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Post your uptime
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Post your uptime
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tl;dr gtfo
restarted not too long ago
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This shit is still barely running

Maybe a restart is in order
People on this website are easier to trigger than fucking Tumblr.
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oh look, it's fucking nothing
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Don't have a reason to restart unless I fuck up config files
My max is 28 days.
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my tablet goes longer
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Running off a laptop, if that makes it any worse.
I'll post in or make one of these threads in a week, I'll keep my tablet on until then.
How do you people live with such boring looking prompts?
I'm pretty amazed it's this high actually... this is a shitty thinkpad laptop.
I should probably restart my server so I can get my NTFS volumes checked on a windows machine.
I'm pretty sure linux doesn't have a real chkdsk for ntfs volumes.

I don't know about you, but I dislike non-standard hacks and doing fiddly shit that slows down the prompt just so you can add overhead and execute cute python scripts every time bash returns the prompt.
I also don't care for non-POSIX compliant shells that have this sort of rice built in automatically
Why are you logged in as root?
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so i can be leet and feel like a hacker
But zsh IS POSIX compliant. All I'm doing is using Unicode characters in my prompt, which happen to render as sideways triangles and the home icon.
senpai senpaitachi
>non-standard hacks and doing fiddly shit that slows down the prompt just so you can add overhead and execute cute python scripts
You don't sound like you have any idea what you're talking about
sauce on that hot wallpaper?
>that monkey feel when you don't care about uptime
To get a similar looking fancy prompt with unicode arrows on bash, first you need to install a bunch of scripts and then add some lines to your .bash_rc to replace your PS1 with the color codes and text generated from a python script.
This adds overhead and adds noticeable lag to your prompt.
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Screenshot 2015-12-28 03.41.37.png
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had to restart yesterday
Of course you did.
If you're doing dynamic PS1 generation, sure. All I'm doing is sed substitution. Unless you're running it on a potato, any lag should be negligent.
01:43:45 up 2 days, 22:01, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.10, 0.29
whoa what is this?
Cathode looks cool, but there's absolutely no way I'd ever pay for it.
Ah okay, thanks.
What the fuck do you use your Pi for?
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sup fām
this seems like a massive security risk
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Work machine
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it's a plex server so i restart it every now and then.
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Those pesky Christmas time tornadoes took out my computer. I think my new year's resolution will be to invest in an UPS.

02:29:10 up 14:32,  2 users,  load average: 6.26, 6.18, 6.01

You're right,

This guy seems to like to be raped right in the ass
>Christmas tornadoes
sounds like your whole town is on santa's hit list
>dat memory

sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Distro and kernel?
>hurr dropping cache for no reason
Fuck off retard
 02:41:58 up 2 days, 15:36,  0 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.28, 0.26
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y so salty m8?
unused ram is wasted ram
cached ram is immediately freed when it is needed by other programs
I bet one day you'll buy a 200m2 house, so you can live in 3 years of your trash, because hurr durr taking out the trash wat r u a normie? :^)
09:48:54 up 5 days, 10:08, 6 users, load average: 0,66, 1,84, 2,60
I think the universe knows I have nothing to live for and wants me to suffer. I am never lucky enough to get hit.
>unused ram is wasted ram
I hate this meme, please tell me how you fill all the RAM? Or how use every core at max speed ?
Do you people not shut down everyday?
suspend is really convenient
Your dram modules will waste the same amount of electricity regardless of whether your ram is empty or completely full.
This is why operating systems try to take advantage of all your ram by precaching shit you might need in order to improve responsiveness.
Keeping your CPU at maximum load does the exact opposite.
It wastes more power and reduces the responsiveness of your machine.
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don't remember turning it off or rebooting it in the last 20 or so days but whatever, must have been doing some cable management or something

so you use all the RAM all the time with out CPU?,
check the workload with 0.5GB then with 8GB, Well CPU these days are efficient, so probalby not maxout, but still %.

I rater wait 5 more seconds starting a window than all the precaching software tougheter every boot.

I bet you're wasting RAM right now.
$ uptime                                                                                                           ~4:58 [83%]
10:29 up 14:40, 1 user, load averages: 1,56 1,61 1,61
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Restarted server for updates recently.
$ free -h
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1.9G 1.5G 371M 146M 12M 434M
-/+ buffers/cache: 1.1G 818M
Swap: 3.8G 629M 3.2G
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Kill yourself, seriously. Just fucking kill yourself.
You obviously don't know how computers work, dropping your caches for no fucking reason at all is bat shit fucking retarded and you should kill yourself immediately.
The page cache exists for a fucking reason.
Kill yourself.
Reminds me of retards using CCleaner or similar snake oil to delete "trash files" which then instantly get re-created because that's how caches work.
Did you even read it? it clearly says it's definitely not an RPI.
sheeeeit! you wheren't joking lol

I bet the user experience is faster with less RAM on that system, open a flash game and see what happens.

