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>visit America >it is like being thrown into the early
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>visit America
>it is like being thrown into the early 80s

Why is America so technologically lacking over Northern Europe?

I thought it was just memes but it really is third world levels
Nice bait anon
What part is bait?

>Copper, non-Gbit Internet
>No smart cards, you still swipe. Can't even get my Visa to work
>No paying for fare or groceries with virtual wallets or phone, so have to use cash
>Busses actually have the out-of-date time schedules plastered at the bus stop, not GPS connected signs
>taxis aren't connected to any app I can hail them with (unless you ride with uber, but who would do that in a country that is only 50% white)
>outlets only have 120 V, so can't even run my European appliances at full power
>no 4G coverage
I live in the ass end of the northwest (Idaho) and even we have some of those things. Where the fuck did you go?
You just described Italy (not the visa and 120V)
And the 4g thing and the bus gps thing and the copper thing... so basically he didn't
I fucking wish buddy the 80s were best decade humanity ever lived through
yeah america is fucking retarded. and so are the ppl who live there aswell
>outlets only have 120 V, so can't even run my European appliances at full power
Why do Europeans need devices that use that much energy?
you shouldn't be here
Because we can afford them.

The problem with america is that no-one wants to build the roads.
Poor bait, uber is way better than taxis and only poor niggers take public transit in the US cause everyone owns a car. Also your stupid chip cards take 30 seconds longer than a simple swipe to process.
nice age bias
most people here dont ride taxis because we aren't poor

>>no 4G coverage
except we've had that for a while now?
>>Copper, non-Gbit Internet
>>No smart cards, you still swipe. Can't even get my Visa to work
tracking device
>>No paying for fare or groceries with virtual wallets or phone, so have to use cash
meta data tracking data
>>Busses actually have the out-of-date time schedules plastered at the bus stop, not GPS connected signs
tracking your movemnts
>>taxis aren't connected to any app I can hail them with (unless you ride with uber, but who would do that in a country that is only 50% white)
tracking data
>>outlets only have 120 V, so can't even run my European appliances at full power
>>no 4G coverage

why do you think living in big brother state is good? why are you a goyin that wants to be tracked with metadata
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I've been hit 6 times with electricity as a kid.

Now I have a slight phobia of touching exposed electronics, and I'm browsing 4chan.

thanks, 240v sockets
probably iowa
You'd think your parents would have put you out of your misery
Lest ye not suffer this child to live
>apparently no knowledge of electricity whatsoever
a higher voltage (at least here) leads to a lower resistive loss and less conducting material, because for the same amount if power you'll need a lower current
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Just wondering, how thick are cables in murrica that allow 2400 watts through them? Pic related is just some random cable that fits in psus and such.
All that shit sounds unnecessary. Quit trying to make everything technological.
>just knowing someone's social security number is sufficient to commit identity fraud
>everything is done with credit cards or cheques
>banks are shitty and ask exorbitant fees for basic services

it's like you people enjoy being backward or something
Higher voltage means lower amperage and less energy loss.
It's both safer and more efficient, at the cost of occasionally briefly stunning someone who touches the wrong wires.
shhh let the US citizens still believe they are the best country on the world, the land of freedom, the become whoever you want, american dream crap
Wtf is going on in vid rel?

quit crying bitch nigga
You forgot the part where everyone drives really old cars (2000 models at best).
they still use sms to communicate. what the fuck
>Copper, non-Gbit Internet
>No paying for fare or groceries with virtual wallets or phone, so have to use cash
>Busses actually have the out-of-date time schedules plastered at the bus stop, not GPS connected signs
>taxis aren't connected to any app I can hail them with (unless you ride with uber, but who would do that in a country that is only 50% white)
>no 4G coverage

That's true for Germany too.
Actually, that's a good thing. Better than those annoying fucks who use fecesbook for basic communication.
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>yfw America only got Chip&PIN cards like a month ago
>literally having to sign your name on a piece of paper every time you want to pay by card
>having to use special dialing wands to key in the numbers because your fingers are too fat

Not its not. Its shit.
Yeah, right? Data messengers are used only by poor people there.

