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>average pretender audiophile
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Thread replies: 208
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>average pretender audiophile
One is better off dealing with badly reproduced music than hearing how bad producers are these days.
No he's an actual audiophile. Most of them act this autistic as well.
Oh this is terrible then. Any examples of other audiophiles?
Where is this from ? I'm quite curious about his reasons for overreacting like this.
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Whoever owns pic related.
god, ahahaha. That's pathetic.
That's a lot of money right there, isn't it ?
they coast loads of money, but they have almost no resale value.

So in theory, it's a lot of wasted money.
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Every fucking time I see this I get more confused. Does it sound bad or does it sound good?

I honestly can't tell if he's orgasming or being tortured.
You also haven't read a single thread with the webm, because EVERY TIME someone posts that he doesn't like them.

See the original video

>when you nut and she keeps sucking
Source ?
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>That's a lot of money right there, isn't it ?

Oh yeah. At least $100,000+

>but they have almost no resale value.

Old McIntosh stuff goes still goes for ridiculous money. My Uncle has some old 70s era standing speakers that someone saw in his garage and offered him a grand for.

All that for a fucking Phish album that was recorded and engineered by burned out hippy hacks.
back to reddit
>He paid for frequencies he can't hear
hey. stop with the audiophile bashing. i make good money selling them overpriced shit.
>Oh. My. Goodness! My senses feel assaulted … as would my wallet, if I had had to pay for these. With every smack of the snare and blare of a trumpet my eyes wince in pain. Fast transient edges are transformed into indiscriminate micro-bursts of tizz. Likewise, low notes are powerful, but have lost all definition as they are reduced to a bloated blur. The mid-range seems like it could be pretty good, but I hear it as so disconnected from all else that I could hardly keep track of what’s what in the confused aural picture. I’ve heard worse headphones before, but for $2749 these have got to be the worst price/performance headphones I’ve ever experienced.
It's from a review. Apparently the headphones were so bad that they were nothing short of an assault on his ears.
That was an enjoyable read
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I just want to know the name of the song.

Here is the video review by the way.

>I'm quite curious about his reasons for overreacting like this.

It was a joke.
the fuck is that gif from
Thank You
>All this money spent on the perfect sound
>Computer isn't fanless
>Mechanical external harddrive
these people
does he have 10,000 dollar unobtanium plated cables?
that's pretty cool. McIntosh always looks nice.
Shit, I figured that they were defective and sending painful electrical jolts to his ears
I honestly can't tell whether his reactions are good or bad.
It's like audiophiles only care about how big, flashy and expensive their magic boxes are, fidelity doesn't even matter to those subjectivists.
anyone with any engineering sense could easily tell you that every part you tack on to your audio signal muddies the signal ever so slightly more. And there's no magic box that can undo that.
Song name?
It's an exaggeration, or simply a joke. The Ultrasones are very expensive headphones which perform very very badly if you were to see their frequency response, and other tests.

This is basically his reaction to realizing what kind of a fucking waste of money these shitty headphones are.
his reviews seem fine, but I can't trust a man who wears shirts like that.
reminds me of horn loaded. i miss him
I could buy a nice car with that much money
Being able to measure with equipment != being able to tell the difference with your ears

Too much of this is just confirmation biases and other shit like that
>I spent a fortune on this audio equipment
>it *must* sound good!
Daily reminder there's no audible difference between tube and semiconductor amps except at the cut off ranges which you shouldn't be in anyway. It's just a placebo.
Why do you broke fags keep saying this.
You act like thats really what hes looking for.
is unobtainium easy to obtain?
So how are Audiosone headphones?


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music formats.png
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>average audio philistine who doesn't know pic related
>Implying your eyes can tell the difference
I always download FLAC but even I know that's bullshit
holly fuck
I never get this phenomenon. I never lose the image in any of these. Do I just not have a blind spot?
There's a spot in the retina where the blood vessels and nerves enter/exit, and it lacks receptors. The brain normally fills it in automatically, but sometimes this happens
Keep going, don't stop when the red line stops, just keep moving the mouse right. Do it slowly too because it's subtle. Expect it in your peripheral vision
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still wrong because high resolution images are better then low res
You're dying
File: flacmp3.png (3 MB, 1999x1071) Image search: [Google]
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fix - ftfy
>He uses lossless compression

Uncompressed WAVs sound so much better, fucking FLAC plebs. The uncompression adds so much trans-shift phase polarity distortion it's not even funny.
FLAC is for archiving not for playback
This. Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

I thought the volume was turned up too loud for a minute.
This must be bullshit, how coould a song lose 1 and zeroes? Next your telling me my jaypegs lose quality if I let them stay on my hard drive...
I don't understand. What is supposed to happen?

