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Smart phone thread
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Smart phone thread
Ranking of 2015 smart phones
1. Nexus 6p
2. Note 5
3. LG V10 (underrated)
4. Moto X pure
5. Galaxy s6

32. iphone
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Is that a real device? At least the render looks ugly as sin.
>1. Nexus 6p
what the fuck
Is that burned in?
Yes... I've seen this many times at stores on these demo units
ITT: Consumer general
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Just arrived
So? Are you gay or something?
>Iphone at bottom

Android shilling this hard
And the iNigger has been detected

Should i do it? Coming from a nexus 6
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Best phone of 2015 reporting in
Contract is up in March, what phone should I be hyped up for? I heard LG G5 rumored to be released around that time. I have a G2 right now and it's still tugging along.
I'm going to stick with android and going to pick between s5 and s6

But what is this neo and edge shit? Edge is newer than the s6, but costs less?

Just tell me bros should i spend the extra 100 to go from s5 to s6?
>has 800k+ apps
>no apps

Sure anon that meme is three years old, posting from a 4chan app from my 950
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Project ara when???
Never, it's rumored since almost 5 years still no other progress than a concept video
How much do you guys think I could sell an unlocked LG G3 with 2000 min, 2000 text, and 600gb of 4g lte on a prepaid service that expires in a year unless you buy more minutes.
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Just the last good smartphone from Samsung coming through
Note5 is fine if you personally dont use mSD cards or need the removable battery, don't fall under the false impression your needs are the exact same as everyone elses.
Noob to android here.

Looking into getting the s6. Does it take less to customization/rooting/rice as opposed to other phones?
Congratulations on getting your new pocket tablet!
Moto X Style or Nexus 6p?

Latest Mobile Device Guide download link.
>latest changes
recent additions
- Asus Zenfone 2 Laser
- Blackphone 2
- Blackberry Bold 9780
- Huawei MediaPad X2
- Jolla Smartphone
- Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Pro
- LG G4c
- LG G Vista 2
- Microsoft Lumia 550
- Samsung Galaxy View
- Sikur GraphitePhone
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
- Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime

Last updated 12.18.15

- Acer Predator 8
- Teclast X98 Plus
- Motorola Nexus 6 price ($249.99)

Did Locutus get scared away by shitposters? I haven't seen his threads in awhile.
> Nexus 6p

>Made in China
Ewww, chinkshit. You Westernfags adoring stuff made by gook Communists, it's hillarious.
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best phone that;

* has good hardware (wifi, radio, camera optional)
* quality software (responsive input, doesn't crash/need power cycles)
* +1 day battery life
* app support

Used to own a Palm Pre 2 util it started acting up (battery, audio and UI problems).

Currently got pic related.
Nexus 6p has the most buttugly design of the last years. That dark band on top of the phone where the camera is.. is just Chinese level of design, blended with Google's notorious lack of taste.

Just no.
the iphone 6s

just buy it you fucking goy
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Like wtf is that elevated dark band suddenly jumping out of the metal frame? Wtf is that? Who designed that? It looks like utter shite.

I'm not even kidding or fucking with you. It's simply awful. Hell, I could design a phone better than that. "Hey guyse, lets just write Nexus on the metal back and make one huge protruding dark band on top of the body, where the camera is."
Wouldn't recommend the s6 because of touchwiz, too intrusive for me and I know there was a RAM management issue idk if it's been fixed yet
>Did Locutus get scared away by shitposters
he got whiny and turned his thread into a smartphone discussion thread, and he starts being a whiny cunt if anyone starts asking for purchase advice.
Unfortunately, no support for T-Mobile VoLTE.
You get used to it. I'm not sure if this was Huawei's reasoning, but it allows the phone to be flat on tables without the edges needing to be flat so it's easy to hold and pick up. This could be serendipitous though, I doubt those cheap chink designers thought that deeply.

Is this still an issue?
why the fuck would you downgrade from a 6 to a 6P?
hahah nice meme
>Not even the XL.
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>no wireless charging
>no OIS
>worse screen to body ratio
>overheating as fuck SOC
>also inefficient as fuck
>using a worse than Note 4 panel in almost 2016
the multi tasking "issue" is still there, but it's only an issue if you're multitasking between 6+ apps regularly.

If you aren't, then it isn't an issue for you and you can ignore all the talk about it.

95% of people will never use 6+ apps at once.