Why SMS when you can use data messengers with tons of new features.
Thanks for nothing, procted-gay-coloured T.
Thanks for nothing UnityMedia.
>Not wanting to live in the early 80s
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>dialing wand
where in the world could you possibly be that has taxi's but no 4G coverage or Apple/Google pay? I think you're lying anon.
>Fecebooked detected
again, where are you people going? I live literally across the street from a dairy farm and have all of these things.
>cant group chat properly
>cant send music properly
>cant send audio properly
>cant send videos properly
>cant make calls
>cant have cloud backups
>have to pay for carriers to send menssages
Who need all that expensive technology when they have food stamps?
We superior Europeans master racers used to have those after the war, and look at us now, most developed countries and best place to live in the world.
Immigrants want to come here for a reason, don't you think?
>if you don't use SMS, you're using facebook

nice try, but there are tons of IM clients, and just one of them is owned by Facebook. There's Viber, Kakaotalk, kik, Line...
So, how was Germany?
Germany has 220V though
>Busses actually have the out-of-date time schedules plastered at the bus stop, not GPS connected signs
>taxis aren't connected to any app I can hail them with (unless you ride with uber, but who would do that in a country that is only 50% white)
It might be directly related to the fact that the USA has a very large auto industry.

>*New Syria
Yeah. People in the USA think that public transport is for pussies and poor people.
Only reasonable use for public transport is to avoid traffic by taking the subway.
thats because their public transport is full of poor people and nignogs, but thats because most of their population is.
which is why the cities are shit for walking/cycling
"Quit trying to make everything technological." - /g/technology.
>public transport

Pick one. Who's more of a pussy: the fat fuck sipping his mochalatte in his Prius every morning or the guy dodging knife-swinging schizophrenic negroids on the bus every morning?
>food stamps
my keks
very nice thread i rate it 8/meme op

Aussies actually communicate through a series of koalas on trees with tin can phones?
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>poor people with iphones

no wonder why they're poor
Most important of the cards are chip and signature, no pin in the USA.
>what's more gay ? Taking manly rugged cocks or smoothskins ?
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>62% of Americans have less than $1.000 in savings

Mericans BTFO
I have never in my life had to sign paper to pay my credit card in the US.
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>Visit Japan
>it's like being thrown in the 90s
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>mfw there is some idiot on /g/ that thinks this looks good
It's a choice of the card issuer, not the merchant. The chips list supported authentication methods in the order in which they are preferred.

Most credit cards issued by American banks prefer signature authentication. Some, but not all, support pin as a secondary for automated ticket machines and gas pumps and such.
>there are people on /g/ who will accepted bloated java script ,and the security vulnerabilities it bring all for the sake of nice aesthetics
Found the contrarian hipster.
>this snow nignog thinks he's been to the technological third world
Toppest kekkest
Come to Italy, Ahmed, you'll witness true Africa-level public tech development. Politicians never cared basically because when you're 70 years old and own a tenth of the country why would you want to spend time trying to improve life for people in your country?
>visit america
>tfw typing this from my grave
You just described half the europe (without the 120v thing)

Yes, we do enjoy shooting Yurofags to death.

Almost all EU countries have 230 volts.

That's exactly what he said.
Russia has the best technology.
Oh yeah.

Gbit is widely available in pretty much all of Northern Europe. Notable exception being Germany, which seems to adopt an American approach at limiting Internet (both in infrastructure and censorship).

Smart cards have been the de-facto standard in Europe since the 80s.

The GPS thing, 4G and virtual wallets or apps probably don't exist in the poorer countries though.
early eighties were cool tho
All true
Can confirm

Be a good goyim

Not compared to today
American Technology:
>space shuttle

What kind of technology has your shitty country developed
Maybe because we invented the internet our telecommunications infrastructure is older and therefore more shitty then these European shitholes that just got into more recently.
m8 the only way to live without a digital footprint is to live like the amish
60% of your complaints can be explained by the simple fact that we aren't yuropoor so basically everyone drives their own personal automobiles

scottish invention


internal combustion engine was british-invented


jet engine was another british invention
Thank god I live in a shithole and when I leave my country next year, there's literally no way in hell it's gonna get worse
>scottish invention
You misspelled italian
>America only got Chip&PIN cards like a month ago
wut, i stopped using those ages ago
>dialing wands
literally never heard of them
Because progess IS "SOCIALISM"
US third world Internet is embarrassing. When ever I play online with my American friend it's common that at least once a day one of them fucking can't maintain a connection to use maintain a proper VOIP call.

