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should I buy this /g/? currently I have a 7850
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should I buy this /g/?

currently I have a 7850

forgot link
What is this supposed to be, a picture for ants?
You have homeowners insurance?
Decide for yourself.
I have renters insurance!

Up to 30,000 dollars.
Renters insurance doesn't cover an apartment burning down. Only if stuff is stolen.

Get a 280x instead
280X is more wattage than a 770. There's a reason AMD is called housefire.
Erenters covers certain types of fires. Such as kitchen fires. 770 is a stove is you look at it the correct way.

Also is the 280x really owrth an extra 50 bucks for a decent brand?
280x max draw is 190W
Why do u want to upgrade anon? Your GPU is still good

AMD confirmed for housefire.

no. get a 960 for $160 from b-stock and OC it
No, you can get a more powerful 960 for less money.
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