For the 5% who do, they might get annoyed by apps reloading occasionally.
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950 is better than 950XL because

Both are shit though because
>windows (phone)
>no apps
>continuum only supports universal apps (which nobody uses because they suck)

>touchjizz phones at #2 AND #5
>no Nexus 5X (GOAT)

No goy Samsung pushed an update and magically fixed all the issues with touchwiz.

Just kidding, that will never happen.

>it's only an issue if you use the phone
>32 smartphones have been released in 2015

Absolutely this. Can't wait for it to arrive

Buy a Lumia 640 and join the wonders of the MS botnet
what does left-right in this graph mean
sorry not native
What's the point of 4gb of ram if I can't have ~10 apps preloaded?
>>it's only an issue if you use the phone

I have been using the Note5 daily since it launched. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have had it reloading apps on me.

At most I am using 4-5 apps at once, pandora or spotify, web browser, hangouts, and maybe snapchat or facebook messenger.

Not to mention, the handful of times I have had an app reload, it's fast as fuck because this phone is literally faster than all other android phones currently out.

Based Exynos 7420, Qualcomm couldnt compete at all this year.
I can have 6 apps open on my 930 with 2GB RAM
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Don't listen to >>51988628

I bought a 640 because I thought it would be okay, or even decent enough to use for a few months while waiting for a 950. Turns out WP is still super shitty and simply can't compete with Android, so I switched back to Android right away.

>no apps
>most of the apps in the app store are fake and possibly malware

5 rupees have been deposited into your Samsung Pay account.
apps semi-reload on my g4 all the time desu even if it's one of the like 4 im using at the time
Beast Camera+ Amazing battery life

Does it exist?
Does the 6p get 5 Hours of SOT minimum? I can't buy a phone that doesn't offer that.
Background processes.

Touchwizz is fairly heavy because it also has a fuck ton of features, all the spen features, the themes you can load, samsung pay, multi window mode, one handed mode, go down the list of things stock android doesnt do that touchwizz does, and that's why.

Sure it'd be nice if it could have 10+ apps open, but from a user perspective, what the fuck does it matter if I almost never run into the RAM "issue" during actual use?

Again I have had the phone for 4 months as my daily phone and it rarely if ever is reloading apps on me.
>Muuh godly camera so I can take 5k filtered pics for Instagram of my food
>5 rupees have been deposited into your Samsung Pay account

Good thing samsung pay is accepted everywhere apple pay and android pay aren't.

I can use that money anywhere, I appreciate your patronage.
I've got an M8 right now, are the 6P or Moto X way way bigger in the hand and pocket? I don't really see any good options this year with a 5" screen.
Fart apps made by Raj don't count.

Do you have:
Google Maps
Nah senpai, I don't upload food nor use any filters on my Instagram.

But it's for those moments when I don't want to carry my DSLR.
Yeah, aren't things like the dialer and camera always running? That seems useful.

I guess it doesn't really matter. I just got excited at the idea of having my most used apps (about 7) open at all times so I never have to deal with loading. But considering how fast the phone is, it balances out.

Since you have a Note 5 though, can you explain the weird battery situation from the end of the video?
>Turns out WP is still super shitty and simply can't compete with Android,
True. No one who has used a decent android or even Ios will consider WP. WP users are mainly first time smartphone users, who have never experienced having apps.
>>no apps
>>most of the apps in the app store are fake and possibly malware
Sure thing. I've shilled this phone to at least 4 people IRL. From noobs to people who can figure tech out none of them ever complained about it.

It was the phone I was going to buy when it was released, but I decided to get the 930.
>Since you have a Note 5 though, can you explain the weird battery situation from the end of the video

I am on AT&T and I can pretty readily get 4-5 hours SoT. More if I am watching my brightness and keeping it a bit low.

Android M update later this month or next will apparently make it even easier to get 6+ hours.
>Beast Camera
WHY!??!? Terrible thing to pick a smartphone from.

>Does the 6p get 5 Hours of SOT minimum
No, absolutely not. If you're hard users it wont get much out of it.

If you actually want good battery then maybe g4+extended battery?
18+ site. Do your parents know you're shitposting here?

3rd party, no issues.
There's a mail client installed on the phone
>Google Maps
Here Maps

Nice. Fuck me for signing up wit T-mobile.
No, it isn't. Unless you like android, that is. MS (former Nokia) has no competition on this category.
>18+ site.
It's great for getting nudes from random girls. You seem like the underage.
Hahaha so you're saying because some WPs have top tier cameras it's a good idea to choose a phone based on the camera. funny.
what's wrong with t-mobile?

