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> tfw managed to install pirated Windows 8.1 on a 32GB partition
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> tfw managed to install pirated Windows 8.1 on a 32GB partition
> tfw still more than 18GB free
> tfw this was only possible after 20 minutes of bloat/botnet removal

As a Mac user, I gotta say, Windows is pretty based when debloated.
>As a Mac user, Windows 8 / 10 is made for you. Please go back to /lgbt/.
>tfw I my customized iso has tweaks, updates and shit removed before install even completes.
What kinda stuff did you remove?
could have installed Debian or Mint or whatever comfy distro there is in 15 minutes. You wouldn't need more than maybe 2 GB.
I will post the guide I used, pretty great stuff, right after I installed I only had like 200MB free m8. Just hond on a minute..

>windows install takes up an ENTIRE 32 gb drive

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>tfw the most bloated Linux distros hardly take a full 5GB
>Windows users moving to Linux
>Mac users moving to Windows

I guess Applel users are lesser evolved monkeys who did not learn from the mistakes of Windows users.
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+ remove all apps that comes with it.

windows 8.1 is best windows, w10 fucked up.
These guides are written by idiots who don't know what they are doing. Some of the services they disable can fuck with your OS in the long run and do not make any difference in performance or ram usage.

The only thing you need to disable on Windows 8 is superfetch which rapes SSD's.
Do not do this, it's full of bullshit made by a retard, it will fuck up your OS after a while.
3/3 ***

this is what actually gave a lot of free space:

(Citation required)
Someone who has used Windows for 15 years on his machines. These guides are placebo and do more harm than good. Windows by default has only the important services enabled.

The bloat comes from 3rd party software, shitty torrents, adware and bitcoin miners that morons unknowingly install because they don't have a working firewall and strong AV client.
>strong AV client
Placebo, almost as bad as malware itself. Just use your head, or online virus scanners like virustotal or metascan before you execute anything. uBlock Origin as well.
That is what I thought till I got infected with a self-replicating work form an infected USB that hide all my files and created an endless loop of shortcuts. That was with MSE enabled.

I plug that same USB on another system running Avast and USB Disk security and they cleared the infection before it was mounted. It makes a huge difference on Windows.

To go one step further, I am dual booting Ubuntu to quarantine infected files and data first before I send it to my Windows partition.

>using a pedo OS
>These guides are placebo
>not disabling parental controls
>not disabling skydrive and onedrive
>not tidying up context menus to remove briefcases, email, and sharing bloat
That is tweaking which every user does to customize their desktop. These guides are tinkering with the core system and services. You know exactly what I am talking about.
>I got infected with a self-replicating work form an infected USB that hide all my files and created an endless loop of shortcuts.
>self-replicating work form

its a typical one that is rampant in universities. fucking facebook faggots with their infected systems keep plugging dirty flash drives in my port to share files. I need protection.
how fast did it fill up your hard drive?
Too bad linux cant be used for anything non autism reletqd and a meme os for weeb neckbeards while based Windows is pretty much the most important os
That's just normal, if you don't include pagefile and hiberfil.sys any Windows version uses less than 10GB.

Also, Windows 7 uses slightly less disk space than 8 (and 10 uses the most).
It filled up space quite rapidly. It fucked up everything from system files to all mounted drives. It keeps creating shortcuts and changes the attributes of files and folders and hidden system files. You can see them by showing hidden files in the menu.

Even when I delete and change the attributes of the files, the worm would undo my changes and hide them again. The most annoying infection ever. I had to erase everything and lost all my data because didn't want to risk carrying forward infected files.
your pic lack lots of tweaks
post some cool tweaks anon.
That's nasty. Makes me glad I never had to share anything on my PC. An AV is definitely needed in your case.

Activate master panel
Move recycle bin to taskbar
Turn off paging file if over 16GB of RAM
Turn off hiber file if using SSD
Install a grid because windows snap isn't good enough
>activate master panel
>install a grid
how Anon?
I'm going to try installing Windows 8.1 on a 16GB USB drive. Wish me luck, /g/oys.
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