Of course everything is fine, you have your F35s and drug wars to pay for.
>everyone drives their own personal automobiles

In America there isn't even pavement to walk on if you wanted to.
>US third world Internet is embarrassing
idiot. it's a third world country, what do you expect ?
What's great is that America gets compared to a whole continent of countries, and is still better than all of them.
Why walk when you can drive? Gas costs $1.90/gallon. It probably costs more money to feed yourself to walk the same distance.
and here we have the perfect example for americas shittier third world education level.
... america is also a whole continent of countries
Fair enough.

It's probably why Americans can't win at Esports anyone cares about.
No there is North America and South America. There is no continent called just "America". Obviously then its the USA.
>europs understanding contexts
let's play spandau ballet and laugh at these millenials
American here, trust me I'd love to move to Europe some day.
eurofag here, let's swap
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The best engineers are rarely the best drivers.
Which part of Europe though? I'd either go to a part of France that hasn't been invaded, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland or Iceland. The rest of Europe is either broke or resembles the Middle East now.

which part of murrca

ps, finland and denmark have been islamified, not as bad as sweden tho
fuck, guess they're off the list

Texas actually has a pretty low cost of living and a solid job market. The problem is that too many people are fucking moving here and it's going to screw everything up.
>too many people are fucking moving here

Shit Texans have been saying for over 100 years.
Is it just me or are the only people who ever say this highschool Spanish teachers?
Low COL, yes. Job market, yes. I live in DFW and it's just so damn crowded.

>grew up on East Coast
>governments can't decide whether to spend on transit or highways
>everywhere that isn't NYC has mediocre transit as a result and mediocre highways
>move to Texas
>everyone in Texas loves their cars, the highways must be amazing
>get rental car at DFW
>get on highway
>potholes everywhere, construction everywhere, it's just total shit
>a ten mile highway expansion project will take five years

This is the end stage of shitty public policy. Don't even get me started on the quality of education or the state's Saudi-like stance on birth control and abortion.
Yeah I'm around Houston and it's pretty much the same thing except worse.

It's true desu
filled with mexican'ts

and you whine about sweden
I'd take a thousands spics over one Muslim anyday.
>implying they're beheading people
>implying they're trying to convert us into Christian fundamentalist law (protip: that's the white people doing so)
>implying they're raping everybody
>implying they molest thousands of little girls for a decade while the police do nothing because they're afraid of being racist

nice try Sven
F22's, the F35 was just developed to sell to other countries to fight our proxy wars with, thanks Yurop.
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>the privilege of being a fat fuck
t-thanks america!!
Individual cars are the most inefficient way to travel, as they clog up roads, and they're the worst for the environment

Stupid murrifat
enjoy waiting for the bus, or waiting for the train, or waiting for a taxi.

meanwhile, if i'd like to go anywhere. I simply get into my car and drive there.

Oh and if I suddenly decide I want to travel somewhere, or stop at a store, or a restaurant, or some neat festival on the way. I dont have to wait until a stop, get off the bus, wait for a new one and find a route to get me where ever, and then walk. All while facing the elements of the environment.

Its called personal convenience, privacy and independence.

Half of this comment was meant to be snarky, but the rest of it is true. Those are American values. even if it doesn't seem like it
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You think America is bad? Japan is worse. And the reason is because virtually all businesses in Japan are small- and medium-sized businesses which don't want to adopt new technology.


>This is a country that uses people to do the work of traffic lights and where big-name companies running 10-year-old software is the norm.

>There are even tape cassettes for sale in the ubiquitous convenience stores for office use, along with fax machines - remember them? Even tech visionaries like Sony still use a fax.

>"Japanese companies generally lag foreign companies by roughly five-to-10 years in adoption of modern IT practices, particularly those specific to the software industry," says Patrick McKenzie, boss of Starfighter, a software company with operations in Tokyo and Chicago.

>You can pay for things with your phone in Japan, but nobody really uses their e-wallets here; ditto for Skype in the office, or other now-ubiquitous cloud storage tools, such as Dropbox.

>Yoji Otokozawa, president of Tokyo-based IT consultants Interarrows, says Japan Inc. is poor in digital literacy because small businesses, not multinationals, rule the country.

>"They usually use postal mail, or fax for their communications. We sometimes receive a fax, written by hand which means such firms don't even use word processing software like Word."

