)$(echo -n $password | md5sum)
md5_PASS02=$(echo -n $salt2)$(echo -n $md5_PASS01 | md5sum)
md5_PASS03=$(echo -n $salt3)$(echo -n $md5_PASS02 | md5sum)
md5_PASS04=$(echo -n $salt4)$(echo -n $md5_PASS03 | md5sum)
md5_PASS05=$(echo -n $salt5)$(echo -n $md5_PASS04 | md5sum)
sha_PASS01=$(echo -n $md5_PASS05 | sha512sum | tr [a-z] [A-Z])
echo "$sha_PASS01" | fold -w $charlim

read -p "ROT value: " rotvalabc

rotted=$(echo $rot | tr "${abc:0:26}" "${abc:${rotvalabc}:26}")
echo ${rotted} | fold -w $charlim

read -p "ROT value for numbers: " rotvalnum
numrot=$(echo $rot | tr "${num:0:10}" "${num:${rotvalnum}:10}")
echo ${numrot} | fold -w $charlim

Why didn't you ask for help here? C-Can we help?
Is it possible to have a datatype that can store either a string or a struct like how a byte can store a character or an integer?
A union
>You can pass everything around as pointers in C to code dynamically.
No. You still have to cast them to their target type or you'll get compiler errors. Because C is statically typed.
Learn the fucking difference between static/dynamic and weak/strong types.
>Dynamic typing is simply the absence of static type checking at compile time.
No, that would be typeless. A dynamic type system needs to do type checking.
>You still have to cast them to their target type or you'll get compiler errors.
Yes, but casts happen at runtime not compile time. Casting happens implicitly in dynamic languages at runtime.

>Learn the fucking difference between static/dynamic and weak/strong types.
I do anon.
Thanks. The anon who asked 6 threads ago now has his answer.
A tagged union
>Yes, but casts happen at runtime not compile time.
No. there is no cast.
>Casting happens implicitly in dynamic languages at runtime.
No, there is no cast.
>No. You still have to cast them to their target type or you'll get compiler errors. Because C is statically typed.
No, you don't if you use void *
That still doesn't make the language dynamically typed. The type is void*
>No. there is no cast.
Yes there is. If you write
10 + obj

, obj will be cast to a number or a string (in many languages). If it is not either those it will fail at runtime with a type error. This depends on how loose or strong the type system is of course.

It's effectively the same as
10 + (Integer)obj

in Java. You will get a runtime error if the type cast fails.
It shows that you do not need casts, I am not debating if C is dynamic typing or not.

Learn what a cast is. Only the second is a cast.
I'm just starting C++.
What compiler is good?
Then dynamic languages are all static too, because the type of everything is Id/Any, like in Object-C or TypeScript.
You can't do any arithmetic or really much of anything with a void*. You can only pass it around, something will cast it when it needs to use it.
>Learn what a cast is. Only the second is a cast.
The first is a cast too, it's just done implicitly.
see last part of >>52515969
But I know those things. Please explain why you think I am wrong.
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There is no implicit casting (in C at least).

>something will cast it when it needs to use it
You do not need to cast void *
void *a = malloc (sizeof (int));
int *b = a; /* no casting! */

char *a = malloc (sizeof (int));
int *b = (int *)a; /* casting! */
might be a good time to take a hint
Void pointers do not a dynamic type make.
I am not a bait you little shit.
You need to cast in order to use them for anything though. Of course you don't need to cast them when you're just passing them around.
What are you talking about? Did you even read my example?
What's the hint? That some dynamic typing advocate thinks I'm wrong, but can't explain why? That's nothing new.
Then fuck off and learn how to use a search engine.
yes, try multiplying the two ints together using the untyped pointers. You need to cast them to int pointers.
a => b <=> ~a v ab
>the two ints
>two separate examples
wow anon-kun, you really are retarded.
I understand that, but it doesn't actually add any "meaning" to the value of implication.
personally I think that is the whole "meaning" of implication.
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Why is a cocktail sort preferable to a bubble sort?
I know they are different. But you're saying you never need to use casting. You don't always need to use casting, but to do anything with the data your pointer is pointing to besides passing it around and assigning it to variables, you need to cast it.
? I don't understand your post.
You don't make any sense.

>using the untyped pointers
Nice goalpost moving, how about this instead?
mul (void *a, void *b)
int *c = a, *d = b;
return *c * *d;

See? No casting.
W-why did you qoute everyone's post but mine?

Oh god, there are only 3 of us in /dpt/ isn't there?
It's an equivalent definition.
>only 3 of us in /dpt/ isn't there?
Apparently 40 different IPs have posted. I'd say that at any time there are only about 2 dozen very active posters (contribute more than 1 or 2 posts).

Lets spec it.