>Rollover data
>music/video streaming doesn't count towards data
>nationwide LTE
>GSM Compatibility
>no contracts
>Wifi Calling
>top rated customer service

Hell, I'm not even getting paid for this shilling. I just love T-Mobile.
>Fuck me for signing up wit T-mobile
Yeah no experience with them personally so IDK about any of that shit.

Though I would expect the Android M update will likely help the Tmobile variants battery life as well.
I like it. The service is fine, I'm just upset that the Note 5 is poor on it.
The Note5 on tmobile gets worse battery life than all the other carrier variants.
It uses the same panel that's in the note 5
Different people, different needs.
I wanted a phone with a good camera. The iPhone 5s at the time was (it still is) expensive as fuck. I tried the Z4, didn't feel good. The 1520 was fuckenhueg. The 930 felt like the better choice.
>It uses the same panel that's in the note 5
No it doesn't

It uses a current gen AMOLED panel.

But it isn't the Note5 one, unless the engineers at Huawei simply have no idea how to calibrate displays, testing shows the Nexus 6P panel is not as good as the Note5 panel.

It might be panels that are lower quality that samsung sells to other manufacturers, but it for sure isn't the same panel in the Note5, that much is obvious.

I am responding to your post with the new 6p I just got today and it is great so far
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>flagship phone fall 2015 with this dim screen
When will the "6p is good" meme die? the best android phone tittle is between note 5 and v10

>everything a else is botnet cancer

>/thread me gatarons
>best android phone tittle is between note 5 and v10

I'd even go so far as to say both the V10 and Note5 are the best android phones, but for different reasons.

If you want a ton of media and a removable battery as well as solid hardware specs, the V10 is the best android phone out right now for you.

If you dont need to carry 100GB+ with you and you dont need removable battery, but you want the best camera, and best display, best SoC, best hardware in general you can get for android, then the Note5 is the best android phone for you.
Add in Droid Turbo 2 (for Verizon) or Moto X Force for unparalleled durability and BB Priv for the keyboard.
Lg g4 still has better screen-body ratio than the v10, same soc, and is getting quite cheap now.
Eh, but pretty much everything else the V10 does better.

The G4 certainly isn't bad, but I wouldnt call it phone of the year, though if it can be found for a good price, no reason not to pick one up.
V10 is good for that build though. Rubber + stainless steel. 2nd most durable phone after Moto X Force.
Neither the Note 5 or V10 are out in the UK for some retarded reason.

Thinking of getting the Xperia Z5. After years of being on android I wanted to give iOS a spin but I've become highly attached to using clover during work. iOS has no 4chan app right?
Note5 comes out in a few weeks in the UK

and no iOS doesn't have a 4chan app.

WebMs are especially difficult to play on iphone.
Still a terrible thing to pick a phone from. You'll be using the OS all the time you use the phone. same with the SoC. You'll have to deal with the battery life at the end of every day. You'll use the screen for hours each day. You might Shoot a few shots every day at most, sacrificing what you do 99% of the time for getting a few shots in possibly higher quality, still absolutely not bad quality is pretty stupid. You have a real camera (and rightfully so) for serious photography.
I suppose the only thing that really appeals to me about iOS is that the apps seem to be much better supported on there than android and there's a lot more fitness integration shit you can do.

Otherwise androids pretty solid if a bit laggy at times.

Really wish we had a time line for android pay in the UK
Can't afford the 6p ?
No, but I'm not plebeian enough to kneel for the consumerist machine.
I've Just picked up a G4 for £170, is this a good deal and how long will this phone last for?
Sure, the v10 does it a little better but I prefer the g4 design and size, and It's so much cheaper in some places, it's really worth it
G4 with a fingerprint sensor would've been my ideal phone
Yeah, that's a good price for it. I even 200-250 wouldnt be bad.
Note5 on Verizon. Phone is perfect with Nova Prime. EXPENSIVE and lack of root, but it does everything perfectly with perfect service.
>fingerprint sensor
No gimmicks, best thing about the g4
Yeh. I went for it because it was pretty much the only flagship smartphone with removable battery and SD card storage.
>Phone is perfect with Nova Prime
yeah, even without Nova launcher it isn't terrible, but Nova launcher makes it even better.
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>tfw you buy a used samsung galaxy s3 mini and it does everything you need a phone to do quickly, and it only costed you $50

