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Moon landing - June 1969 ARPANET connected - Oct 1969 Second
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Moon landing - June 1969
ARPANET connected - Oct 1969

Second landing - Nov 1969
ARPANET node - Dec 1969

More landings - Feb, July 1971
MERIT Network - Dec 1971

More landings - Apr, Dec 1972
IANA published - Dec 1972

The black web is on the dark side of the moon.
Too bad the US never actually made it to the Moon.
holy shit
You should tell the Russians, they have been quiet all this time about it. Maybe they don't know,
4chan is banned in Russia anyway, so our lies are still safe.
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apollo shiney.jpg
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My sides.
How come no country ever officially called the US on its bluff?
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apollo 11.jpg
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apollo 11 van allen trajectory.gif
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Trajectory bra, trajectory.
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You're an idiot.
Thinking there's a "dark side" of the moon (a side that never receives sunlight, and is only visible from space) is like thinking there's a "dark side" of the Earth. If the Earth rotates on its axis, why not the moon?
it does, but its rotation around its axis has the same frequency as the rotation around the earth

the dark side of the moon does exist, and it does receive sunlight, dark just means we never see that reflected sunlight from earth

It's not actually dark all the time though
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apollo 12 surveyor better.jpg
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There is a dark side, that doesn't mean it never sees sunlight. Bro ....

But, daw, look at surveyor, she's so cute.
>that tool at the right side
ayyliens are going to laugh at us
Naw, they're gonna laugh at us because we can't drive.
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>America not only went to the moon but it sent a car there too
>4chan is banned in Russia
Гocпoди, how do I write this right now then?
You're a filthy Ukrainian.
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We also redeveloped Fra Mauro into a golf course.
But there are craters that are dark all the time anon.
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Also this:
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