I don't get it either, maybe it's because I'm using a laptop?
One of my friends pretty much verbatim quoted this at me once. I laughed in his face.
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Jokes aside, I fixed it
Yeah, the pointer has to get to your periphery. If your screen isn't wide enough it won't work
>What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.
I can't go on reading this, my sides already stopped working
>Disgusting newfags can't spot pasta
But its real my friend, but not to that degree though.
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>cable lifters
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>mfw he's breathing heavy
nature documantry on some bugs that eject stink on foes
Hah! That's cool as shit
You have my dream job.
>even YTPers make fun of this guy
the headphone guy starts at 3:40, why don't youtube links start at the right time when you add that to the link anymore?
192 sounds like ass if the source material was 320 or flac.
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is he serious?
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Reminder that audiophiles prefer shit sound
Reminds me of a wine taster. Ever noticed how when people are reviewing placebo bullshit they make up tons of tiny pointless details?
who is this semen demon

To me, somewhere in the middle line the cursor disappear and then reappears. you have to keep looking at the black drawn sphere.
storage is cheap as fuck, stfu and download flac.
and then transcode for portable devices because theres no audible difference
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Q: What do you call a coat that plays music losslessly?

A: A FLAC jacket!
> Listening to shitty jazz recorded in the slave house of some plantation
Only if your portable device doesn't have expandable storage, like apple shit.
Expandable storage is pretty limited itself if you have a large collection. Plus apple shit tend to have the best onboard sound.
Shit man, It finally worked. That was spooky.
why do people not understand his jokes
neo-/g/ doesn't even recognize him
>Plus apple shit tend to have the best onboard sound.
>what is Xperia z3
>xperia z3

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Whoa there
post an article doing a comparison instead.
nobody bothers to measure crap like the z3
They'll never know. It's a shame, but it happens as time moves on.
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>rotational velocidensity
Every time.
I guess Sony doesn't care enough to pay for reviews
looks like they've invested too much in paying you to shill here instead.

they're too busy coming up with meme audiophile sd cards anyway to make a phone with good onboard.
How much is Tim Cook paying you? does he pay in cash or homosexual favors?
>being this upset
smfh does it bother you this much that sony don't bother to put decent audio in their smartphones?
>sony don't bother
oh so you're a nigger. Now it makes sense

>being this mad about someone talking shit about apple
wat? feel free to talk shit about apple as much as you want, you can't deny the measured performance on the onboard of the iphone (5 in that review)

feel free to prove me wrong about the xperia z3 though or the iphone 5's onboard being good
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Guys, stop fighting. I think we can we all agree lolis are the best?
lol kill yourself you casual
take your monster shota futa NTR diper gore shit to /d/
take your casualfag shit back to MAL, faggot.
dubs have spoken

Go to /b/ faggot.
Oh shit nigger what do you think you're doing
real measurements not subjective word of mouth or manufacturer specs you stupid fuck.
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would you /g/?

That pic is sad.
>I have the palate of a street rat, the ears of a 90 years old, and the sight of a bat
>therefore everything is placebo!11
Archive in lossless, listen to archive on desktop, listen to OPUS on mobile master race.
This is what two hits of Marijuana will do to you.
Stay in school, kids.
He posted it in the wrong thread and meant F22, F16, F2.8
>Bi/pansexual male to female queer butch trans* vegetarian nerdy kinky disabled slut
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>implying audiophiles don't know better than you
>thread filled with fedoras.

go be audiophile somewhere else, placebofags.
Go be deaf somewhere else thank you.



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>he's never injected marijuanas
Is he listening to Helen Keller's biography?
It's JC on the Set by James Carter. Here's the specific version he was listening to

Thank you, anon.
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>tfw injected cannabis oil directly into my eyeballs and woke up with down syndrome and AIDS
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why are there so many russian comments?
Why does he already look depressed before he even starts?
because those are extremely overprice and extremely awful headphones.
But he runs a headphone site, doesn't he deal with extremely overpriced and awful gear every day?
>implying jazz is bad music
Fuck off to /b/ kid and enjoy your shit electro noises.
Now try this, put it in full screen.

Maybe but that was an exceptionally bad headphone for the price.
I swear this is the song he listened to

"Audiophiles don't use equipment to listen to music, they use music to listen to their equipment."
All those expensive things for a record that was probably recorded in someone's barn.
>Not wanting to hear the subtleties of the breeze as it wafts under the barn doors.
Why do these shitters always spend $100,000 on a bunch of shiny equipment and then stick it in some weird, inconvenient cluttered shithole room in their house?

Is it so hard to find a fucking empty wall?
So did I.I think something is wrong with the test.
When you suck but she keep nuttin
good video, very educational
honestly you're better off not hearing it the way todays producers are mixing and mastering

As a musician I really like the fact that the same signal can sound vastly different through different speakers/phones. Its like a guitar player picking out the amp he likes the sound of best, instead of the one that reproduces the natural sound of the guitar the best.
That's the one room their wife would let them tear out all the walls and stuff everything full of sound treatments.
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Link to this video please? What the hell is he doing?
not to defend electro music, but jazz IS fucking shit.
its just annoying as piss.
>honestly you're better off not hearing it the way todays producers are mixing and mastering
Tell me more please.
That's completely different, though. You can't judge the quality of a performance if you use phones that don't output flat sounds, but the whole point of the guitarist choosing the amp IS to make his performance sound right.
If people want to hear the natural sound of the recording they should use the same monitors that the engineer mixed it on.
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Do you have a sound card /g/?
But why would I store an objectively worse version just to listen to?

