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Thread replies: 115
Thread images: 46
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Happy new year edition.
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>Windows 7 Ready!
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be quiet! shill reporting in
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binary star.jpg
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Thats fractal design ?
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Not op but it looks like a fractal design s.
Iam this guy:
And his case looks the same just smaller.
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The full body GTX 2xx backplate and cooler was nvidia's best looking design
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I Agree and the GTX280's in sli still do a good job at 1080p
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i'm board of this case.
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Had this build for two years, have yet to bother cleaning it.

>Gigabyte 990FX
>8gb ram
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guts2016 (2).jpg
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Fractal Design Define R5, little bit more quiet
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My guts, did this hungover a couple weeks before christmas, runs great.
I want to paint over some of the plastic port covers on my motherboard to match the color scheme of my build, but how do I even do that?
Airbrush and spraying is too risky and a paintbrush will leave visible brush marks (believe me, I tried sandpapering them down, but that just ruins the patina). And what sort of paint do I even use?
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>Ditching an ugly ass zalman case for this

Feels good man
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some rear view
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1 copy.jpg
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I hate the Haf912. Shitty case.
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Blue motherboard, copper heatsink, green fans.
what case is that?
Yeah, i know right. Previous case had no window, so i couldn't give a shit and bought bang for you buck Coolink case fans.

As for the Zalman cooler... well it's just plain fucking beautiful, and i got it for free where i work.
Cooltek Jonsbo W2
Not that Anon, but hey at least it's different, not like the million and one black and red gaymen rigs out there.

I'm not saying it's pretty, but it stands out amongst the others, and that's pretty neat.
Actually I reconsider my words, I've re-opened the image about once a minute since I saw it to look again, and I've come to the conclusion that it looks great.
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Aww :3
I wanted it to look a bit different, and desu, i'm a total bitch for brushed aluminium

The fuck kind of filter is this? I meant To Be Honest.
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Fuck you, copper is love.
Paint the area around "saphhire" green and i think it would make it look better.The middle sheen ruins part of it
That case looks great but the cooling is so shit
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I think the brushed aluminium case kinda makes it as a look. Like it doesn't really work in the black case. But in the brushed ally, it all suddenly makes sense.
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>raid 0

It's hilarious to see technology memes of the past.

Glad I saved my money.
Hey nice case design
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>even one thread later they jelly of my 90s case and my BFG power supply and my figurine on graphics card swag

thanks familia I didn't want to be the OP forever
Worst part is he probably built that a year ago
But RAID 0 is still useful you fucking retard.
meme tier
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and this shit again.
when will I not be lazy enough to actually do the board swap?
wtf do you need all that ram for?
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and last but not least, because it's new year's.
It's not.Not since the 90's
That's lewd
>just fuck my shit up
>6000 series

How does it feel legitimately having no drivers?
Hey, it's pretty alright performance-wise. Those Coolinks fans are some of the best silent 120mm fans out there. The Zalman cooler keeps my 4.2Ghz 3570k under 70°C, and my OC'd 7970 never goes beyond 60°C, after reapplying some new thermal paste.

But yes, it does look a bit wonky.
Tell that to my RAIDed SSDs.
pointless wasted writes.
You have no benefit of using raid 0 in any environment unless you have shit old 3200rpm drives,specially a ssd.
Its all placebo.
You're stupid.
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Oh really? Then how am I exceeding the limits of the SATA III interface?
In your magical world,you're pushing 1GB/s,while the Sata III interface will push 6 GB/s
>spend a bajillion dollars raiding ssds
>could just get a m.2

i need all the retards to raise their hands now.
Top-tier single drives top out around 550 MB/s, and that's pretty much the ceiling of SATA III. You're misunderstanding the specification. It's rated for 6 Gb, not 6GB.

>spend 200 canuckbucks on 256 GB SSD
>spend another $200 on another the next year
>~500GB M.2 drives start around $450 and didn't come out until after the SATA drives were already bought

Yup, that sure would have been a good option to spend more money on a product that didn't exist yet.
M.2 is an interface, it doesn't automatically give m.2 devices blazing speeds. You're thinking of nvme devices.

