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Firefox html5 + hardware acceleration
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File: youtube-html5.jpg (56 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 1920x1080
Youtube gets really laggy for me in full screen html 5

But I think hardware acceleration solves it.

Is it okay to use that feature at this point? I remember that was frowned upon
If it works for you then you can use it.
If you're using linux then it's not just a case of enabling it in the preferences though.
Using windows7

also it's still funky, it's really laggy when I go fullscreen but it smoothes out after a couple seconds
Send help
They introduced these annoying long animations when switching to and from full screen a couple versions ago. You can go into about:config and set full-screen-api.transition-duration.enter and full-screen-api.transition-duration.leave to something more sensible like 50 50 or you can just turn them off completely by setting browser.fullscreen.animate to false.
It's not just that, the video itself is low fps for a few seconds before going smooth
Uh now it's randomly choppy on some videos and smooth on others, in full screen

nothing seems to help, even updated drivers
I have the issue too, on 30fps it's only slightly noticeable but on 60 it's actually terrible. I mean I love firefox but this is fucking atrocious
File: photo.jpg (77 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 900x900
> upgraded to firefox 42
> webm & youtube stopped working
> Youtube works if I set "media.mediasource.webm.enabled" to false

> can't watch porn on /gif/ anymore
> refuse to install flash

> can't watch porn on /gif/ anymore
> refuse to install flash

Mozilla saved your life.
Can we please talk about the phone instead guys, it was memed to hell on /g/ before release and now you're saying nobody actually bought it?
have you tried updating to chrome?
I remember there being some security issues.
If you have a fast enough CPU, disable it.
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