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Best C++ compiler/IDE? I like it lightweight. (Include reason)
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Best C++ compiler/IDE?
I like it lightweight.
(Include reason)
You should try clion

I'm not going to read this thread again so don't worry about replying. If that suggestion isn't enough just try googling a bit. lol.
Bloodshed. No bloat
Also my choice for C.
I use clang (nice error messages)
For IDE I use qtcreator.
It is not extremely lightweight, but if your project is not too large it will be fine.
vim + clang
or clion
visual studio

clang and clion

msvc and vs on windows, soon you'll be able to use clang alongside vs though
Visual Studio

The debugger is god tier and if you don't like it you're probably one of those limp wristed starbucks drinking hipster faggots that use an IDE simply because it has glowing text
Choose one. That shit called "lightweight IDE", like Code::Blocks - is just a text editor with "compile" button and highlighting of keywords from dictionary. The real IDE do a lot of tasks, for example - indexing all your code and code of used libraries, parses it, give you fast project and libraries navigation, show code completion, compiler errors and suggestions how to fix it, ability for quick rename a variable in all your 9000 source files, etc., etc. Get an SSD and install more memory and even "heavy" IDE will work like a charm
I've been a happy user of Programmer's Notepad for a few years


I use it for C++ and the occasional perl script on my website

I then use SmartFTP to upload it

works like a charm, never had to change

I'm not going to read this thread again so don't worry about replying. If that suggestion isn't enough just try googling a bit.
Code::Blocks can do everything you listed there.
Anjuta, only works with gcc though
>java based ide

gcc is best compiler. clang can suck my balls.
As someone who is taking his first programming classes, 1 is javascript and the other intro to c++, which compiler should I use?

I want something to help me debug that way I can see what I'm missing or doing wrong since I don't want to email my teacher every time I want some feedback.
Vim + clang
Code::Blocks or Visual Studio.
Vim and Clang
GNU g++ is fine too

CMake is pretty heavy duty but it's good at what it does.
Vim and Gcc.

If you're using Vim I would suggest looking into get the YouCompleteMe plugin for getting autocompletion.
Vim + mingw + mingw32-make

just werks
might as well send your money straight to ISIS
Gcc or MSVC & either modern Dev-c++ or Code::blocks

I like clang better, but for compatability it's better to use those

if the constriction of lightweight was removed, VS all the way

Eclipse is fairly lightweight. At it's core it does not even support any languages. Nearly all of it's functionality is added through plugins. To make things easier, there is a plugin manager built in to the application where you can search for/install/update/remove plugins. These plugins may handle anything from language support (C++, Java, Ruby, etc...), version control (SVN, Git, Perforce, Mercurial, etc...), extra color schemes/themes (monokai, moonrise) or even complete editor rebindings (vim controls).

While it does not have a huge number of built in features, the features that are built in are generally done well. A prime example of this is the code formatter which is extremely customizable. A lot of people talk shit about Eclipse, but it really is the best. I've tried almost all the C++ ready IDEs out there.

IDEs to avoid:
Bloodshed Dev C++

If you really want lightweighht you should use Vim (plus plugins, since that is Vim's strong point), g++, and a makefile
Why avoid Code::Blocks? All the evidence I've seen against it has been literally false.
It's been about 3 years since I've touched it, but last time I used it the autocomplete functionality was poorly implemented. It was seemingly inconsistent about when it showed up. It very well may be loads better now for all I know. Give it a shot and let us know!
Just downloaded Eclipse, all I'm getting is an error that says "Java was started but returned exit code= 13"
Am I just retarded?
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I'm not sure. I suspect that you probably did nothing wrong. However, you are probably missing some package on your machine needed for Eclipse to run. I installed it with my package manager and my package manager installed the correct version of Java and the other dependencies to work with it. I suspect you are on Windows or OSX. I have not used Eclipse on either of those platforms before, so I cannot say. I try to avoid platforms which don't have proper dependency handling.

