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How do you choose a LED light bulb? I'm asking for real.
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How do you choose a LED light bulb? I'm asking for real. I need to switch the whole house to the most cost effective LEDs. I'm from Poland so I'll have to choose from Philips, Osram and similar wide-known brands.
> 1 bulb pointing down, 5 pointing down at 45 degrees, 2 pointing to one SIDE
> don't want neither yellow 80s fog lamps nor blue/purple eye-hurting light beam
> mostly on for hours

Anything I should care about, a warranty or something? Share you experiences, Anons.

Pic related: random Google "LED light bulb" response.
i suggest going first to some Ikea shop and see what type of color light you like (http://www.seesmartled.com/images/general/led-color-temperature.jpg) i presonally prefer warm color because white/blue color ones depress me . Be carefull when you touch them
because they will get awfully hot and some times if they dont seem to work
take them off let them cool down and re-test them before throwing them out.
>not getting Chinese ones from eBay for €1 each
There all the same shit. In many cases the local "branded" ones are actually worse with no choice of color temperature and massively overpriced.
Be careful with rf interference though, i had a led bulb that would kill tv reception in my house.
>i suggest going first to some Ikea shop and see what type of color light you like
I can't but I believe, 4300-5000K is my way to go then.
>they will get awfully hot
>re-test them before throwing them out
Got it.
I don't care for brand, look and shit. I care for what this Anon >>51311244 mentioned.

If you have anything to add, feel free to do so.

Thanks guys!
>whole house
>8 light bulbs

What the fuck
Lel. I wanted to point that I need different kinds of bulbs. I would need much more than I can afford.

I'm super rarely on /g/ but real /g/tard don't need a single light bulb, thinkpads have its own.
I like your style.
Watch a few reviews and tear downs of various bulbs.

I only buy certain model Cree bulbs after doing a bunch of research. Though I really like those filament style LED bulbs, I have a couple in my lamps.
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>have shitty ceiling fan that uses small diameter bulbs, candelabra as some call them.
>six pack of 650 lumens bulbs for $3
>considering LED replacements
>$10 per bulb
>not even 650 lumens something like 500

so for 40 bucks to replace the 4 in my ceiling fan i could buy 80 brighter bulbs and replace one a month for like 6 years.

LED bulbs have to be raking in a fucking huge profit.

i'm still running a few of those spiral looking fuckers that people are scared of in regular light bulb sockets.
>LED bulbs have to be raking in a fucking huge profit.

You'd be surprised. Compared to incan bulbs LEDs are terribly complex, far more goes into their construction in raw materials, time, and labor. They're also worse for the environment in the long run, but no one cares about that.
I'm buying the cheapest shit from china which is the temperature and lumens that I want.
be sure that you have LED dimmers installed if you want to dim anything.

dimmable LEDs as well. and dont mix them
Shut the fuck up, tin foil hat wearing looking ass.

I bought a bunch of Feit Electric bulbs at Costco and replaced the whole house with LED bulbs. Saved nearly 300$ in a single year.
Buy the newer OSRAM ones.

t. OSRAM Employee

(not even kidding, I work with the guys who make the optical designs for some of the retrofit and retrofit spotlights - for the retrofits, the ones whose internals look like a pagoda in cross section, I forget the name of the range)
>LED bulbs have to be raking in a fucking huge profit.
They're actually not; at least not yet. The R&D costs are still pretty mad.

>so for 40 bucks to replace the 4 in my ceiling fan i could buy 80 brighter bulbs and replace one a month for like 6 years.
You're forgetting to take into account the cost saving from the reduction in power usage.

>They're also worse for the environment in the long run, but no one cares about that.
Per bulb, maybe, but does that take into account that for the lifetime of an LED bulb, you'd need N normal bulbs?
Whoops, meant to reply to >>51311946 for that third quote.