I've already got the FLAC "for archiving" why not listen to it as well?
> my sides
people buy this crap?
i dont want to live on this planet anymore
>all that audio equipment
>poorly tagged music w/ no album art
start from the bottom buddy
What's worse, an audiophile, or a pedophile?

lol, that top bit looks like something I could design in a week. I should start selling this shit.
_Majority_ of /hpg/ is anti placebo. Then every once in a while, a person from Head Fi comes along and talks about amp synergy with shimmering highs, liquid mids and massive bass.
Why did this make me laugh.

Humans have this disjointed sense of need. Gotta put everything into its little boxes, have to categorize, have to rigidly define. Have to cram even the most arbitrary and subjective experiences into what language is capable of conveying.

"Shimmering highs."
"Deep lows".

Lol. Just why. These aren't subjective descriptors, they're combinations of words people are trying to make into a thing. It cannot be. And by golly by gosh, why I oughta just tell em to stop... But they'll never hear it my way. ;^)

Loudness wars.

Sound cards are good in some cases but I wish I opted for a DAC instead

I bought a Xonar DX and the sound was ruined by placing an ASUS GTX960 mini in the next slot, some kind of RFI or EMI interference raised the noise floor to the point to stupid levels, the fact there is no shielding on this card is a massive oversight

What does impres me is my 1992 Pioneer amplifier outclasses the Xonar in maintaining linearity and resisting environmental distortions, must be all that analog circuitry
or maybe Pioneer knows their shit when it comes to audio
Now this is a pasta I've not seen in a very long time. It's as delicious as it was in 2008.
Nope. My GPU and 2 x RS-232 port card fill up all the slots on my case.
I had the same issue
But DACs are extremely overpriced
So I built a new ITX system just to run the sound card
Gets fed from my main system's onboard via optical SPDIF
Now there's zero interference no matter how cheap the GPU's coils are
wow fucking faggots fuck this what is his profile post it here for the lulz i guarantee someone will fuck his shit up
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>not understanding music played by humans vs shit music made in a studio in a program.

Kill yourself, jazz is a sophisticated genre that actually incorporates many aspects of music into a song. And not just American influence, it has many non-western influence too, such as Latin and African music. While I I like western rock better, the musical aspect of jazz is really good to listen through headphone with. Especially when testing ambience/soundstage since the whole point of going into audiophile equipment is to reproduce a similar but not live performance.
Basically none of those points were tiny or pointless though
Audiophile equipment might be the best trickle down effect in modern history. Those idiots even pay it out of free will.
holy nigger my cursor disappears in one spot
I remember noticing this when I saw part of my finger disappear, and become filled in by the floor behind it.

I'd like to know the logic the brain uses to interpolate / extrapolate what to fill in for this area. I know it uses visual data from the other eye to fill it in normally, but there are still errors from time to time. Close one eye like this image says, and you get an even more erroneous result.
>people spend thousands of dollars on audio equipment that has equalisers and treble/bass controls

This one always baffles me... a 30 dollar tda 2024 chip amplifier literally sounds better than those shitty 1000 dollar "pure signal" amps
Philistine please.
I know you're not even trying, but somehow, that looks better.
>I have no idea what I'm talking about.
>the feeling when no matter how many of my favorite albums i collect in flac how good they sound is solely dependent on how much i've spent on equipment
I bet you like wubwub lmao
>AAC 128
I've been trying OPUS at 160Kbps and everything sounds fine.
I agree with you. I fell the same.

Apparently he doesn't like it.

Quote from the guy's written review of the headphones he wears in the video:
"Oh. My. Goodness! My senses feel assaulted … as would my wallet, if I had had to pay for these. With every smack of the snare and blare of a trumpet my eyes wince in pain. Fast transient edges are transformed into indiscriminate micro-bursts of tizz. Likewise, low notes are powerful, but have lost all definition as they are reduced to a bloated blur. The mid-range seems like it could be pretty good, but I hear it as so disconnected from all else that I could hardly keep track of what’s what in the confused aural picture. I’ve heard worse headphones before, but for $2749 these have got to be the worst price/performance headphones I’ve ever experienced."
>listening to music
>on a fucking phone
>thinking the headphones will make any difference whatsoever
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Because your eye anatomy a shit.
You vision has no impact on it. Anatomically speaking, everyone has a spot on the back of the eye that lacks receptors where the blood vessels and nerves enter. The image posted isn't very helpful because such things usually come with a set distance to view from. Try putting your face a foot away from the screen and do it again.
>i dont want to live on this planet anymore
Please stop quoting an episode of Futurama, especially one from a season so late in the franchise's existence that it was basically a cheap too-little too-late revival.
Yes, that's the point.
OPUS is masterrace.
Atleast pedophiles have good taste.
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Thread images: 31

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