keep on buying useless shit fagtrons
I think it's just quicker and I'd be quite a fan of paying for stuff with my phone instead of pulling my wallet out. Hopefully in 10 years time I won't need anything but my phone
Why doesn't brightness matter so much? You aren't going outside are you?
I'm saying brightness is very important.
nice meme
>higher is better
Higher is brighter you mean, brighter doesn't mean better unless you're competing against the sun.
Sorry, it seemed I stroked out there.
>brighter doesn't mean better
It does. It is objectively better.
Sure there's lots of other factors like saturation and contrast, but brighter is always better. You can always turn it down.
Just received a moto x pure edition which I purchased for $350 on Friday. Do I keep it or send it back and get the Nexus 6P at $450?
What is the best overall phone for $250?
>about 5 inch screen
>good battery
>good call quality
I was looking at a couple of Chinese phones but the websites you buy them from look sketchy as fuck.
one plus x

I just got it its amazing
I read its shit on TMobile though
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limited selection by
>5" screen or larger
>minimum 3000mAh battery
>$219-259 USD
>minimum 2GB RAM

Call quality is kinda hard to quantify. go for phones with a higher review rating.

see the /g/ Mobile Device Guide for full specs.
Do you even have a full time job?
The fuck does that matter?
The fuck does that matter?
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oh the ironing

So what's the better phone, /g/, LG G4 or Note 4?

Currently have the G4, wondering if I should 'sidegrade'.
Looks like Mi 4c is the winner
Wouldve loved the OnePlus X but the whole bands deal...

Now what sites does /g/ trust to buy Chinese phones?
Any G4 Dual sim owners here?
I hate dual sims but I don't want to spend extra for importing single sim.
Everything is made in China.
Very important factor to consider when shopping for Chinese phones. Make sure that they have compatible LTE bands to whatever your carrier of choice is.

The phone will almost always be able to have reception over 2G and 3G networks for calling. Not all sill match your carrier for LTE data.

Example: I have T-Mobile which uses bands 2, 4, and 12. I wouldn't be able to get any data on a phone with odd-numbered LTE bands, which is pretty much all the chinkphones.

Decent hardware, good price, great reception (in the eastern hemisphere).
So with all the appreciation for the Note 5 and V10, I take it the stock Android meme is kill.
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How long do you want to keep your phone?

If it's a year or less, Motorola/Lenovo should be ok. But if you plan on keeping it for more than a year, the Nexus is superior.

Why? Because there's no telling when Lenovorola will discontinue support for the Pure. No telling if they are going to start adding Lenovo spyware to the OTAs they send you. With Nexus you have peace of mind. Even when official support ends after two years you will still get security updates and a booming dev scene will mean you'll have ROMs for years to come.

>recommending phones that come with tons of OEM bloat

no thanks
What kind of case do I get for the nexus 6p? Or is it too big for a case?
Nexus 5X 16 GB, Galaxy S6 32 GB or G4 lads? They all cost the same here. Which one has the best camera?
for $200 budget am i better getting a nexus 5, moto g, or zenfone 2 laser?
They sell an official case on the Google Store, I have one for the 5X which has like a fabric back, it's pretty nice but a little bulky.

5X for great camera and amazing software.
S6 for amazing camera and shit software
G4 for good camera and shit-but-not-as-shitty-as-samsung software

Nexus 5 for excellent all rounder but poor battery life. Is two years old already so likely won't receive official Android N.
Moto G for battery life and Lenovo spyware. Motorola phone so expect support to be dropped within a month of you buying it.
Zenfone 2 Laser for bloatware and cleanmaster spyware apps built into the ROM to subsidize the price of the phone.
thanks. is there anything else in the price range im not considering that i should be?
>fall under the false impression your needs are the exact same as everyone elses.
Anyone who doesn't need a removable battery is okay with planned obsolescence and buying a new phone every year. I.e. autists. Now please kill yourself.
It uses lower-binned note 5 displays. It looks pretty much the same but is lower in power efficiency. It still performs marginally better than the note 4's display though.
you realize you can change the battery in a phone with a non-removable battery, right?

It just means you can't fast swap it in 30 seconds, it takes 10-20 minutes and some tools and maybe glue.

