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hey /G/uys anyone got any advice on a good budget oriented computer
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hey /G/uys anyone got any advice on a good budget oriented computer case thats atx mid or full. i am tryin to find a case that includes fans and cable management for around 100 and ive found quite a few but what are the best brands out there. ive heard a lot of good things avout antec but i want a red and black theme
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heres the other case i liked
Define S
Mastercase 5
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i love the nzxt phantom but is it good for cooling
although the enthoo pro looks awesome
subtle but sexy hows the cooling and organization
The Enthoo Pro is probably the best case around $100. Awesome cable management, super modular, good air cooling potential and awesome water cooling potential.
ill have to look into this one
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download (1).jpg
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in the mean time heres a beautiful case that i would love to be able to afford
>that case
Just get red LED fans for the front. You can get 2 120mm red LED from corsair for 20$
No case like the S340.
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