>Burning data onto discs and delivering them through the post, accompanied by a data submission form "filled out by hand," was encouraged by managers.

>Cassette tapes, obsolete technology in many countries, are still sold in Japanese shops...
>...and human traffic lights still regulate the roads
oh wait i can just use a fucking computer for that

You can get unlimited sms/calling for practically nothing in the US.
>Oh and if I suddenly decide I want to travel somewhere, or stop at a store, or a restaurant, or some neat festival on the way. I dont have to wait until a stop, get off the bus, wait for a new one and find a route to get me where ever, and then walk
Those are the moments you take your car.

Commuting daily, you do not.

As a Swede, I prefer the train for a number of reasons:

>it is a lot faster than going by car - not only is the train going faster than the speed limits of the highway, but it is also pretty much going the euclidean distance
>it is quiet, has an onboard bistro (restaurant carriage), free Internet, electrical outlets and tables so I can work on my laptop
>risk of having an accident is reduced by a gorillion percent (Sweden has less daylight than the US, every road is sided by woods and got more moose crammed into it than there are in all of the US)

There are also only white people on any inter-city trains, so there is that.
>because small businesses, not multinationals, rule the country.
this is a good thing.
I will give it that, trains people take to work are usually really nice. Vancouver has the Pacific express and its lovely.

The US is much larger than Sweden. And a lot more spread out(minus metropolitan areas)

Right now I live in San Antonio, TX. I just traveled to Houston, TX. I drove on 1 interstate the entire trip. spent maybe $15 in gas for a 3 hour trip in new GT Mustang.

Then when I get here, I still need to get around, to my hotel, to work, to visit clients and friends, and go eat.

Really its about convenience. It may be short-sighted, but it really is nice. I do admire public transit, but I wouldn't give up blasting down country roads in a cheap V8 for it.

I remember having to take the skytrain during my vacation..I got sick of waiting in a cramped tube with smelly hipsters pretty fast. It was really cool at first though.

I have 4G in middle of nowhere montana, where were you at?
Americans are too busy doing other things to get better tech and raise their living standards. Other things such as keeping gays from marrying, keeping women from getting contraceptives, giving unborn cells more attention than countless homeless veterans (who make up 50% of their homeless population), making sure that every man, woman, and child is walking around with a handgun (or two) on their hip, and letting the wealthy run roughshod over everyone and everything.
You guys do realize that our country is a lot bigger than yours right?
Nothing wrong about that. As fans of technology we have opinions about where technology should be used and where it shouldn't, or where it is more appropriate. In don't want smart toilets connected to the Internet.
>yfw you are all using an american website
>on an invention made by americans
>bitching about americans

Our power system is so out of date because we bombed the shit out of you guys so you had a chance to rebuild it properly.
And yet everything else in OP is implemented in countries completely untouched by war in the last centuries
Doesn't matter

they have 1940s tech we have 1800s
>Our power system is so out of date because we bombed the shit out of you guys so you had a chance to rebuild it properly.
Or maybe because Americans think investing in infrastructure is socialism and that somehow the free market will magically step up and fix it (hasn't happened)
You mean to tell me your eurotrash population isn't fraught with nignogs, arabs and syrina refugees? Go back to sucking that nigger cock, pussy ass eurotrash bitch.
There's nothing really wrong with it
However, when a load is applied from one 120 volt conductor to the other, without using the neutral, the voltage being used is the sum of both 120 volt conductors (240 volts). This is the case for many water heaters, air conditioners, electric furnaces, clothes dryers, and so forth.

So equipment that is connected to strictly 240 volts is connected with only a two wire cable plus a safety ground wire. (For example 240 volt base board heaters use this.) The only time a cable with three wires plus safety ground is used is if 120/240 volts is needed in the equipment. (For example kitchen ranges or washing machines which have time clocks or programmers that require only a 120 volt feed.)

For systems outside the US, receptacles are 240 volts. Lower voltages tend to be safer, which is why in the US, you are receiving 240 volts at the home box and 120 at receptacles, instead of the thousands of volts generated by the power plant.

Power is transmitted over High Voltage cables - usually above 10K Volts. The power is then stepped down before it reaches consumers. Outlet power in the US is 120 volts, increased from 110 volts sometime around 1950.