>power usage

quite sure my washer, dryer, air conditioner, and hair dryer gpu's are going to make a fuck ton more difference than saving a dollar a month on a few light bulbs.

if anything CFL is the best bang for the buck.

the cheapest light and best light is windows. windows are the shit.
>Osram and similar wide-known brands.
oh man this, got mine for like 7 years before died. I pick osram for reliability.
4300-5000K is way to white. Normal indoors lightning is 3000k.
>replace all bulbs with led
if you want to save electricity why do you have so many bulbs?
use a desk lamp if necessary, tun off your main lights you dont need them do you?
you are better off buying an led head torch and not using your house lights.
my classic bulb in my room kept dying every few weeks
so I decided to get a led one, took long time to convince my dad but this LED bulb is the shit
the color is exactly the same (2700K)
the light angle difference is near no difference desu
incorrect you'd be surprised how much slow energy consumption happens, your lights are on whenever you're in the room which is a long time, you don't game all the time you're in the room etc..
I got a Samsung one btw
Right now I feel that LED isn't that useful. My last electrical bill was 17€, of which 5€ was usage.
Windows cost more then light though.

They let in heat in the summer and piss heat out in the winter, both driving up your utility bills.
Is a 3000K LED yellowish in tone AT ALL?
4000K is too cold for me, optimally I'd like something that gets its warmth from more of a reddish spectrum than a yellowish one.
Can there be big differences in the colours of LEDs with the same Kelvin?
Yes, but higher quality bulbs such as philips and osram will have more accurate colors. I'd say the difference between 2700 and 3000 is as big as 3000 and 4000k.
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So you'd suggest a quality 3000K bulb for no yellow? Are there non-standard bulbs that have a reddish white spectrum?

listen here kid, i think i'm pretty damn sure i know how often i run my lights.

most of the house is almost never.

bedroom is probably 30 hours a week.

i'm using 300 watts of energy to light this room when i need it bright. 3 cfl's and 4 60 watt incans.

12 cents per KILOWATT hour.

300 watts let's say 333 that's 1/3 of a kilowatt hour

1/3 of 12 cents is 4 cents per hour.

let's say i'm home an extra day and i go 40 hours a week to light this room bright.

40 x 4 = 160 cents. a dollar fucking sixty.

if there's something wrong with my math do correct me.
That doesn't tell much of reality, I have 4000K bulbs that are like the 5000K of that pic.

holy shit guy go hug a tree.

it's not hard to insulate a window when you're not using it. i have blackout shades. i even have some cut to size pieces of cardboard and corrugated plastic just for this purpose.

today it's like 65 degrees outside and my whole house is open wide. feels good man. sunlight in, cool air taking out the stale air inside.
The power converters inside typical drop in LED bulbs are awful, there is so much noise and inconsistent current it kills the LED. I have had Chinese LEDs where half the damn array is useless below 12v last forever when hooked up to a proper DC source. Whereas the top home brands will fizzle out rapidly in less than a year, regardless of their application (Always on and intermittent)
As soon as GE and the other shitty brands fix their converters LEDs will last virtually forever.
The philips 3000k led has some yellow in it, but ut will give you a good all around light.
But if you blackout your windows your house will be dark goy

Go put your hand near a window in winter, you can feel the cold radiating off of it, even the new insulated ones
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> don't want neither yellow 80s fog lamps nor blue/purple eye-hurting light beam
you need to learn about color temperature.

as for brightness, look at the lumen value. the "watt equivalent" ratings are pure shit, ignore those.
and that's still 50 bux a year
not accounting the cost of replacing a bulb whenever it dies
probably would save money changing them out for le superior led, KID

there's a thing called putting on more clothes.

i live in a subtropical climate zone.

maybe you coldfags can live without windows but i can't.


>probably would
>le superior

$1.60 x 52 weeks = $83.20

which is, like, 50 bucks.