Sure it's a bit of a pain, but you're only going to be doing it once maybe twice during the lifetime of your phone. Or you can pay a repair shop ~$50 to do it for you.
Stock android is fine, it just requires a lot of 3rd party apps to bring the same functionality you would get in touchwizz or LG's UI.

The downside is touchwizz and LG's UI might have features you dont use at all, these are just bloat for you since you wont use it. However, the feature set of current touchwizz and LG's UI are fairly good and offer some truly useful features stock android simply doesnt give you. And since they are designed in house they can be optimized specifically for that device.

So if you want to take the time and effort to make your own personal android with your own hand selected apps to do every possible thing you need, or you can get touchwizz or LG's UI and just have some features you wont use, but a bunch of others you will built in to the OS.
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Is battery life on iPhones better than Android or is that just a ruse?
>However, the feature set of current touchwizz and LG's UI are fairly good and offer some truly useful features stock android simply doesnt give you. And since they are designed in house they can be optimized specifically for that device.
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got mine too senpai
it's pretty good.
Thanks, I am probably gonna order a case

IPhone is stoopid, it is inferior in every way
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Stock Android > * > iOS > LGUI > Touchjizz
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Just switched from iPhone to android,

Wut do
how do you hold this fucker without sending taps to the wrong shit? i can barely handle that with my current phone and its screen isn't melting around the fucking corner. i need a place to hold my phone without sending it a bunch of false input, thank you
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Lumia 532 or 2014 Moto E?
If phones were animals including mythical creatures what would your phone be?

>Lumia = Lamia, etc.

I think 6P would be a rhinoceros
idk man, it looks more of a sidegrade than a direct upgrade like how the note 4 is everything the note 3 was but better.
Tell me the pros and cons of the S6.
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go back to the iPhone

just went from an iPhone 5C, to Nexus 5X....back to iPhone 6S. Android itself was mostly fine, different but fine. Build quality issues with 5X is what made me send it back. Im really liking the 6S.
shitty fucking service
Did the coating get ruined there or something?

Like those cheap mice with anti-sweat coating that gets fucked up within 3months of heavy use and stuff?
O bought myself a Nexus 5X for Christmas to replace my aging Nexus 5 with a shattered front glass. Should be here Wednesday. The hype is real.
I had a S3 Mini before getting my Droid Turbo this year.

I fucking hate TouchWiz, it's literally complete AIDS. The only thing I appreciated about it was the fast toggles with one swipe. Lollipop on the Turbo removed that.
that is what the phone looked like after less than 2 weeks of use. Im sure its just finger oil, but I couldnt get it wipe off. My guess is they just cheaped out on the plastic. I cannot imagine what it would like 6 months or a year from now...so I sent it back.
>so I sent it back.
tfw i'm jelly how consumers get treated with this send back, money back policy most countries have. while I get fucked in the ass with a baseball bat full of nails and get "we're going to send it back to X company so you wait 3 months before we give it back to you."
I went from iPhone to nexus 6p and j am liking it so far
-its made my koreans
right on, I liked Android 6.0 just fine...just didnt like the 5X build quality. I honestly wish my 6S was running stock Android, that would be the best of both worlds. Im fine with the iPhone, it does what I need it to do. Also, iMessage fucking rocks, and I didnt appreciate it as much until I didnt have it.
I love the note 4's build, especially with the faux leather s-view. Hopefully the note 6 will return to the same design and the rumored s7+ will take the place of having a non-removeable glass back
All iphones have good standby time while 6+ and 6s+ has good SOT and standby time.
Anyone here have troubles ricing their Iphone 6S+? Mine should come in the mail in a couple hours and I really want to continue ricing.

How hard is it to get it jailbroken? Thats the same as rooting right?
I am scared to text people without imessage, not sure wha they will think of me
Should I pull the trigger on a one plus? I was looking for something good around $400.
18+ site
no social life /v/irgin detected
>comparing a $700 iphone to a $420 'android'
Why are iPhone so disgustingly expensive ? I'd really like to give one a try but 600 bucks for a phone with 16gb of storage is absolutely overkill.
Say thanks to Generation Z.
>needing an app to browse 4chan because your browser apps are dogshit
>But if you plan on keeping it for more than a year, the Nexus is superior.
>no expandable memory
>more bendable than spoons
>quick charging battery which will an hero quickly
>screen which burns in easily

kek that shit will NOT be around longer than a Moto X pure. All 6ps will be dead from hardware fuckery within a year. At least the Motorola is a real phone
I'm familiar with the term generation y. What does z mean ?
Born after '95
Or, like what I do with my Note 4, you can carry several charged batteries. I use them on train rides and swap between them in an instant. The note 5 is a downgrade from the note 4
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its a downgrade in a few areas that if you dont need, aren't a downgrade at all.