The US system theoretically could be made as good or better than the European system with no infrastructure change, except appliances and consumer structures themselves (collectively costing home owners billions). US houses get 240 volts at the panel. If wall outlets all were fed with 240V you'd have the lower current and higher power advantage of the European system and it would be safer too, since each "hot" would still be only 120V from ground (not 240V) which keeps the reduced shock hazard advantage. Of course it is still possible to touch the two hots.

tl;dr Yuros on welfare complaining about why us Americans don't spend as much money as they do.
It's a complete joke. There's still parts of "the grid" that haven't been replaced since originally put up in the early 1900's.
tl;dr we can be better than the europeans if we wanted, but we don't
Not really. The TLDR is that much like in every other aspect of American infrastructure, you're too resistant to change
You can blame Republicunts for that
Well apart from the horrid color scheme it's a decent layout.
Not quite what's "hip" in the west at the moment, but it's very usable.
Japanese companies have a "never change a running system" mentality and not really a concept of obsolecence.
For them software is more like a car: You buy it and use it as long as it works.

smoking on that private grown, it put me where i belong
replying just for pepe
Germanfag here, can confirm the shitty internet. It's not exactly bad, but it's slow and outdated. DSL is still the standard in most of the country and cable is just being rolled out in big cities.
It doesn't have anything to do with the government though. The government doesn't give half a shit about the internet.
The thing is that our infrastructure is owned by the telekom (essentially like Bell in the U.S., but got privatised) and leased out to ISPs. Since the telekom already owns the infrastructure and it's unfeasible for third party providers to build their own, nobody really bothers modernising anything.
>keeping gays from marrying
Except it's legal
>Unborn cells
What is the genome of a fetus? Identical to a grown human? Ohh.
$10 pack of condoms.
Jealous that Muhammad can shoot you dead while I can fire back? Gun violence is literally only an issue in inner city nigger neighborhoods. Mass shooting deaths are such a small percentage of not just murder but GUN murder in this country they are literally a fraction of the FBI's margin of error in murder statistics.

Why I'm arguing with a fag likely from a country overrun by the hijab with a GDP smaller than one of our SMALL states is beyond me.
NO IT FUCKING IS NOT. The 80s were actually cool. Modern America is a fucking dumpster filled with human garbage.
Oh get off it.
Well y'all can get the fuck off this american image board then. Stop shitting the place up :^)
>early 80's

None of these things were available anywhere in the 80's.
>american image board
>clone of 2ch owned by a jap


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>mfw an american got shot near me
But which one are you using, cunt?
>Copper, non-Gbit Internet
>No smart cards, you still swipe. Can't even get my Visa to work
>No paying for fare or groceries with virtual wallets or phone, so have to use cash
>Busses actually have the out-of-date time schedules plastered at the bus stop, not GPS connected signs
>taxis aren't connected to any app I can hail them with (unless you ride with uber, but who would do that in a country that is only 50% white)
>no 4G coverage

None of these are true for me.

Cherry-picking is the biggest indicator for having an inferiority complex.
Europeans rely on 1800's transportation because that's when their newest cities were made. Their pipes are so old, they can't even flush paper so they place shit laden wipes in the trash can.
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Yuropoors, Not even once.
Using iOS or Android, two mobile platforms from USA :^)
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Depends what part of the US you visit. Civilization is concentrated around major large cities, with most of the rest of the country either suburban or totally rural. And rural is completely fucking shit unless you get lucky and there's decent internet speed. With good internet and Amazon Prime, you can make any part of the country relatively livable. I recently had to move to Florida from Rhode Island and man, some shit just sucks. Septic tanks are bullshit. I could probably get connected to the main sewer line, but only if I paid to have a huge stretch of road ripped up and new pipe laid. Meanwhile I get my water from a groundwater pump. At first I was pissed off because the pressure isn't good enough (can't even drive one of those nice showerheads with the massage setting), but when I realized there's no fluoride in ground water and that the rainfall is so ludicrously high here that we couldn't run out if we tried, I changed my mind. Will probably just buy a stronger pump eventually. The phone signal here is nearly non-existent. I've been forced to use Hangouts Dialer's free wifi calling for everything for the past 2 months; I'm quitting my fucking contract completely once it expires, can't believe I have to pay for service I can't use.

The only good thing is I haven't seen any small mammals around, just TONS of little lizards. I think reptiles are cute, and they eat bugs (which I hate) so that helps. Hell I even saw a big ass turtle crawling across my yard one day.

california here. If you are taking the bus, either youre 15, or something really bad happened to you in life.
Sure, if you have wealth.