>Can there be big differences in the colours of LEDs with the same Kelvin?

kelvin just describes where the planckian locus of the black body equivalent radiator would be. CRI expresses how close to a black body spectrum the LED spectrum actually is.
>not moving lightbulbs with you when you change rooms
My entire house is lit with Ebay LED bulbs, 5k is my reference, the chinks i buy from list it as " natural white" .
5k is fucking blue. How do you not get a headache?
5k looks like sunlight to me
>does calculations against himself to prove his point
so 80 bucks a year wasted on lighting your cave
nice anon
You want 3k bulbs from Philips. Anything higher in color will give you a headache. It looks awful.
You want 5000K bulbs. Get the highest luminosity dimmable bulbs you can find.


hardly wasted. my eyes like light, it makes them happy.

should i spend 40 dollars on bulbs just so i can spend 20 dollars on electricity instead?

look i get it, you're cheap. i'm cheap too. but i'm short term cheap and you're long term cheap. i'll cheap out more by not running the heat and ac as much.

i'm more concerned with my money wasted on taxes, obamacare, insurance.....money spent that doesn't give me jack shit in return.
>money spent that doesn't give me jack shit in return.
>infrastructure is free
not sure why you fags get headaches from whiter lights, maybe you just grew up with warm lights and can't adjust?

btw 5600k is considered 'daylight balanced' from a photography perspective, but anything in the mid 5000k range is close enough for most people.

i prefer warm tones in my photographs but neutral or even slightly cool lighting for interiors.

warm lights give the effect of not being as bright despite lumens being the same.
Dont get me wrong, I love being out in the sun but the 4000k light tubes at work takes a toll on me.
...as the legend says, OP came back to his thread.
It would be helpful if I found reviews, thanks for the tip. What made you choose Cree, longevity, look, ...?
I'm curious - where do you live that you have a ceiling fan installed? Btw I feel for you, bro.
>spiral looking fuckers that people are scared of
Ww-what? How come, especially if the price isn't high?
I actually want to ask you what does "t dot" stand for... As mentioned, I'm rarely here.
>if anything CFL is the best bang for the buck.
If not for the time involved until the bulb shines bright, I'd be happy with them. I've used a Philips CFL for long and it was good.
>windows are the shit.
I've already escaped the basement brah.
A CFL, right?
Well, right. It could be tiring late evening.
Parents' house. When I come here I actually need up to 3 lights at the time.
We're diving deep with Kelvins right now but I'll better stick to cozy low Kelvins.
>you need to learn about color temperature.
I actually know, just have written what I've written.
>as for brightness, look at the lumen value
Thanks, I will.

>muh infrastructure, muh roads

i pay enough in taxes already. way more than enough.


interesting. sorry to hear that.


>I'm curious - where do you live that you have a ceiling fan installed? Btw I feel for you, bro.

in a house in the southeast USA. ceiling fans are just like a staple of any room to me. maybe that's a culture thing? nothing like a nice harbor breeze on high.

every room in this house has a ceiling fan. i have two on the back porch. 7 total.
You sure it's not just the tubes being flickering shit with horrible unnatural spectra?
People are afraid of using CFLs in regular sockets? Why? Almost every bulb in my house is a CFL, except for the one LED I have in my bedroom. Never had any issues with any of my bulbs, even the dimmable ones I have in my basement.
Nah it's high frequency ones, maybe its just my glasses that needs to be replaced.
>not sure why you fags get headaches from whiter lights, maybe you just grew up with warm lights and can't adjust?
I think the issue is more about contrast. If something is illuminated by the sun then everything practically drowns in light due to indirect lighting.

If you have some puny little 1000 lumen light source with a high color temperature then your room as a whole is still fairly dark and thus dark surfaces won't reflect might light in general and yet some part if your vision gets blasted with blue light.

So if you want 6k+K you probably have to illuminate the whole room evenly.