I have had phones with removable battery, sure it's useful, but it's far from needed in 2015. I have wireless charging and quick charging. It is maybe once in 3 months I will find myself actually worried my phone might die, and since the Note5 has Ultra power saving mode, I can easily get 3-5 hours of juice more once it gets down to 5%.

And the same to mSD cards, sure if you want to carry your 100GB+ music/movie collection around with you, the Note4 is gonna be more appealing.

I personally have a home server that has all my media stored on it, so as long as I am on wifi (which I am for 90% of the day at work). I can stream my music and movies just fine.

In actual CPU and GPU performance, the Note5 is clear upgrade.
In my heart of hearts, I just KNOW some nigger with fake nails jabbed the screen too hard and broke it.
Can't advise on the hardware but I have a Wileyfox and Cyanogen is great, much better than stock Android imo
Kinda disappointing that you can't encrypt the msd card on the wileyfox.
Niggers what do you think on HTC M8? What's your headphone experience with it? I'm about to get it cause audio output but idk, I'm an unsure noob.
Planing on wearing with Xiaomi Piston 3
Nexus 5 or 5x? 340 Shekels to 400 Shekels. Is that even an OK price?
Yes. A lot bigger than the M8. I went from the M8 to a Oneplus One and had to go back. Not one-handed typing and difficult is certain jeans pockets.
You should consider 5X
In the US a Nexus 5 goes for $200 new. The 5X is $300. If it's that much, might as well go 5X.
what the fuck. eurocucks getting cucked once again. might even be worth to try and import it then.
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Can someone help me get this motherfucker unlocked? Ive wasted 5 hours trying to find a way to bypass this verification.
Give it back Tyrone.
Is the Snapdragon 615 processor laggy? Or can it handle stuff like web browsing ad videos well enough (no games)
>Snapdragon 615
Sure it can.
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Pretty satisfied with my meizu m2 mini
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Had Lumua 720 4 months ago and was using some good 4chan app..
It was called 'Clover' or smth like that
550 or 640

[spoiler]please no bully. I'm poor, I don't really need apps and when I tried wp it felt better than Android. A-also I'd like to enjoy full windows 10 c-compatibility[/spoiler]
How can I change the default bullshit touchwiz notification drawer to the default Android one on my galaxy s6?
>inb4 botnet thread

Don't even tell me about it. My moto g died and I had to go back to my lumia 720 while I wait till next month when I'll be able to buy a new one and I'm just losing my fucking mind using this piece of hot garbage. This trash doesn't feel like a smartphone at all, it feels like you're using a fucking prototype or something. There are no apps for anything that isn't some super fucking vanilla shit and even then you're missing some major ones like youtube, steam, psn and etc. Also good luck having ANY local services app.
LOL at first I thought the pic looked decently aesthetic for a smartphone. Then I read >>51992585 and completely agree with anon.
How on earth is that phone gonna function with shit like that on the side. SMFH....
Just ordered a z5 compact, did I fuck up?
Decent except Sony bloat and low ppi.
Nice asus gayman laptop
I have the gl771jm, same grafiks card and i7. good laptops, haven't had any hardware issues
My TWRP has stopped working and just gives me an unable to locate partition error. Any idea what I've done wrong?
this, not very good cpu and way overpriced. still fine I suppose.
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I'm changing my old LG L7 for a Motorola Moto G (3rd gen)

Since there's no smartphonepurchase general, I will ask here.

What's a medium tier smartphone? I want it versatile but not super powerfull, around 100€, less if possible.

Am I asking too much?
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I'm thinking of buying a 1st Gen Moto E, or should I consider getting the Lumia 532 instead?
best phone for autistic people. correct.

