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Has /g/ ever trolled a windows scammer? https://www.youtube
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Has /g/ ever trolled a windows scammer?

Im prepared, if a scammer calls. Gonna play the dumb user, while he can have a look at Mint with a Windows theme in a VM
The way he talks when he reads his mails triggers me (I'm talking about the fatso)
Installed their shitty VNC software through wine. Let them control a Debian w/gnome VM.
Wire sharked the packets, looked up the IP, and it came up on an india ip blacklist, the address of the building was even listed.
I asked the guy how the weather was @ his office building
The guy just got angry over the phone at me, and tried to run some .exe, as soon as the error message came up he hung up the phone, and closed the remote session.
LMAO really good idea. I'm still thinking of what I could do
Only other thing I've done is let them in a windows VM that's full of viruses, and porn pop ups. And I yell at them in french when they try to close my porn.
Wow these scammers are terrible
Same anon here.
90% of them are 16-30 year olds who are too stupid to get a real job, but smart enough to reskin VNC clients.
They really don't know what they're doing, and prey on uneducated old people for money.
>bunch of made up bullshit
>didn't even save the video as proof
waste of time
Fuck does freaking thieves. I wanna do something terrible to them.

>tfw no scammer to watch porn with
>5 minutes

Sadly, the best you could do is waste their time enough that they don't end up preying on people who don't know better.
Unless of course they're within range of you being able to burn their office down
>"sir what color of underpants are you wearing"
>wearing underpants

Thank you for making my shitty day better. This was priceless.
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