I notice it, having 6500K led strip behind the monitor. The black bezel is really much blacker than it would be illuminated by the sun.
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something like 200 LED tubes, all paid for by the european agricultural fund for rural development :^)

got at least $5500 probably more like $6k worth of led tubes for having their plaque hanging on the wall
why do the cows need that much light

there was some faggoty ass scare about them having mercury in them.

because plebs have no fucking clue how shit works anymore.

growing up i had a book called 'HOW STUFF WORKS', and i read the fuck out of it.

today kids aren't so lucky, they only have the entire fucking wiki on their phones.


none of that makes sense. warmer vs colder light doesn't have anything to do with contrast.

color temperature is simply how orange or blue a light is. that breaks down into wavelength, simple as that.

you're confusing color temp with actual light output, back to my point of warmer lights being perceived to be less bright than cooler lights.
Flouroscent light do have mercury in it, while not much iv'e been told by my boss (im an electrician) to leave the room we're working in if we break a warm tube.
You don't want to drink dark milk that doesn't taste chocolate. :^)
>color temperature is simply how orange or blue a light is. that breaks down into wavelength, simple as that.
as far as physics is concerned, sure. but we're talking about perception and response of the brain here. blues have a different impact than reds.
reproduction. gotta be at least 100 lux
The power saving for the light bulbs makes up for the cost of the bulb, which was my actual point.

>Chinese LEDs
stopped reading there

the t. stands for something in finnish but it basically means "signed, " or "regards, ", and it indicates that you're about to make a statement about who it is that just "said" what you said

yeah so that means i don't see savings of a whole fucking few dollars until next year.

i'd rather not spend money now and 'save' money by not spending it, than 'save' money a year or two from now from some fucking light bulbs.
It's common sense that you would replace them whenever your stack of old lamps is out
English: Best wishes,
Finnish: Terveisin,
Description: Informal, used between family, friends or colleagues

k den
ONE more question, guys!

If LED bulbs get hot and I have Ediscon Screw sockets that can handle classic bulbs of power up to 40 or 60 wats, will they handle LED's heat?
I use a 23w bright full spectrum bulb at my desk and another 7w at my bedside table, both bright white. Put another two warm coloured ones in the bathroom. Works well, but full spectrum isn't really worth the money, I hoped it would help me better with winter depression and tiredness.

Oh and all of those are from well known brands.
Bought some more low power cheap Chinese led lamps for the hallway, but the light has a tint of green, wtf
Anon, classic bulbs get hotter.

So yes, the socket will handle the heat.
Never had that happen.

Suggestion: Try to get Chinese LED bulbs / torches made with Cree or Epistar, they also don't cost much.

In the case of Cree, maybe the specific ones from a model and color bin that you like.
Yeah they cost like 2usd each and they work for what I use them for, will try Cree next time thanks for the recommendation
Just like OP, I'm asking for advice for real.

I changed my bedroom's light bulbs to 5 4W led ones with something like 4000K temperature.

I feel like, while it's not dim, my lightning now sucks and just isn't enough to use the computer properly. My eyes just adjust to it but I can really tell by the screen brightness. It also makes reading harder in a way, can't really explain this though.

What would you guys get?

It has to be led lightbulbs because, well, I'm living with my parents for what could be months due to a health issue and it's their fucking house and they fell for the meme
Forgot to add: I thought about getting a bit more powerful leds, like 6-7W instead. Do you think that'd do the trick?
Go check the lumen value, at your desk should be 800 to 1000, I personally prefer bright white light (5000k or more) it works better for reading the computer screen even if it's just illuminating the wall behind it
Color color temps are terrible in general. The other big factor to them is CRI. Your average LED bulb has very low CRI, and it makes everything look terrible.
A couple manufacturers sell high CRI bulbs, and there are some 2700k LEDs out there too, I've seen one as warm as 2200k.
Colder color temps*

How do I calculate the lumen value for 5 bulbs? Just adding them?

The shit I have must be around 400 lumens for each bulb which would be 2000 in total yet this sucks

And most importantly, do you think I will be able to find decent lightning from 5 small, cone-shaped led bulbs? It has to be that way as I said


I just looked up CRI, I'm amazed that that's even a thing. Mine probably sucks, it's not a major manufacturer. What manufacturers do that right?

Just checked. My lightbulbs are actually 5000 and 6400K, wtf

E14 base
Cree is the go to manufacturer that I trust. I've seen a lot of tear downs of various bulbs they make, and they're usually a cut above the competition. Strong power phases, good heat dissipation, power consumption ratings match the package, etc. Downside is they are a bit pricey.
E14 is kind of odd these days. But if thats what you have to work with then this should work for you

Three pack of nice 40w equivalent Candelabra bulbs, warm color temp with good CRI rating. They're E12 base though.