I will never understand why yuropoors and other lesser nations like to brag about how average they are.
You realize the measure of wealth is ridiculously skewed by the billionaires in this country, right?

Murrica a shit.
Sorry you were born poor or you're too lazy to work.

Got mine, I don't give a fuck about you.
>Septic tanks are bullshit.
Why? I've had mine for over a decade without any problems. Just do regular maintenance and your piss waters your backyard for you.
>The rich work
Topkek, subhuman.
So is your mom with a toothbrush
r e a d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n
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It's also cause our country is so spread out.

>live in EU
>no resources
>bad teeth

Feels pretty good to be American tbqh
The ONLY security flaw javascript has the ability to introduce is XSS, and that's only if you're a stupid faggot that likes to click phishing emails
Shut it, fag.
How does high voltage result in lower amperage?
>the retard thinks this is an argument
We both know you're not rich. Republicants and libertardians are literally the dumbest fucking people on Earth.
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but when her parents say that they don't mean a poor negro or a shitskin of some other sort, they mean a wealthy western white man or WWWM
Greetings fellow Florida resident. Do you use a pressure tank system or just directly pump water out of the ground?
Fuckin this
>mfw I read "all businessmen in Japan are small and medium-sized
what's their average? I know south Koreans have a penis average of like 4.5 inches or something smaller
Detroit. Enough said, worse than Iraq and syria.
IIRC the japanese are ~4.7
and engineers built them then and they still work now. Could you design a better one? How much would YOU CHARGE for it? inb4 internet masters degree in EE
Invent something new, build a new platform. The barrier to entry costs nothing.

I'm conservative because I don't believe in hand-outs for lazy cunts?

Mindlessly associated with black-and-white politics is foolish and simple minded.
They are like ying yang
>yfw america had all this technology before we let you yuropoors have it, so of course ours is older versions
>visit america
>it feels like 2100 cause im from third world country

Y'all need to be happy with what you have.
>Visit Northern Europe
>It's boring, cold and depressing
Cause we're FUCKING POOR
>Everyone is poor in Europe!
>Just let the state pay for everything!
IT's like you faggots WANT the US to keep it's boot on your throat so European fascism wont destroy the world again
To produce 100 watts of power at 240v you need ~4 current. That jumps to ~8 current at 120v.
The one that is a clone of 2ch and is owned by a jap.
>>Busses actually have the out-of-date time schedules plastered at the bus stop, not GPS connected signs

This is the biggest one

What the fuck America? I hope their metro trains for like their train systems have electronic timing?
...and by current I mean Amps
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>You can blame Republicunts for that
Or the fact it would cost several trillions to completely rennovate the infrastructure.
I mean, you democrats and finance dont get along, I get it, but seriously
>Invent something new, build a new platform. The barrier to entry costs nothing.
Let's just put this into perspective. Windows has been in use since the 80s. In all that time there hasn't been ONE serious graphics-based contender except Mac's OS, which began as an offshoot OF Microsoft. You mean to seriously tell me that in 30 fucking years, NOBODY has every come up with a GUI alternative for Windows, even though the OS has been a giant pile of shit for about a decade now? With all the people "going to college" and "working hard" and all the millennials working in the electronics and computer industry, NOT ONE of them has ever come up with something better than shitty old Windows. This is why you're delusional. The truth is, the corrupt capitalist/republic system we have crystalizes and then fossilizes power so no movement is really available for the overwhelming majority of people.

>I'm conservative because I don't believe in hand-outs for lazy cunts?
You mean like the rich? You sure do believe in handouts for them. You're nothing but another edgy, dumbcunt who drank the rich Kool-Aid. I bet you suck Elon Musk's cock even though he's a bigger welfare queen than all the poor people in America combined.

Yes, you are foolish and simple-minded.
You understand how much that would fucking cost, right?
>NOT ONE of them has ever come up with something better than shitty old Windows. This is why you're delusional. The truth is, the corrupt capitalist/republic system we have crystalizes and then fossilizes power so no movement is really available for the overwhelming majority of people.
Holy shit this faggot seriously. If it is so easy, go get some freinds and make your own.
Oh wait.
Your a faggot-ass anti-market commie.
You have no skills except in the art of sucking Robert Reichs dick.
>began as an offshoot OF microsoft

What put that idea in your head?
>using smiley with a carat nose
/pol/ please, we all know what usa is worse shit and Japan is superior that why we all sit on japanophile imageboard (imageboard itself propaganda of japanese culture) why also now owned by japanese and of course we all fap to Japan and Japanese culture.
Just stop talk about so obvious shit.

