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I'm kind of stuck and need some help on what motherboar
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I'm kind of stuck and need some help on what motherboard and PSU to get, this is m part of my build
ASUS Z97-A, Mainboard
be quiet! Dark Power Pro P11 650W, Power Supply Unit

There you go.
thanks, does the motherboard have wireless or do I need an adapter?
there's also this:
ASUS Z97-PRO(Wi-Fi ac)

Or you know, you could use a wired connection for you dekstop like a normal person.
meaning the Z97-A does not come with wifi, the other one does.
Thanks, my internet router is downstairs I'm upstairs.
all the more reason to go wired. you probably will have bad reception otherwise.
Buy the longest Cat 6 or 5e ethernet cable and string that shit to your room.
Costs about the same as a shitty wireless card and delivers much better connection.
Can you link me to one?
difference between those cables?
Amazon, nigger
Google, nigger
come on, dude. you're overstaying your welcome. it's enough. you can do some of that on your own. big boys now.
Alright thanks

Why Dark Power Pro?
Monorprice please!
amazon only if you need a single cable with prime shipping.

Also make sure you a long enough cable.
I need some help.
I know little to nothing about PC parts,however there is a PC I saw that fits my budget.
Proccesor 8 Cores 4200Mhz each.
RAM 8GB 2400 Mhz.
Video card ASUS Radeon R9 280X 3GB 384 bits
Hard disk 2000Gb 7200 Sata3
Total 5 fans -cooling
again I know very little I want a pc that can run most games no problem. thanks in advance
>processor - 8 cores
This is the most important part of any computer. Sounds like it is an AMD processor, which can work out ok but is certainly not running most games "no problem." You'd be better of with an intel 4 core cpu DESU brah.
I really appreciate your response.
I could always buy the build as it is and change the parts for better ones right?
how much is intel 4 core cpu DESU worth?
the build as it is now is worth 807 dollars.
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