These are E12 to E14 converters, basically just a screw on sleeve for the metal contacts to fit the socket.
kinda nice but as silly as it sounds i need something cone/flame shaped xd

E14 small base too

How's this? http://www.amazon.es/Philips-bombilla-Kelvin-unidades-8718696485460/dp/B0112A1XMK/ref=sr_1_7?s=lighting&ie=UTF8&qid=1447376494&sr=1-7

Sorry that it's in amazon Spain I couldnt find it in the normal one for some reason
Not OP but... that sounds about right? For my two-bed home:
>living room
>kitchen/diner main socket
>kitchen/diner secondary socket
>small utility room connecting kitchen/diner and bathroom
>upstairs bedroom A
>upstairs bedroom B
There are a couple other sockets (boiler room/strorage) and some lamps, but those are rarely on so they don't need to be efficient. How big is your house?
That will raise the price to like $4-6 or something shipped. $10 maybe for high wattage, metal heat sink, dimmer, [...]

It's still very cheap. You might as well just order a replacement now.
> light bulbs in your home
I have about 35 recessed lights I can think of, 2 fans with 3 bulbs in each, 3 chandeliers with like 10 bulbs in each, 11 ceiling mounted rounds with 2 bulbs each, 4 fluorescent tubes in closets, 2 pendants in the kitchen, 19 bulbs among 3 bathrooms, 10 freestanding desk lamps, 5 cheap ones in my basement, 14 outside bulbs in various fixtures plus 2 auto floods, a few in my garage, a couple in the attic. Most are high efficient CFL except for external doorway lights. So I have about 150 light bulbs in my house.
How is it possible to have only 8?
That's a massive house and a crazy number of light bulbs. Given the room list I gave, why would you expect more lights?
Philips soft white

all day every day

The main floor has:
Two cans kitchen
Three bulbs fan
Accent lights that can't be changed
Basement stairwell one bulb
Six spots living room
One lamp living room
One can entryway
Three spots office
One lamp office
Three bulbs bedroom fan
One lamp bedroom
Two bulbs bathroom
Hallway lighting that can't be changed

So that's 24 without going upstairs or in the basement and my house is maybe 1200 square feet. The basement is all fluorescent that isn't usually on so that's not worth the bother, but there's another half dozen or so upstairs worth changing out.

Thing is for like $500 I could replace every single bulb with a Cree smart bulb and they'd all be dimmable and remote controlled. If I wasn't selling this house I absolutely would. Next home it's happening when I move in.

Oh, and more importantly, they could be set to a schedule, shaving even more off the electric bill. And the bulbs will last like 20 years.
I can't stand yellow ass light. I have 6500K Daylight bulbs in every room in my apartment.
Yuji Lighting High CRI LED Bulb
LEDnovation EnhanceLite
Feit Electric Omni Directional LED Dimmable 60 watt replacement
Cree TrueWhite Series

if you can't get these, get ikea warm white bulbs because they are genuinely very high quality cost effective ones

if you're rich as fuck, get soraa bulbs, because they have a violet component that most LEDs lack

hello OSRAM employee, ex-Sharp employee (they are a very nice company). does OSRAM actually make any money LEDs?
actually, Duv describes how close the the planckian locus it is. CRI, CQS and Rf all describe how accurate the reproduction of colours is, which can be different. meanwhile GAI and Rg describe the range of colours that can be rendered.

back in the old days lighting designers used to think closer to planckian locus = better light but more recently they are discovering that this is not true
this is incorrect, 'classic' (halgen) bulbs dissipate heat from the front, LEDs dissipate it from the rear. it's worth looking into as some of them (particularly the cheap ones) get very hot. it's not uncommon for high-end LEDs to need heatsinks as large and powerful as a CPU heatsink
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>I have 6500K Daylight bulbs in every room in my apartment.
That apartment must look like inside those big city poverty Thai restaurants.
Consumer led *bulbs* rather than chip-mounted parts have heat sinks as big as is necessary...
a single bulb only gives you so much lumen and provides uneven lighting. you need multiple per room to reduce strong contrasts which strain eyes at night.
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I mean pic related vs LED, not halogen, but thanks.
no they don't, they often have heatsinks that are too small and which push the LED (particularly the phosphor) to temperatures that can potentially damage the device in the long run
>no they don't,

Yes, yes they do. There is a youtube link to a channel with tons of in depth reviews of numerous bulbs in this very thread.