So go ahead, raise your hand.
That's a benchmark, you dumb nigger. Most benchmarks do not accurately portray the performance you'll get in real world applications. I fell for the SSD RAID0 meme a year ago with two Samsung 850 PROs and my 15 minute uncompressed 1080p video re-encoding time went up by an average of 45 seconds. As it turns out, the onboard RAID software I was using was causing some amount of overhead to reduce the overall bandwidth going through both SATA ports, slowing down the array to less than a single 850 PRO's bandwidth.
>but muh striping
As it turns out, most RAID controllers can't (or won't) process more than the throughput of SATA III controllers without relying on some exotic firmware or modified drivers. Thus you're still limited to SATA III bandwidth even in RAID0.
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Nice eLoops.
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Getting a new mobo and was thinking about watercooling with nickel plated copper tubing.
I hope you don't mind me asking but what are all of the other pci cards.
Looks to be, from bottom to top
-Sound card
-RAID card
What's wrong with the board you have now
Nothing really, I just found a better looking board and a different PCI placement.
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Same old same old, and i doubt i'll be upgrading any of it this year.

Didnt have a new pic, but moved it all into a Corsair Air540.. Best choice of my life
That's good, right?
No, he is talking about the green and black with the razer shit.
>not having a rainbow coloured PC
anon's jealous
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doesn't have feels at all? I just got the thing a couple weeks ago for free.
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Happy late new year famss
16 year old that uses computer for games only....

the specific machine is clearly build for rendering or video processing... for such functions the more physical core the better/faster... also the specifc GPU is build for this purpose...
what's with the meme where everyone has the same black-inside-and-out case thing?
Not everyone can be black and red anon
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>He fell for the upside down meme
Anon what the fuck
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Just finished this build the other day, super happy with its performance so far.
Why did this rotate when I posted it?
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Happy New Years again /guts/
It looks a lot better now that you got rid of the grey fans. The gold on the motherboard looks awkward though.
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happy new years /guts/
Nice sag

yeah I fixed it now but I cant be arsed to take another picture
Oh shit how did you do it
You have to really try to make a computer that ugly? But are you willing to make it more ugly because i think you should

couple things

you'll notice there's a thumbscrew missing, I also propped it up with the pcie cables and used one of the most ingenious pieces of engineering, a chopstick
raid 0 is the only meme I see in his setup
otherwise it looks like a pretty nice box that will easily blow whatever entry level shitbox you run in everything but gaymes
Oh yeah the chopstick thing, you painted it black right?

nah, didnt paint it, it looks ghetto as fuck which is I didnt take a pic
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Thumb screws won't solve that problem sadly.

Mine suffers from gpu sag and it's to do with the cooler on that nigger

Also the hideous ram has been changed presently
>board swap
Drawing it out doesn't make it any better. Just get it over with, you'll be glad you did.

The sooner you start troubleshooting unexpected problems, the sooner they'll be worked out.
yep, and the RAID card was pulled out after this pic was taken because the board wouldn't boot with it installed.
Have you figured out why or do you think it has something to do with the motherboard?
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it's the motherboard. piece of shit nForce Pro 2200 series. AKA, CK804 aka nForce 4. make your own conclusions from there.
'Sup Australia?
don't die on me
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I don't NEED it, but I found a good deal so I bought a second kit. Plus 32GB is nice for VM's and occasional rendering.
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Haven't seen a mini-ITX yet. R8 me senpais.
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Looks ok
Yeah the case layout makes a clean picture of the guts next to impossible unless I remove the front mesh and fan.

Also not sure why speccy is reading out those mobo temps, it isn't running that hot.
>1080p 60hz
for what purpose
Can we just fucking call these threads "fractal design general"?
Lol i know ... but i was like do i get a 980 ti or a better monitor ... and u can see what i chose
File: Photo Dec 30, 4 28 19 PM.png (570 KB, 640x1136) Image search: [Google]
Photo Dec 30, 4 28 19 PM.png
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If you arent using fractal,
shove it up your asshole.

also, what do you guys think of the kraken g10? i have an h60 attached to my 980 ti and it keeps it under 45 c all the time.
Thread replies: 115
Thread images: 46

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