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Windows 10 opinions
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I just installed windows 10 and now I cant browse the deep web, cuz all these assholes are traching me every second. I dont do any illegal shit there but my anonymity is no longer anonymity. So share your opinions about windows 10 here :)
Shit bait thread
>implying Micro$oft gives a shit as long as you're not pedo scum
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performance is shit
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>obama you fucking nigger

>Be me
>Be running insider previews of Windows 10 since they first opened up for public testing
>Build 10130 comes around
>Start experiencing strange issue where my computer occasionally freezes for half a second, leaving no trace whatsoever of anything out of the ordinary happening, and only while idling
>I'll just report it as a bug, maybe it'll be fixed next build
>Fast forward to final release
>Issue still persists
>M-Maybe it'll be fixed in an update soon
>Fast forward about 2 months
>Lo and behold, issue still persists
>Okay I'll just go back to Windows 8.1, whatever
>Just as expected, issue is gone completely
>Fast forward to 1 week ago
>Get an SSD
>Maybe my issue was fixed in that big November update, I think I'll take this chance to try Windows 10 again
>Issue still there
>Nevermind, back to Windows 8.1

Windows 10 can go suck a fuck for all I care.
seriously this is true or this guys is just stupid ?
anyone with win.10 can confirm this ?
Yes it is true. For certain versions it will just force you to restart after a while.
damn they fucked up big time
Am new to Windows 10 'cause when I bought some parts they sent me a free copy.

How do I make it not a botnet, and is it really as bad as literally everyone ever says?
As you see, almost everyone using windows 10 has his own issues. Its not that bad and fucked up, but ya know ... its really hard to say that windows 10 is perfect.
>How do I make it not a botnet

windows 10? you don't

you start with non-botnet (or as much as it can be) windows 7 or 8/8.1 then only install non-telemetry updates

>and is it really as bad as literally everyone ever says?

if you don't care that microsoft are going to know what settings you change, potentially leak information about you while doing so, insecurely, without your permission consent or knowledge, then no, it's not the end of the world

nice meme arguments
>Those comments
Fucking people of average intellect
Yes, it's true. Windows 10 is that bad.
You can postpone it for a couple of days, but then it restarts no matter what.
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