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Thread replies: 38
Thread images: 17
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Las ordenadoras de la manzana
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Apple did nothing wrong.
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Fucking apple shills, when will they get off this board.

>You must be 18 years or older to post
Get this drivel out of here. Your parents probably had to suck a lot of dick to afford your bratty ass.

What is so hard to understand?
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absolutely mad
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retard badge.jpg
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Retard Beacon....sorry, I mean Apple Watch.
Apple computers are actually god tier for development. It's like linux if linux actually worked the way its developers claim that it does.

Problem is you're locked into their shitty overpriced hardware.
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>tfw I posted in the epic get bread
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Holy shit, this guy loves getting fucked in the ass.
Got an iPad from work....what now?
Rice it?
oh wait...
Sucks, Samsung is the best
>ITT: Poorfags and their 1240x768 plastic thinkpads with one and half hour battery.
Use it and get friends and whores.
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The worst of both worlds.
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It's not that bad
>got rMBP 13
>it's nice and comfy
>OS X is not that bad
I prefer android over ios, but I think I won't go back to windows now
This looks absolutely awful
Ipad pro is kinda cool, my dad has it, but I still prefer the SP4, iphone 6s was almost perfect, but I still prefer my samsung galaxy s6 edge, nexus 6p and even my blackberry priv above it.
just yesterday bought my first apple device, ipad mini 4 and boy how much this thing sucks. Touch screen is very fucking unresponsive when comparing to my almost 3 year old galaxy s4. And also pretty slow and laggy. I thought ios was completely lag free? My s4 is way more smooth. I would change to windows slate or android in a heartbeat.
Im running ios 9.0.2 because theres no jailbreak for 9.2 yet. Hope my apple experience gets even a little bit better when I'll update. Also the touch screen freezes from time to time for like 5-10 seconds, the first time I powered up and set up it froze and I had to reboot.
Thread replies: 38
Thread images: 17

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