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>not downloading it manually from nvidia.com
Why jewvidia use two websites?:

Second one is for retarded gaymers.
Now there is a VR Ready tab in the My Rig of GFE.
Did nothing for my performance in Ass Creed. Another pointless driver.

>installing GFE
What's wrong with GFE?
>substituting your manual capability of setting up graphics in games with a program that does the same job, except crappier, and takes up shit tons of RAM
Are you retarded?

Does this update shut down the fans on GPUs like many Jewvidia driver updates tend to do, or are we safe?

>and takes up shit tons of RAM
20MB is too much RAM for your system to spare?
And I don't use it to choose graphics options, I use it to automatically download drivers.
On my EVGA FTW Cards, the fans on them are off until it reaches a certain temperature.
same, EVGA SSC 9970, pretty sure several GPU's are doing this feature nowadays.
>shut down fans

Just create a custom fan profile like you should have already you dweeb.
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Well, if you don't have GFE opened, which should only be opened to update the drivers anyway, the nvidia drivers use a little amount of RAM.
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On the other hand, when you open GFE...

>pic related

This is a non issue anyway. Just close the window and that's it.

When did process bloat become acceptable?
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>actually thinking this botnet bloatware are the drivers
Kill yourself out of this thread amdpoorfag
Why turn fans off your gpu ever?
Can't hear my windforce gtx 670 until 45% fan speed.
Can't hear my hd 5870 until 55% fan speed.
Can't hear my friends gtx 960 strix until 60% fan speed.

Just let it idle with a 10-20% fan speed and under load let it go as high as it can while remaining silent.
You cant hear it because your rig is garbage
If you enjoy a 40°c idle gpu, then by all means, don't let me stop you.
But I'll set my fan speed to 10% and watch the idle temp drop to low thirties.

nothing, at least in comparison to what AMD does. raptr is actual malware.

The extra heat won't shorten your card's life. In fact having the fan on 100% of the time will.
>The extra heat won't shorten your card's life. In fact having the fan on 100% of the time will.
I've never had an issue with gpu fans.
I'm still using my hd5870 which will sometimes get to 80% fan speed and it's never off during idle.
My gtx 670 fans work just fine too, even though it's been only 2 years.
But when my hd 5870 gets to 75°c and above I start getting artifacts.

Idle fans is a stupid concept. Who cares if the fans will now last longer than 10 years. I can't hear it until a certain point at which it's probably overkill for most modern GPUs.

Why would a 10% idle speed be bad?
Why is it good?
Fans are more likely to die from overuse than processors.
Because the card will fucking run cooler.
Why let it run hotter than it needs to?
Who cares if it runs hotter?
I care.
And my friend cared when he saw the temp difference on his gtx 960 with 10% fan speed.

Only a fool wouldn't care.
You think wearing down your fan and increasing a cards idle wattage just to cool a card from lukewarm to handwarm benefits it in any way? You're delusional, mate.
Forgive me if I prefer my GPU idling at 30 degrees instead of 45.
Those are all non issues. I've never had a graphics card fan die on me in my life.
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