When I google your problem it sounds like it might have something to do with using a 32 bit version of eclipse with a 64 bit version of the JRE or vice versa. This is why I use Linux. Dealing with dependencies is fucking stupid on Windows.
Anything other than Vim and g++ is retarded. Clang works too. As does Emacs.
QT because you can easily make GUI applications without re-inventing the wheel.
Visual Studio Express

- LibFuzzer
- AFL-Fuzzer
- Asan
- Ubsan
- Static Analyzer

Do I need to go on?
>Eclipse is fairly lightweight
what a joke, Eclipse is the slowest IDE there is, ask anyone who (who is forced to) use it. pretty much everyone is leaving Eclipse for Jet Brains IDEs
vim or emacs if you're a masochist. ides do nothing but hide information from you.
same q but for c
Jet Brains IDEs are pretty good too. I use Intellij IDEA at work. However, their IDEs are significantly slower and more resource intensive than Eclipse. They are also proprietary, which means that they will most likely be abandoned one day. Whereas Eclipse is an open source project which has potential to live at least as long as x86 processing.

I hear people on /g/ talk about Eclipse being slow, but never once has this been my experience with it. I have seen it take awhile to load up a project before, but that is dependent on the project. Loading a lot of anything can cause any program to be slow. Once it's done loading my files and settings, it's significantly more responsive and uses less resources than any comparable IDE.
there is a cpp half to it, anon, quit being silly.
how they do it, retard?
vim is a text editor and emacs is an operating system though
>all this windows software
This. After a while, you realize you can do the exact same thing with just a good text editor and the gcc/clang suite.
Most of the times vim with plugins like clang-complete etc. There are tons of blog posts on the internet with good vimrc settings so it should be reasonably easy to get started. If you're a complete chump you could start with yavide.

If I don't know the codebase very well or if I need to jump around a lot (to definitions etc.), I often switch to a GUI IDE like eclipse or netbeans. Eclipse is not lightweight but I think any reasonably powered machine from the last 5 years should be able to handle it without trouble. Eclipse is especially nice because I can quickly switch between the C-IDE (I forget what its called) and the Python IDE (pydev). Netbeans is nice too, a colleague recommended it to me a few weeks ago and so far I'm liking it. It's more lightweight than Eclipse.

Also, I often use a GUI IDE if I have to debug code in a debugger. I find GDB a bit uncomfortable to work with directly in the command line and so far I haven't liked any of the standalone GDB frontends. Eclipse's built in debugger (a GDB frontend) is handy. Especially when you need to jump around the code base.

Finally, I use gcc for all my compiling needs. I can't use clang because of some ABI issues with libraries that I have to work with, but having used clang in some personal projects I can say that its very nice. But most people probably wont need to worry about the difference except that clang has better error messages, but gcc is catching up fast.

>thanks for reading my blogpost, please share your comments and share on FB or reddit.
You basically just compared a plastic 3d printer to the process of molding and casting plastic pieces manually. Yes, they both accomplish the same thing. However, most people will prefer the 3d printer.
Gcc g++ or fucking die
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Using pic related, opinions? Should I switch to something else?
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Use whaterver you what. It honestly doesn't matter.

P.S. Have they released a new version of Dev C++. I rthink I emember them releasing one earlier this year, but I can't be sure.
Tbh im not sure, someone gave me it on a flashdrive and it does what I want it to do. Possibly? I guess dr. gooble can help with that.
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>visual studio took 15 minutes to start the other day
OP said IDE... now go away with your meme
vim can do all that
QT Creator and Clang.
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qtcreator, because its the best
xcode desu
Visual Studio is pretty much the only wortwhile C++ IDE so far and it's by no means lightweight.
I'm hoping CLions will become a good alternative after a few years though.
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>Gcc g++ or fucking die
This and that.
It looks like a lot of people think about Qt only if they want to do a Qt application, but it can be used for any c++ app no matter the libraries, it's customizable and the fact that it is already connected with the Qt makes it only better.

What am I missing?
Where can I talk about C++ at 4chan?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Certainly not on /g/.
eclipse is pretty good for java. I tried it with c++ for a while but it kept breaking and certain headers wouldn't work. maybe i did a shit job of setting it up or s/t idk. either way it caused a lot of trouble. Visual Studio has been sexy so far desu. It just works. Even if it's slow starting.
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