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Is there any company that actually has a good warranty? Anyone
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Is there any company that actually has a good warranty? Anyone have any good/bad stories about trying to use their warranty?
here's the answer no one wants to hear:

it's apple. apple has the best warranty
I always hear that but never owned any sort of Apple stuff, is that true? In between stories of them ignoring things like phone bending and macbook screen tarnishing and GPU problems it hardly seems true

apple warranty story: a key broke off my mba. I walked to the apple store 15 minutes away. picked it up a few hours later.

apple out of warranty story: after 4 years of general abuse, the track pad stopped working. took it to the store. picked it up next morning, $40 CDN.
Not really
All the memes you here about apple shit is usually just a literal meme
screen bending happens with almost all phones, it's only when forced.
There was a period where they were rejecting bricked update phones in the south because of humidity setting off the water alarm.
When I hear these sob stories about how apple denied warranty service, I imagine some disaster of a person that constantly drops their phone in the toilet or sits on it or puts some horrifying industrial solvent on their screen or runs their laptop 24/7 on a wool blanket with the vents obstructed (PS they neglect to mention their warranty ran out 3 months ago)

You say "there was a period". So that means apple figured this out and changed their policy? Great!

And I don't doubt plenty of other hardware companies have done the same thing, only you had to pay for shipping and wait 3 weeks to be told that "the water alarm went off so fuck you"
How proactive is apple in repairing stuff? I mean would they wait until a problem becomes serious if it starts showing signs of being an issue?

Like the staingate issue where macbook screens had scratches and weird pits from the AR coating coming off. If you had a laptop that had hard to see sections, like you'd have to look for them, but they were certainly there would they be like "Nah just wait until it gets worse" or would they just replace it and save yourself the future trouble?
>Is there any company that actually has a good warranty?

Tamron (a lens maker).

5 years standard.
If it takes more than a couple of days to fix they send you a new or refurbished unit.
But if you do anything to your Apple product yourself the warranty is void.
start cracking open your other consumer electronics with a putty knife and see how long those warranties last
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>Want to replace battery on phone
>walk into apple store
>that'll be $120 plus tip

What a great warranty
Yeah it is a great warranty, because that battery replacement is free. It's $80 when the warranty is over. Is Samsung even going to look at an S6 a year from now?
Bump on this
They're proactive in the sense that they'll repair whatever can be diagnosed or replace what hasn't obviously been abused.

Something like "staingate" or failing boards on the large scale is more of a recall issue. From what I've seen, apple eventually gets around to fixing their big problems
Ok, I noticed my screen was getting these weird fine scratches and gray pits and believe me I am extremely autistic about keeping the thing pristine so I can't imagine anything managed to scratch it. I'm just curious if they'd just replace the display now or they'd tell me to wait until the problem got worse before doing anything

"Under the initiative's terms Apple will replace display assemblies on affected Retina display-toting MacBook models free of charge, reports MacRumors. The program, which will not be publicly announced, is effective for one year from Oct. 16, 2015, or within three years of original purchase, whichever offers longer coverage."

So call em up today and ask how bad is bad enough
Alright I'll give it a shot. It's a really small section but I don't want to let something clearly with a problem just get worse for no reason if I can avoid it
Asus warranty makes me want to kill myself
I had the weirdest experience with Asus warranty. Which isn't to say it's good, but anyway: I bought a Nexus 7 2012, which had an issue where the screen was inserted too tightly, causing it to bulge at an edge and eventually just crack spontaneously. Also, the headphone jack croaked. So I sent it in for repairs (and to the Czech Republic it went, all the way from the Netherlands) which sent me a letter to pony up for a new screen because why would a screen ever break on its own amirite. So I had them send it back unrepaired, but when it came back the screen was actually replaced. Of course, the fact that the device itself is a laggy, unusable piece of shit wasn't fixed, but that's beyond their capacity.
I thought the nexus 7 was the godliest of all tablets. Was /g/ lying to me?

don't buy a tablet if you can help it
Not that guy but
I have a two 32gb 2012 Nexus 7s

I bought them at gamestop for 100$ clearance when the 2013s came out.

It runs beautiful to this day with stock lollipop installed. The one I gave to my mom works perfectly fine too.