0/10 at least post a reason other than shit memes
Best slim case for the 5X? Doesn't need to protect it much, just need to stop worrying about dropping it.
Got an iPhone 4s for free. It's white though so it makes me look extra faggotish but who cares it was for free. Better than my dying Samsung Galaxy S Duos
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that /g/ thinks about yotaphone 2 ?
100€ is low Tier garbage anon
>950 xl arrives

no regrets
love it
I agree
What is better than a nexus 6P /g/ and why?
I'm just not participating in smartphone generals anymore, they can mire in their purchasing filth
try not to cut yourself with all that edge
Nice meme!
even if it is a meme, just reread what you wrote, you're writing as if you're up on some pedestal and think you're better than us. You're acting pretty childish desu senpai.
You're projecting, not wanting to talk about something and not wanting it in a thread I started has nothing to do with being better than anyone else

You can be tired of something and not think you are better or above it, you just don't want anything to do with it

Further proof /g/ is filled with freaking children
what the fuck is it with people and google maps when here maps is better at literally everything? holy fucking shit I don't get you faggots.
yeah you have totally removed yourself from any emotional responses and made a well thought out choice and in no way think you're above anyone else.
>they can mire in their purchasing filth

Oh wait... you're just a butt hurt trip fag.
My butt is perfectly fine, thanks for asking
Since when is consumerism not fun?
It's almost as if what people want to talk about in their own threads is subjective
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looks a bit sore from where I am sitting.
It's better now though, I appreciate your concern :)
>in their own threads
your sense of entitlement is strong.

You dont own a thread because you started it, or because you're a trip faggot.
Right but when you are off topic posting, that's called shit posting
off topic is a bit of a stretch though, purchase advice is CLEARLY something that can be combined with smartphone discussion.

You just got butt hurt having to deal with the stupid questions and instead of ignoring them and focusing on the discussion you wanted, you threw a bitch fit and decided in your infinite wisdom to split the threads for no other fucking reason then you didn't want to deal with it.

Boo fucking hoo, cry me a river.
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I made one thread trying to focus on something else

Shitposters, like yourself, threw the biggest toddler fit ever, so I decided to make my own threads

More cry-babies came in and shit posted

Seems you're the one crying atm senpaifam

Come here, it'll be ok, I can comfort you
>make my own threads
there's that sense of entitlement again.
Isn't it more entitled to think you can post about whatever you want, off topic, in any thread you choose?

Are we really talking about fucking entitlement? Jesus grow a pair!
wow what a fucking faggot
what's that app senpai?
ios is ugly
Recommended android browser?

Chrome hasn't been bad so far in my few days of EXTREMELY LIGHT use.
I got a Moto X Pure recently and I like it, at first I thought it was too big but I've gotten used to it and the big screen makes playing games quite a bit more enjoyable.

5.7" is as big as it gets for me though, I'm worried that the next generation of smartphones will all be >6' and that's troubling, that's too big for me.
JSwarts Browser. A chromium browser optimized for snapdragon.
I'm about to get an OPX for 280€, should I go through with this or is there anything for up to 300€ that's overall better?
Firefox. You get addons, so no ads, more privacy and any other thing that you can achieve with them.
Or should I go for an LG G3 for 50 euros more?

Hi, I'm the other OP that helped him a bit back in the day and it's a shame that it turned out like this. I wouldn't mind bringing back /spg/ if you're all up or it.
Firefox. Your browser addons should carry over and work fine on mobile.
>a phone that bends
>best at anything

>LEL same. Got the G2 in 2014, still works flawlessly. Thinking of either waiting for the G5 or going with the V10. I just like phablets. Either way I'd wait for the G5.
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Is there a smartphone guide similar to what http://www.ktgee.net/post/49423737148/thinkpad-guide is to laptops?
Looking for a new (used) phone, but it's all mediocre overpriced shit.
Are you retarded?

I'm on my second one and on both of them the bottom speaker doesn't work when playing videos and shit. I don't reccomend it, or anything by htc for that matter. I'm getting a different phone come today for Christmas so it's all good
I'm not sure I understand the difference between TUI and GUI desu. It seems to me that all phones would be TUI
Literally too lazy to find the video on yt, but it's there. Dude bends the phone like it's made out of butter.

I bought mine and ended up sending it back for a refund. IMO if you're going to buy an android spend the extra few hundred dollars and get a nicer flagship desu senpei
I have seen it and it is fake. He just presses harder or he has already unscrewed it. Who is stupid enough to believe that
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pls help
For that price you should go for a elephone
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Finally upgrading from my LG G3 to a Nexus 6p
thats just looking how much u want to spend and if you are really about rooting and flashing roms. I would go for 6p also im getting it. Moto looks alternative, it is a very good device too. It is under nexus 6p talking about hardware-price ratio. Both good phones. Nexus good about software support.
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