Every LED bulb has a board inside of it with at least a filter, fuse, and either an IC, or an analog equivalent to one. All bulbs sold in the US/Canada also have an AC to DC converter. This converter is the hottest running part of the bulb, and it is the most likely to fail. They'll use 105c rated caps, and temps routinely hit 80c pretty quickly. The lifespan of that cap will degrade faster than anything else in the unit. When a bulb fails 9 times out of 10 its because the power phase died.
mate, i fucking work at an LED company as an engineer
the phosphor that coats the LED dies can reach around 170 degrees celsius during 'normal' operation
the company i work for has caught a bunch of our customers driving LED chips at even higher temperatures, because they have inadequate cooling solutions
>mate, i fucking work at an LED company as an engineer
a) if I buy a LED bulb with a heatsink (like that on the first picture; similar shape) it may melt a socket
b) if I buy a LED bulb without a heatsink (similar shape) it will get hot, in long (but shorter than above) term causing LED ded, but won't shit my socket?
Hi OP and greetings from Poland. LEDs are currently somewhat overpriced in our country, so I'm sticking to Chinese ones for now. I bought a corn-style 13W for my room, but it's too dim; I probably need something brighter. Might do for a desk lamp though.
>a) if I buy a LED bulb with a heatsink (like that on the first picture; similar shape) it may melt a socket
they still consume less power and have higher efficiency than incandescent bulbs. which means they emit a lot less heat. sure, it's differently distributed, but you need to have a really shitty socket if the different distribution were to have a stronger effect than the lower overall heat output.
>the phosphor that coats the LED dies can reach around 170 degrees celsius during 'normal' operation

No bulb on the market displays temps anywhere near this, and its simple to check with thermal imaging or a simple temp sensor. Again, videos in the channel already linked show all of this.
The only thing getting anywhere near this hot would be a 100w studio light. Nothing even remotely similar to the 10w~ consumer lamps relevant to discussion here.

You're not an engineer of any sort, you're an idiot lying to someone who knows far more than you do.
NEVER buy 230V LEDs from China. LED bulbs have electronics in them to convert it to low voltage DC, a €1 bulb will probably set your house on fire, or electrocute you when installing it. Same story as with phone chargers from China.
I have Samsung and Philips bulbs myself. A bit pricey, but if you do the math, you'll earn it back in a year or 2 at most.
I personally can't recommend the cree bulbs that everyone likes so much, bought a 100w truewhite bulb and it was just disgusting, no one could stand the light. They _might_ make sense as ceiling lights, but eye level is unacceptable. The harshness and sharp contrast shadows it produces are not pleasant, the color isn't very appealing either, tints everything, and this from someone who been using "daylight" bulbs for a decade+, so color temp isn't the issue.
True white is not daylight, and this just goes back to CRI.
Cree obviously makes many different bulbs, so trying to write off the entire company because you purchased the wrong one is just stupid.
>wrong one
How is it the wrong one?
don't look at the marketing terms. look at the technical data.
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I rethinked my shit. For now, I'd rather stick with buying Philips Softone CFL bulbs I'd already used with satisfaction. I've just read that they do not consume more power at their start compared to rated wattage, the opposite of what I used to believe.

Of course, I'll copy your experiences and notes and take one LED bulb (Philips/Osram, maybe) for a test drive and lols.

I've counted 15-17 light bulbs in this house that may ever be changed reasonably. Few other are lit so rarely they will last foreverrr. :^)

Again, thank y'all, /g/uise.
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