With that said, my friend also got 2.
He gave one to his mom, and it was a lemon from the factory with all these problems he had to keep sending it back.

His battery failed so it just sits not gonna get fixed.

So for me it seems like it was a crapshoot, but I like mine. Im not sure I would buy a new tablet if it broke though.
I use it to play pirated and hacked mobile games when im on the toilet

I ordered a MacBook Pro in 2010 with an nVidia GPU and while it was great, had this weird problem where if the screen tilted in a certain way it would shut off.

Brought it to the Apple Store, and they fixed it. A month later, it happened again.

Because it was a "repeat" issue, they decided to swap out my laptop. They upgraded me to the 2011 model for free.

The 2011 model switched to AMD graphics, and the base AMD model was not as powerful as the nVidia. I brought up a benchmark website showing that, and Apple upgraded me to the top of the line 2011 model, which I am still using and typing on right now.

Best customer service.
I have an EVGA 980 FTW that I bought like five months ago. Been having issues with random crashes (as in the card refuses to output video signal after a driver crash until I restart the machine - Windows is still running perfectly fine in the background, I just have no picture). I narrowed this down to an issue with having a displayport monitor connected - no crashes occurred over DVI.

Called up EVGA at 1:30am after I lost my patience due to a round of crashes, the rep was American (or did a great job pretending he was, at the very least he spoke and understood perfect English), acknowledged the issue, didn't force me to do a lot of basic troubleshooting over the phone with him that I had already tried, and figured out that there was a recall on that card.

EVGA is shipping me a brand new card, I can keep my old one until it gets here (2 day shipping on their part) and they're paying for the shipping back on the defective card.

After dealing with mostly Comcast for the past two months in terms of customer service I was amazed. Would recommend.
Zowie was awful

>Bought the FK off amazon, but it was fulfilled by a 3rd party seller
>Several months after I got it, it had the peeling coat issue that zowie acknowledged and said they would replace them
>contacted zowie, asked if I should go through the seller or through zowie
>they said the seller, but contact them again if there's any issues. so I did but the seller said fuck off it's not a problem
>contact zowie again
>no response

never buying zowie again
anyone had any experience with seagate warranty?

My G650 PSU broke after less than 3 months of normal use without any abuse, if I power up my PC and load up a game or something GPU intensive for a while it works fine without any issues.

The problem starts when I shutdown my PC, it refuses to turn on despite the motherboards green light being on.

The motherboard will not boot up unless I wait for a long time or unplug replug the PSU and power up several times until it turns on. The PSU switch makes a brief sparking noise while you are switching it off sometimes.

If you use the reset button after a successful boot the PC resets properly, it is only when you switch it off after leaving it on for a good while that it starts to act up. If i let it cool down for a while I can switch it on and off without any issues with the power button granted it don't leave it running for long.

Thought it was my motherboard at first and tried everything suggested in the manual from using the jumper to reset it when plugged off and loading with a single RAM stick to updating the bios and all drivers, but when I hooked up my older cheap ass coolermaster 700W it worked splendidly without a single hitch after several stress tests to attempt to replicate the problem.

Using a 980 and i7 4790 non k both at stock clocks, 650W should be plenty enough, G650 is not particularly cheap and a lot of people swear by it being a quality PSU, pretty damned unlucky.
I've had positive experiences with Blendtec.
The trick with Asus is to use DOA and make sure they tag it as such, even if it does actually work.
Well for $500 for a single blender you'd better
So who has the worst warranty support?
HP and Asus are awful.
heard great things about apple but I'm a poor fag
I dropped my iphone and scratched it, then days later I noticed there was a slight area of darkness in the top left corner of the display.
I went into the store and they gave me a brand new phone, didn't even have apple care or anything.
I have never in my life ever used a warranty. That doesn't mean I don't want to but I've heard to many horror stories about computers coming back even more damaged and the company throwing up their hands in the air going "Whoops your fault now".
What a lot of us "technically minded" types don't get when we try to rationalize why someone would buy an apple product over something cheaper with the same specs, is that they're often buying into the support network in addition to the hardware.

Regular people need their shit fixed by tomorrow in order to keep afloat in this modern life. How fucking catastrophic would it be to ship off your primary communication/productivity device, just to have the manufacturer come back after weeks of waiting and tell you to eat shit?
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