You two really should not be browsing a tech board if you don't even know the most basic shit about electricity. Ohm's law, you fucking morons.
>Tmw I know that porn
Is this the latest meme? I see it everywhere now.
I haven't travelled abroad much, and every time I read stuff like this makes me want to stay the fuck home.

In my city we have a public transport system that costs me around 20 eurobux a month, it's operating almost 24/7 and I never have to wait for a tram/bus/train/metro for more than five minutes. I also own a car but most of the time it's far easier to take the public alternative. Bicycle is also an awesome choice.

My mobile plan has unlimited everything (4G 50Mbps) and is also around 20 eurobux a month. My employer pays for that though.

If my face gets wrecked or some other bad shit happens, I pay next to nothing for the healthcare. Spent a couple of nights in ICU few years ago, was pumped full of meds and left home with an arsenal of antibiotics, and they sent me a bill for 50 eurobux or so. My employer paid that bill, as is required by the law.

Right now I'm also going to a public university (we have only this kind), which is in the top 100 of the world. I would actually get paid around 500 eurobux a month for going there if I wanted to, but I choose to work instead. Dat experience is going to be a huge payoff once I get my master's.

The worst animals we have around here are mosquitoes, and they exist only for a couple of months during the summer. Our clean water reserves are abundant (water costs next to nothing here), we almost have enough forests for each person in the country, childcare doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and our kids go to school for free (where they feed them, also for free).

I pay 19.5% in taxes, I make around 45k a year.
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actually those are self reported and as expected dumb niggers say dumb nigger things, in all studies on penis size there has never been found any correlation between penis size and race/height/weight of a man, none whatsoever. And when they actually measured penises instead of asking men about it all differences pretty much go away.
I'm short (5'9") and slav and my penis is 8.4 inches, doesn't help with women though...
Why would I suck someone's cock if I've already made it?

Better luck next time, poorfag.
>implying any money in america the government uses actually exists
>there is gbit internet, its just harder to wire it in a country developed around roads, not shitty foothpaths, its less compact
>we have smart cards
>every major chain has options for Paypal, Apple Pay and other systems besides a regular card/cash
>Our bus lines are hundreds of times more complex due to again, how uncompact the US is, it would cost a shitton of money to put a GPS tracking screen in each bus stop
>all american appliances run on 120v, like most of the world does
>4g is fucking everywhere, LTE at that

That is bait anon, you are fucking bait, and on the slight chance that this isnt bait and you're actually serious, you are legitmately retarded.
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Do you really not have shit like this at your bus stops? If we can afford it in Ireland there is 0 reason why you can't in the US
Are you muslim free?

Norwegian here. We have the same stuff. Road signs are also being replaced with LED panels in many cases (where applicable anyway).
I thought OP was talking about something like a TV screen.

Yeah we have those all over, they were installed through most of chicago about 4-5 years ago, and even NWI has them for the trains.
Europeans tend to have a higher standard of living than Americans, better healthcare, better education, frankly, better damn near everything. American superiority is nothing but a delusion shared by brainwashed Amerishits. It consists of only two things: military power, which is exlusively used toward evil ends and is literally destroying the country and wealth, which is densely concentrated in the few billionaires the country has. Meanwhile, more people are on welfare than are employed, the infrastructure is collapsing, and America has the highest cost of healthcare per capita of any nation on the planet -but nowhere NEAR the best healthcare.

America a shit. Btw, I live in this hell. That's why I'm so intimately aware of how shitty it is and how terrible the stupid, fat, gullible, violent, criminal American people are.

>Holy shit this faggot seriously. If it is so easy, go get some freinds and make your own.
I love how you missed the point here. If it's so easy to "just bootsrap", then why haven't one of the literally MILLIONS of computer programmers ever done it yet? It certainly is by no means an impossible task and there would definitely be a market, since people fucking LOATHE Microsoft. Yet it hasn't to date occurred. That doesn't strike you as the least bit odd?
In the few billionaires the country has? We have more billionaires and millionaires here than the next five countries combined.