>Probably you only got a DE + chrome running,
>swap is too big
>your 'free' is outdated btw.

palemoon with ~8 tabs in i13:
 free -mh
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 2.4G 811M 735M 65M 953M 1.5G
Swap: 2.5G 24M 2.5G

PermitRootLogin no
clients love it,
>is way more fast senpai!!! thank you

registry cleanner works tho
One day, fourteen hours, twenty seven minutes.

I was recently plying with turning off daemons and seeing what would happen. In the end I needed to restart.
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>having to boot down during SAN replacement
>having to reboot after bortched dist upgrade
>having to reboot for rebuild

this kills the server admin
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>allowing direct access to root over ssh
sure hope you're just using that thing as a glorified shitty NAS like all of the other "home server" plebs on this board
File: uptime 28_12_2015.png (39 KB, 675x472) Image search: [Google]
uptime 28_12_2015.png
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My uptime is pitiful
>Post your uptime
up 1 hour, 36 minutes

I hate the sound of straining laptop fans, dispersing 57° idle CPU temps because the ancient thermal paste is probably burned to crispy dust by now.
Recently moved house :(
20:15:59 up 9 days, 18:13,  1 user,  load average: 0.03, 0.21, 0.24


>typing password for root.
even topper kek
really? not even restoring your foreskin?
4:24AM up 15:23, 12 users, load averages: 0.79, 0.90, 0.74

You press the report link m8
>directly logging into root at all ever
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Just passed the year mark :^)
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>Of course you did.

How sweet
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>lag should be negligent
>should be negligent
oh my nigger
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More than 2/3s of the way to a year.
13:10  up  1:09, 2 users, load averages: 2,84 4,33 4,35

>not wanting a freshly booted computer every morning
It's like you're retarded or something.
 13:12:53 up 84 days, 20:39,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
07:13:47 up 12 days, 22:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

file servers seem like a waste of electricity baka desu senpai
b-b-b-but you can do this with gnome screenshot too
wow, such an original idea

freetards BTFO
>4chan must be safe place for us neckbeards and poors!!!
it's free
Before having to reboot for an OS point release, I was running about a month.
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windows powershell is so intuitive
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My Win7 kodi laptop connected to my TV
that font rendering is disgusting
 06:48:51 up 91 days,  5:03,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
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conky says 10hrs,
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thanks anon
yet another thing to circlejerk about.

welcome to /g/ - Consumershit
Mine is 1231 days
That theme looks great, care to share?
It’s mildly interesting. Who are you to shit on other people’s fun?
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>Having a stable system
Pick one
I could set up a winblows 98 machine and do absolute fuck shit on it for 3 years waiting for it to crash due to this whole memory leak issue it had.

>muh stability

Unless it's a server it doesn't matter.
CentOS server:
>17:59:30 up 113 days, 1:31, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.06

FreeBSD VM on server:
>5:59PM up 8 days, 4:04, 1 user, load averages: 0.21, 0.25, 0.19
well I thought we were measuring our server uptime in this thread
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I probably win
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Post your RX/TX output from ifconfig.
I bet I win
$ ifconfig enp6s0f0 | grep bytes
RX packets 111100699 bytes 82156340091 (76.5 GiB)
TX packets 122393076 bytes 105082691950 (97.8 GiB)

>tfw only a 500th
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You're a moron if you don't shut down windows through the night.
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Sup, alex. How are you?
wow ur lyke sherlock holmes
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That's not my intention.
yo what's up, novice?
The only way to have a stable system is do nothing on it. If you are actually using it, at some point you will have to restart/shut down your computer due to shitty programs leaking memory all around.
that sounds like something a windows user would conclude.
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I don't really like that username, I need to go for something better.
How are you doing? Also, just contact me there
if you have an account.
guys why I have 5 users? is my pc being used in a botnet?????
How many user accounts do you have?
I thought that's what we were doing

Check it out
type who in the terminal
they're all me, Is it because I have multiple terminals open?
where are you for the battlestation threads and all the other garbage threads?

I mean I'm not trying to use the "everyone else is shitposting so why can't i?!?" defense, because i think separately there might be some merit to one of these threads once a year or so (I don't see uptime threads very often), but if you're going to take such a ridiculously hard line on topicality, there are such low-hanging fruit on /g/ that I find it boggling that I haven't seen you having tantrums on like half of the threads on the front page.
oh k thanks
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uptime
12:53:55 up 3 days, 1:28, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
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fucking spic
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tfw 50 seconds. just updated
mfw I'm not even spanish
I have a strong password unlike you, and i have fail2ban installed, so good luck bruteforcing.
PK security is placebo.
>Someone takes laptop
>Get key
>Server fucked
That would never happen with password auth.