* Generate a width by height grid of tiles.
* Randomly populate it with a number of mines.
* User needs to be able to place a flag on a tile.
* User needs to be able to click on a tile.
* If a user clicks on a tile which has a mine then it's game over.
* If a user clicks on a blank tile then a paint fill occurs on the grid of tiles.
* The paint fill cascades on tiles which have no adjacent mines.
* The paint fill halts on tiles which have adjacent mines.
* Tiles that halt a paint fill have the number of adjacent mines displayed on them.
* The user wins when all tiles are either flagged or paint filled.

Have I missed anything?
>int *c = a, *d = b;
This is casting to int though.

But I get you, it's not really explicit like it would be in Java or some shit.
duh, so?
>* The user wins when all tiles are either flagged or paint filled.
I'd simplify it to "all non-mine fields were uncovered/filled". I'm pretty sure you are not *required* to actually flag mines, it's just a tool for helping the player.
Perhaps a timer?
No, see the example I posted above. This is NOT casting, it would be casting if you did
int *c = (int *)a;
It doesn't add any meaning, though, no more than expressing it with a truth table would.
>forgetting the main character - the smiley face
no sun => no light if you don't have other light sources
no sun => light since you can get light without a sun
sun =/> no light since there WILL be light if there's a sun
sun => light for the above reason
neither does anything else if you want to define meaning that way.
Find a flaw.
void swap(int *a, int *b)
register int tmp;
tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
No one cares about your shitty "register" bait.
Type conflict?
There is seriously no reason to use that ever
>Not inline
Maybe not meaning, but mathematical justification beyond the logic of examples like >>52516397.
Anyone got any (significant) project ideas? Just finished a side project and itching for another.
It allocates memory.
that's just a shitty wannabe logic sentence example.
By that do you mean non-trivial or useful?
I think we're splitting hairs here. I don't really care that much. Casting refers to changing how a bit pattern is interpreted by the language.
int *c = a

is basically telling the compiler that the value of a can be treated as an int pointer. Yes, it doesn't have the (int *)a thing, but it still changes the interpretation. Maybe that's not what casting tends to mean in the context of C. Whatever.
preferably both, but useful > non-trivial.
How significant is 'significant'?
I can think of some projects that would probably take 2 years or so.
pitch em!
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Do you ever think about the horrible painful death that awaits you, /dpt/?
cocktailsort.c:46:3: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wpedantic]
unsigned k; /* <-- */

why is ansi C so shit?
Wayland Compsitor

Why the fuck are you using ANSI C in 2016?
This post hints me that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. How do you want to prove a definition?
The last ANSI C supports that.

But honestly, it's shitty thing to do.

What are you talking about? The last update happened in 2012.
I am now. Thanks, anon.
every day anon. Nothing a breathing mask and a tank of industrial grade helium can't get me out of though.
I don't know, this all just started with me saying that it helped me to understand it in terms of the Curry-Howard principle.
You are now breathing manually.
>Wayland Compsitor


next idea please
>The last update happened in 2012
It was 2011, not 2012. That's why it's colloquially called C11. Also, that is an ISO standard, not an ANSI standard.
'ANSI C' typically refers to C89.
>only about 2 dozen very active posters
At least 5 of those are traps.
Dozen weeabs minimum set exclude traps.

There aren't enough normal people per faggots ITT.
It's a non trivial idea that would actually be useful. It involves low level graphics, input and operating system interfaces, as well as very high level things like GUIs and user-experience.
You're probably just a winbabby.
>It was 2011, not 2012
TC1 was published in 2012.

>Also, that is an ISO standard, not an ANSI standard.
It is an official ANSI standard.
i like it

saved for future cuteposting
no, i don't like fucking with open source projects. always too much politics and high barrier to entry, esp. wayland.
From just my personal life:
Improve installation of YouCompleteMe. It's pretty involved and the first couple of times, following the docs to a tee, I got errors installing it.
Improve installation of email servers. iRedMail didn't work, couldn't get it to work so I gave up. Installing and configuring dovecot and postfix manually is a fucking nightmare. Most of the online howtos don't work for me (Debian 8).
I would love the languages I write in to be faster. The LuaJIT is currently out of a main developer. Before he left Mike Pall described a 4-color incremental GC that would improve performance measurably and put it on par with Java's GC for performance. That would be cool.
If you are well versed in state-of-the-art cryptography there are a few projects out there for decentralized encrypted messaging/file transfer/VoIP/computation/etc. like BitMessage or Urbit, that need more hands on deck for development.
>open source
>high barrier to entry
countless open source projects are javascript libraries these days. you could literally edit shit on your phone and then make a pull request.
Isn't wayland just a protocol? How are you fucking with Open Source projects?
>You could literally edit shit on your phone and then make a pull request.
yeah, because you can't do that for literally any language.
Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;

