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What is your favourite browser and why, /g/?
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What is your favourite browser and why, /g/?

Best browser IMO.
Firefox. It's starting to become shitty, but it's still more flexible than all the other modern browser.
Opera, low memory usage and it just works
Pretty much this.
GUIs are for retards
honestly theres no reason not to use internet explorer. why do you want your shit botnet crap with chrum or firefucks?
>muh open source
nobody gives a shit if you can see what theyre doing, you arent stopping them from monitoring your shit.
if 'homosexual' is its biggest flaw, sign me up. I don't even know how a browser can be that
qutebrowser because muh vim-like keybindings
>all these mainstream browsers

Too bad it's only for Android.
Chromium is what I'm using right now. I love how firefox at least tries to give you muh freedumz and muh privacy, but good god the browser runs slower than a fat bitch with diabetes.
>he needs a program to interpret HTML

I just telnet into port 80 like the rest of the men.

Pale Meem
Exactly what I was thinking
Opera, at least old Opera.
in fact I'm still on 12.16 right now but switching soon
Is this a ylyl becquse i lost at that picture
>implying homesex is bad
>on /g/
>the house of traps
And that's why I use Safari
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I want to use Safari, but it can't show webm's.

The fact that you have to apply a custom CSS to set a default zoom is also a bit unorthodox in 2016.
Maybe I'll like Edge once it gets a lot of plugins, including a modern adblock with element hiding & statistics, mouse gestures, and userscripts.

To be honest all browsers suck shit, but for some odd reason IE seems to suck the least. It just needs a healthy addon ecosystem.
Seamonkey, it's like what Firefox never should've stopped being. Low memory usage, high customization, shit that's bundled with it is actually useful, and it's not a retarded Chrome clone.
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>1:1 lookalike of SJWFox, doesn't have its "artistic liberties" when it comes to design and interface like that huge menu button of Pale Moon
>compatible with all my SJWFox addons out of the box unlike Pale Moon
>no pixelated font rendering (again, I'm looking at you Pale Moon)
This as well. I used to get upset about the changes they made, now I just kinda put up with them. I've been using it since before version 1.0 came out, it's so hard for me to adopt something else.
This. I am not a freetard or anything but Firefox has been my go to browser for 10 years. It still runs fine on my Pentium II laptop, can you say the same about Chrome, Edge, or Safari?
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SRWare Iron


version 43 hangs and crashes like there's no tomorrow with only 10+ tabs

meanwhile chrome can do 200+tabs and still use less memory and not hang and crash

And all browsers are run by SJW so it's pick your poison really
Crazy low RAM usage, never crashed and is compatible with most Firefox plugins I use
tfw i don't want to buy a trip-pass just to cli 4chan
All you fags should try palemoon, it's probably the best browser or out there, just try once and you might not want to leave
Opera, am I missing out on anything? Tried Firefox in the past, what a colossal piece of shit that is. Heard Chrome is good.
Does it have 60fps Youtube?

>he doesnt use naked browser for android

enjoy tolerating your barely tolerable user experience
Liri / Chromium
Sorry mate, but it's already there.
two questions

can I watch jewtube at 2x speed in it?
can I use firefox plugins with it?

actually third question, do you have some hard figures on memory usage? I got told midori was lightweight, and when I tried to use it the fucker was pushing 3gb
>can I watch jewtube at 2x speed in it?
>can I use firefox plugins with it?
Most of them
beyond trash
Approximately 30 tabs on palemoon are 475-500 MB of RAM
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Have you even tried Lightning?

Same no bullshit philosophy as naked, just looks a little nicer and smoother

Not naked small but <5mb small

Bredy good user experience m8, you might like it
Make sure to get fdroid version btw
>implying market share means anything
Seamonkey (FF without the BS) and Otter Browser (light, fast, and similar to Opera)
Opera is the least worst browser on the mobile. The choice is a little tougher on the PCs but I still use it for synchronization and chrome's extensions.

it just werks
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Edge when they get Ad block. Pale moon until then. Fuck people who say this is meme shit. These are legit the best browsers.
By the image's logic, the only one that doesn't put you at a significant disadvantage is Safari.

But really though, Firefox
Why does 0% market share put you in a disadvantage?
for me its already too fucked up

had to switch to Chrome
yeah but im using an Android phone anyways so im fucked automatically
Because then I won't be homosexual anymore.
This thread has made me seriously consider installing Pale Moon. I like how it has the menu button that Firefox killed off on their never ending quest to make their browser look more like Chrome too.
it's not worth it, since most extensions are buggy as all get out and the speed increase looks like a placebo

so i'd stick with firefox
What's different with waterfox then?
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Internet Explorer
Is that Windows ME?

interested in Vivaldi but...

ya know...
> honestly theres no reason not to use internet explorer. why do you want your shit botnet crap

lol... this guy does not know what his windows machine does.
pale moon barely hurdles on my pentium d 8030 @ 3.0ghz with 4gb ram at 500mhz range.

why is this? are there any browsers that are more single core friendly? i really like that computer.
Describes most windows users
I'm that guy and I'm sticking with 7 at the moment for this very reason. If I didn't play games I would be using Linux already.
top fucking kek
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