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i'm tired of hearing about giant, thick, ugly lenovo laptops.
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i'm tired of hearing about giant, thick, ugly lenovo laptops. can we discuss ultrabooks? there are a lot to choose from, and many of them have nearly the same specs. I've been researching and the top 3 seem to be Asus Zenbook, Dell XPS 13, and the HP Spectre x360. Anyone own one of these and care to share?

No, the top ONE is the MacBook Pro with Retina Display

Only one you should be considering t.b.h.
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>4GB of ram
>that price

top kek, nah.

Except they come with 8GB standard

As always, mac haters have no brains
those zenbooks apparently get very hot.
i googled the one without retina, so i guess you got me there. either way, i've never used osx, nor do i plan to. I don't have an iphone either so i cant utilize some features. I don't hate mac, it's just not for me.
under a heavy load such as gaming, or just regular browsing? sounds dangerous. Didn't know that
I've got the XPS 13, but I'm no /g/entooman, so I couldn't give you an in-depth analysis of it.
It just werks, and that's good enough for me. The auto-brightness is a tad annoying, but the battery is great, and I've yet to have any trouble with having a dozen or two tabs open at the same time while doing other stuff.

>i've never used it nor do i plan to
>it's terrible, i hate it, i know it's bad
>i've never used it
>nor do i plan to
>maintaining an opinion based on inaccurate, yet easily observable facts
have you tried anything heavy on it, like adobe programs or gaming? thoughts?

chill the fuck out dude
snsv laptops are fucking based, I have been running ganoo shlas linux on a mid range model for the past 2 years. Shit is still as snappy as the first day I have used it, linux support is great on it, everything worked out of the box, only had to fiddle a bit with the optimus drivers, which I almost never use.
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