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>uninstall windows 10 >try to reinstall windows 7 >duckduckgo
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>uninstall windows 10
>try to reinstall windows 7
>duckduckgo search for windows 7 iso
>all links lead to Microsoft Digital River for official downloads
>all links are redirected to some bullshit Microsoft Office for corporations website

where the fuck is the iso hiding nowadays? i need the home premium OA and all [official] links are dead.
do you have a valid license/product key?
yes. i have an old laptop that used it and will use its key because the sticker is still on there. that laptop has since been wiped and replaced with ubuntu.
try your key here. it's bullshit but typical MS


turns out that they won't let me re-download it because my key is tied to the old laptop manufacturer.. and the old laptop manufacturer's support page says i can only install windows 7 using their bullshit CD, which i once glanced at 5 years ago.


Site with link's to untouched Win7 iso's - torrent's... all verifiable


Most likely wont be able to activate with the key on your laptop though because yea you need the original bullshit CD/DVD.

I recall there is a way to change a certain file on the iso's to make it look like a specific vendor/OEM but cant remember what that file was or the webpage describing it... if any one knows would be of great help.
Install gentoo.
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Pirate bay that shit nigga
Go to r/microsoftsoftwareswap and use the links on the right. Leads to some sketchy site hosted by some indian or something, but I can confirm the Windows 7 isos are legit.
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W10 worth installing from 7?
no, why would you even consider it?
Because I'm new here
Because it couldn't be as bad as 8
Because it's free
The new curry nigger in charge of Microsoft will stop at nothing to increase their stock value vis a vis Win10 install base, including ending the detente with pirates.

I suggest you buy Windows 8. It runs on the exact same code as 10 but doesn't spy on you nearly as much.
Get untouched wins7 torrent + KMSpico 2.2.2
it's actually pretty fucking good, a lot of fags have shills for no reason i.e. never tried it.

you can look up the benefits but if you do choose to install it i recommend removing telemetry and such via. software like Destroy Windows 10 Spying DMS
>reinstalling windows 7
Gr8 b8 m8
Just today I was using one of many Windows 10 "features", comp froze and had to restore to a previous save just to get the os to start again. Not only that, but a windows security update completely breaks a game i'm playing, and somehow ends up reinstalling itself everyday.
What's wrong with Digital river?
>Because it's free
Free* as in Freedom**™®©

All you need.
Get any Windows 7. Iso, put it on a flash drive and use the sources. Cfg(ini?) hack to let you choose windows edition when you boot from it. Adding "MSDN" when looking for the. Iso should give you results.
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