>sure hope you're just using that thing as a glorified shitty NAS
That plus i run wakaba.dhcp.io
>Need to log in to server from someone elses machine or a uni computer
>PK: can't because don't have key, unless you're willing to transfer the key which is a huge security risk.
>Password auth: sure, as long as you remember the password.
FreeBSD 9.3
That particular box is one of several radius servers in a HA cluster
enjoy your DoS attacks

>not exclusively using ssh keys
literally harmful
File: windows-uptime-win-8.jpg (61 KB, 640x594) Image search: [Google]
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fail2ban blocks IP you fucking idiot, what DoS attack?
you're are all cucks
Is there a such thing as too much uptime with osx/linux or is that exclusive to Windows?
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└─[~]─> uptime
13:58:57 up 17 days, 23:57, 1 user, load average: 0.18, 0.07, 0.06
Yeah, UNIX time is only 32 bits. OpenBSD uses 64-bit time though.
get on my level faggot

~> uptime
19:03:58 up 20 days, 22:20, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
>literally triggered by a screenshot
back to tumblr faggot
File: Screenshot_2015-12-28-13-09-27.png (111 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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6:12  up 4 days, 10:48, 3 users, load averages: 1.80 1.68 1.77

06:12:33 up 1 day, 14:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.25, 0.24

web server:
14:11:08 up 82 days, 19:12,  1 user,  load average: 0.03, 0.04, 0.05

mail server:
05:57:07 up 380 days, 15:37,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
File: 2015-12-28-201418_578x840_scrot.png (198 KB, 578x840) Image search: [Google]
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everything's been restarted in the past month :(
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This is my work machine.
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so true
by posting your uptime
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servers got reset when i moved them to a new rack enclosure
>guys i want to get a girlfriend who loves me and have sex, not be a lame computer nerd
you could start by not fapping to drawings of boys dressing like girls
UNIX time is 64bit nowadays.
Stop posting shota for one.
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this is my teamspeak server running on a headless mac mini with debian wheezy installed
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it's not shota if they're wearing skirts
Other than servers and compiling/rendering machines, why should someone need to keep their pc up for days?
Why would anyone turn their PC off??!
It's not that they need to. It's just convenient to just let it sleep
and this is why you dont have a gf
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but most of them don't even know i fap to 2d traps
I pass much more time outside in the real world than in the basement
nah, i'm sure they know already, even if they're not familiar with your particular fetishes
I restart every morning.
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that can't be, the most they should know is that i fap to 2d loli
gtfo pedo
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kill yourself normalshit
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Also, here's the partial apcupsd report:
$ apcaccess
MODEL : Back-UPS CS 350
LINEV : 230.0 Volts
LOADPCT : 12.0 Percent
BCHARGE : 100.0 Percent
TIMELEFT : 58.4 Minutes
OUTPUTV : 230.0 Volts
SENSE : Medium
ITEMP : 29.2 C
ALARMDEL : 30 Seconds
BATTV : 13.5 Volts
LINEFREQ : 50.0 Hz
LASTXFER : High line voltage
not a disgusting degenerate =/= normie
nice UUOC
how is it useless you retarded ghoul?

# /proc/cpuinfo
bash: /proc/cpuinfo: Permission denied
File: Catteffera.png (38 KB, 651x599) Image search: [Google]
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not very stable, GUI crashes on logout
grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo

keep ghouling
>buhuuu stop using cat because I said so
go fuck yourself. I'll use cat when I want to.
nowhere did i say don`t use cat i only pointed out the UUOC. so what. the great thing about unix is it allows you freedom and flexibility to do things. even if the way you want to do something is completely unnecessary. don`t worry im sure one day you will learn to think about how to use the tools available, likely just as soon as you learn how to not spew out a heap of impudent rage-vomit over a meaningless light-hearted jab from someone on the internet. until then have fun with all the butt-rage.
I'm not buttmad, I just like to insult people. Shitlord.
I have it on my personal Github, but I'm not exactly excited to post a link to that here. It's more or less just a modified Agnoster theme from Oh-My-Zsh with a few more Unicode symbols thrown in. The basic look is the same, however.
You got insulted bro.
I can taste your tears from here.
Could you please disable your tripcode?
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This works only on my ip
15:47  up 4 days, 14:35, 2 users, load averages: 1.40 1.47 1.45

 15:49:13 up 18 days,  3:32,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05

Other server:
 15:48:41 up 110 days, 20:20, 10 users,  load average: 8.01, 8.00, 8.12

>not using ZSH

What are you waiting for?
>using zsh
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b-but really guys how do I do it?
File: 2015-12-28_23-24-36.png (40 KB, 713x750) Image search: [Google]
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This is clearly wrong. I turned it on less than 15 hours ago.
esxi running a freenas vm from a local datastore. two controllers are mapped into the freenas vm giving 30tb before raid. some of the storage from freenas is exported back to esxi via nfs as a datastore on which all other vms are stored. suprisingly it works quite well.
423 days on server
Thread replies: 217
Thread images: 87

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