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It didn't even ask me if I wanted it or not.
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File: Snap 2015-11-27 at 20.48.46.png (33 KB, 937x665) Image search: [Google]
Snap 2015-11-27 at 20.48.46.png
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It didn't even ask me if I wanted it or not.
just spread your ass cheeks and take it
this is legitimate spyware
Does any one else think that shit should be illegal? Fuck them thinking they can change my property without my consent
It is illegal if you live in EU

except it doesnt..
OP here, apparently clicking "Stop download" just pauses it.
Too bad I live in the land of the free, where your privacy is free to be raped whether you like it or not.
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>updating windows
cuk detected
The contract that you accept when using windows make this possible

Haven't you read it? :)
Damn it.
It's like that one South Park episode.

it doesnt matter.. all of the win10 upgrade updates are under optional updates.. people like OP are retards that have optional updates show up as important

ms does not force 10 on you.. thats a lie

>Your property

hah, that's a good one
File: muo-windows-gwx-.png (23 KB, 376x180) Image search: [Google]
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no but it sure does nag you about it.

you chose to install that because you are simply a retard... theres' no other way around it
I'm running Windows 7 and it automagically downloads without me doing it and with auto updates turned off. yes it is changing my shit without my consent

you have automatic updates enabled

you have optional updates show up as important

you are a retard

gee I wonder why
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Windows is no longer something you own, it is a service.

Notice the odd way it communicates this?

"We're getting your PC ready"
"We're getting your search ready"
"Let's take care of that for you"

Their endgoal is to do away with desktops and laptops. They want a small portable device like a Windows Phone or Surface Pro to act as a thin client, and force you to get "Work" done with Azure and "Play" done with it's other cloud offerings (TV app, Groove Music). Any serious gaming will be done on the Xbox One.

>Downloading and installing THEIR OS
>Turning auto updates on
>Agreeing to their terms of services

Yeah, people being retarded should be illegal.
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>refusing to install Windows 10
>Don't install update
>Remove single file from windows folder
Gee so hard
It was never something you own. It was always something Microsoft owned, and you rent the ability to use.
>always have auto updates on
>win 8.1
>never "wake up to win 10"

Are these threads propaganda or what?
Yes, and retards.

install linux on it or let MS do what the fuck they want
Thread replies: 26
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