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tech irc culture sucks and is oppressive
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>join a tech related irc channel
>everyone calls you a retard and should yourself

Stop shitting up /g/ and kill yourself.
>get blown the fuck out for being a retard
>cry on an anime imageboard about it
Stop being such a fucking retard and lurk moar and rtfm. Jesus Christ. Slack jawed yokels like you have been shitting up IRC for decades.
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>he's a frogposter

We want names. Which community is shit?
the /g/technology channel on rizon is really shit
hang yourself
To be fair, they're right. You're a frogposter, so you are a retard and you should kill yourself.
>here on /r9k/
I don't know what irc channel you went to, but they were right.
kill yourself retard
Yeah, you really should yourself.
Kill yourself.

Honestly, what did you expect posting that here?
i checked out some freenode ircs related to the linux kernel since im reading it now. from what ive seen theyre not that great anyway.

Well theres your problem
>enter channel
>7000 people idling in the room
>wait ten minutes
>no one says a word
>leave channel
my irc experience

Theres people there if you talk and if you don't get an answer then lurk more
it's also possible you were redirected to the unregistered version of the channel
this x1000
try these channels:

I found the kernel to be a bit of a boring read.
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no delete for you
A lot of us stay logged on to 30 or so channels all the time. I know I do and I know others do to. I keep logs of the chats till they get over 1mb then zip em and keep those logs a bit longer before they get trashed. The point is that's a ton of chatting and info and I can go and grep through that shit. People talk on IRC, some channels are even busy.
Delete this faggot
Well played anon. How'd you know it was a keeper?
topkek ill have the jambalaya
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Diff anon. Uh-oh /r9k/ gettin anger pants.
Have you tried actually learning anything after being called a retard?
How would you learn anything when everyone thinks your a retard so won't help?
Dumb frog poster.

Try reading. If you're too stupid to learn on your own you probably don't have anything of value to contribute anyway.
Thread replies: 31
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