What an absolutely disgusting way to have to generate a random number. Why can't the native function in JavaScript just be Math.random(1, 10)?
Where did the old namefigs go? Where is Marisa? Where is Fuuzetsu? Where is Jonson? Where is Nand? Where is the python troll?
>no, i don't like fucking with open source projects
So you're not a winfag, but don't like open source. You have a shitload of open source software on your computer, you better remove it.
>too much politics
It's literally your own project though. I never said anything about contributing to something else.
>high barrier to entry
They typically don't. It's just sometimes the code is complex as fuck and can take awhile to understand, but that has nothing to do with it being open source.
>esp. wayland
What the fuck do you know about Wayland?
sure you can but enjoy compiling and testing most languages on a phone.
Hopefully dead.
Namefags are fucking shit. I'm glad there aren't any of them here anymore.
Fore some reason, I hate namefags more than tripfags. Maybe it's just because namefags are typically retarded 12 year olds.
no one cares about tripfags. hopefully everyone ignored them enough that they moved on.
They went to IRC.

You'll see them spam it in this thread without their trip every now and then.
What about that delightful AWOO namefig that scrambles the amount of unicode flare on her name with every post so you can't filter her?
>you could literally edit shit on your phone and then make a pull request.
I'm not even sure how that's possible... I hate having to type more than two sentences on any phone screen.
What channel?
I remember back in the day it was /g/sicp and /g/lisp?
>can't filter
only if you're braindead.
function random(a, b) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*abs(b-a)) + 1 + a;
The name of the thread.
>absolutely disgusting
>why can't random in this one language be different than random in 90% of the languages?
how is babby formed?
>*abs(b-a)) + 1 + a;
What's that do, senpai?

Why not?
return Math.floor(Math.random() * b) + a
What does math.floor do?
For retards who do
random(1, -2)
I guess it really should be.
function random(a, b) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*abs(b-a)) + Math.min(a);

And this is me bullshitting. I don't know JS.
What is air?
What's a good haskell library to learn?
Ncurses's not working...
Math.min(a, b)*
None of them really...
Why would people need to use imaginary numbers?
why is the meme responder in the every thread?
>negative number
>imaginary number
nigger you just went full retard
I see.
>imaginary number
Why? Imaginary numbers are numbers that aren't real, right? Negative numbers aren't real.
void swap(int *a, int *b) {
*a ^= *b;
*b ^= *a;
*a ^= *b
any haskell fags lurkng?
how advanced r u?
When you are deeply involved in memery, like yourself, you will come across many others on the same path as you. To others we memers are invisible, seemingly retarded.
yeah when a company's earnings are -100k it sure is an imaginary number. fuck off, troll.
Holdupholdupholdup, what? Are you fucking serious?
>enjoy compiling and testing most languages on a phone.
same goes for JavaScript.
>when a company's earnings are -100k it sure is an imaginary number

Can they smell or feel their -100k? Yeah, didn't think so.
but memery makes u a meme
>The default mode has been changed to -std=gnu++14.
XOR swap is retarded, gets in the way of optimisations, and fails if a and b alias.
Just ask the question.
I'm about as advanced as your hormone treatment
doesn't work if a == b
you can run node.js on android no problem.
>using C++

>gets in the way of optimisations
Only if you use a retarded compiler.
I bet that's super fun to set up.
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;
"represents" "represents" "represents"
>Only if you use a retarded compiler.
It's much easier to optimise out a temporary variable than having to go through that shit.
Exactly kohai.
k tard
Enjoy your undefined behaviour in case of overflow.
Says the anon that thinks he can smell or feel debt as if it's a real thing.
>he can't smell debt 3 miles away
There is nothing wrong with a temp variable. Most compilers would just do 2 loads and 2 stores. Or on x86, xchg.
File: snake done.gif (60 KB, 907x552) Image search: [Google]
snake done.gif
60 KB, 907x552
Well guess I'm pretty much finished, except for a win screen that you won't see anyway cause you'd have to eat 2047 fruits to get there. Time to move onto bigger things, CHIP-8 assembly is far too simple
define('DB_HOST', '4chan.org');
define('DB_NAME', 'meme_database');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'hiroshima');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'tentacleporn');

$db = new PDO('mysql:host='.DB_HOST.';dbname='.DB_NAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);

$var = rand(1, 10);
$roll = (string)$var;

$sql = $db->prepare("SELECT id, title, views, source FROM webm WHERE id` = :id");
$sql->execute(array(':id' => $roll));
while($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
print $row["title"] . "\n";

Can you tell me what I've done wrong? I am a retard
On AVR as well.
LDI ZL, 16
XCH Z, r17

However that takes 4 cycles. But saves a register.
You used PHP.
The snake freezes for a sec when it eats the fruit, doesn't look very smooth.

What theories to learn for better understanding of Haskell?
What should I use?
>redundant variable


Web programming.
What do you mean?
Lambda calculus and graph reduction for sure.
Source code? Can you post it?
For the virtual machine, the snake game or the assembler?
I am copy pasting here. I don't know any programming languages. Just trying to get this shit to work ;_;
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