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Found this lying on the street, it was in a cardboard box hidden
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File: 2015-11-07 20.32.11.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448) Image search: [Google]
2015-11-07 20.32.11.jpg
2 MB, 3264x2448
Found this lying on the street, it was in a cardboard box hidden in some tall grass. (Real life RPG) What can i rescue from this garbage?
Shove it up your ass u fgt.
Nothing, just from how green that motherboard is you can tell it's shit.
>PRO TIP:If you want to kill yourself you could eat the capacitors.

Other than that its more than useless, some old PVR piece of shit
Practice soldering CPUs.
Looks like a digital TV to analog TV converter for irl oldfags

That shit is joined at the hip to proprietary remotes that cost more than the unit itself to replace, so it's junk
Prostate estimulator, OP. Trust me in this one.
Was just working on something just like this earlier today, can confirm it has to do with a TV.
If it was for a rear projection, the DLP chip could be worth some nice sheckles (~$150), but from what it looks like its pretty worthless.
WTF is wrong with your keyboard?
>apple premium quality
It's a bomb desu
Looks to me like he has some sort of shitty rubber keyboard cover that doesn't fit right
Yeah, AM5888SL/F is a motor driver, MT1389QE is a DVD/MPEG decoder chipset, and EM636165TS is RAM. Rest is power supply.

See if you can talk to it, but I'm betting someone threw out the "hazmat" (hard to recycle) circuit boards after recycling a DVD player for its plastics and metal parts.
Looks like a bulging cap on the psu. Probably why it ended up in that box
give it back jamal
My asshole says the one on the bottom is a power supply or converter of some sort.
"hazmat" means "waste' in turkish, arab or something?

use the board to install a 120 inch lcd panel in front of a public school and stream gore scat porn for the kids to see OP
HAZardous MATerial
das a cover. wish it was made for my laptop
Practice desoldering components without damaging the board.

Depending on how crusty the board is this may be easy or hard.
File: 1382915046577.gif (3 MB, 250x172) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 250x172
It's always the fucking tripfag isn't it?
looks like the biggest of the 4 condensators on the left side of the smaller platine is broken. Replace it and this thing is worth a lot of money. trust me
File: 2015_11_07_20.32.11~2.jpg (23 KB, 298x278) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 298x278
Meme board. Completely shit.
File: 1446950820223.jpg (170 KB, 2835x1424) Image search: [Google]
170 KB, 2835x1424
Is this the famous applel build quality?
This looks a lot like the insides of a DreamCast..
That's just a keyboard cover you nigger.

>$2000 Macbook
>$2 keyboard cover

>most likely a 20ยข sticker on the back as well
I would desolder the diodes and maybe the good capacitor- because you can make a killer stun gun with them.
dark yellow board is ac to dc converter. keep it if you fiddle around with electronics from time to time
The bottom one is a power regulator, most likely a AC-DC converter.

No idea what the top one is. Really depends on the plugs
Well spotted
No shit
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