Stop being functionally retarded and stop the leddit circle-jerking mate
Yeah, and the reason is because the country is so corrupt that the rich fucking love it here.

Stop being evil as the devil itself.
We had something like that in Arizona, but for some reason that was discontinued (or it doesn't work anymore).

It isn't very helpful, though, because if you are at the stop you are going to be waiting there anyway, nothing is in walking distance.
>There is no continent called just "America"
That's just US education, the rest of the world knows America is the whole contintent.

>His country doesn't even has a name of it's own.
Gas in the US is under $2.00 per gallon. Only the poorest of the poor take buses and there aren't enough poor people to make this economically feasible. The numbers just aren't there.
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I spent my whole night watching trannys and coks on /gif/ and tumblr, and reading about penis size.

pretty solid night imho
>Let's just put this into perspective. Windows has been in use since the 80s. In all that time there hasn't been ONE serious graphics-based contender except Mac's OS

"Graphics based contender"?

>which began as an offshoot OF Microsoft.

Uhh, lel, no.

With these two arguments you may as well say that x86 is a superior architecture despite many superior ones existing. The reason x86 is the dominant one to this day is much the same reason Windows is. x86 was required for IBM compatibles, and Windows/MS-DOS was distributed with IBM compatibles. IBM compatibles basically had a monopoly because IBM did.

>NOBODY has every come up with a GUI alternative for Windows, even though the OS has been a giant pile of shit for about a decade now?

They have, you fucking retard. They're just not particularly popular.

>This is why you're delusional. The truth is, the corrupt capitalist/republic system we have crystalizes and then fossilizes power so no movement is really available for the overwhelming majority of people.

That's untrue. Had it not been for the monopoly situation existing in the first place, we would not have this situation today. It has nothing to do with capitalism at all.

What is your alternative? If you talk about any variant of socialism then I'm going to laugh because that's just state-enforced monopoly.
Please don't tell me you live in america...
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Did you enjoy the freedumbs?
>"Graphics based contender"?
/pol/ how the fuck did you find this thread.
pls go.
/g/ is dead enough as it is.
I'm genuinely curious. A lot of European countries have a pretty nice thing going on that could easily be sullied by immigration.

I don't browse /pol/.
>That's untrue.
It's absolutely true. You're just delusional, like the vast majority of Amerikeks.

>It has nothing to do with capitalism at all.
It has EVERYTHING to do with capitalism. Monopolies are the natural inevitability of capitalism, despite libertarian lies.

As in a graphics-based OS for the general public.
>It's absolutely true. You're just delusional, like the vast majority of Amerikeks.

I am not American.

>It has EVERYTHING to do with capitalism. Monopolies are the natural inevitability of capitalism, despite libertarian lies.

Monopolies are the problem. Handing the monopoly to the state would not make this any better.
>Europeans tend to have a higher standard of living than Americans
Because we act as their defenders, and subsidized them for decades.
>It consists of only two things: military power
See above; the only reason they can live in such plush luxury is because Eisenhower felt sorry for the lazy fascists and decided it is our moral obligation as the superior nation to protect them.
>Yet it hasn't to date occurred. That doesn't strike you as the least bit odd?
Becuase, like i said, the faggots who hate Microsoft are the faggots who have no technical skills of their own.
See Linus Torvalds, the inventor of Linux. He said that Microsoft hate is poisonous. Oh, and guess where that fat Finn moved to? America.
America a shit. Btw, I live in this hell. That's why I'm so intimately aware of how shitty it is and how terrible the stupid, fat, gullible, violent, criminal American people are.
So you're a self-loathing faggot who has neverr had the displeasure of actually going to Europe?
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m88, the idea of the originated from Douglas Engelbart, who inspired people from Xerox park (Alan Kay and the lots) to build something that we today know as the "gui".

In like 1981 or something, our bestie Steven Job visited Xerox, got "inspired" and stole their ideas to build into their first computer, the Apple 1.

Our evil semon demon Bill Gate$$$ had a deal with Apple to build some software for them, and they signed not to steal their gui stuff for up until something like 1984 or something.

Only steven job was an idiot and the first apple computer came out at 1985, instead of his plan of 1983. Billy Gate$$$ then stole the idea from Steven and his friends.

tl;dr, everybody steals, you're wrong, and I feel like a plate of glass-wired cardboard.
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>Do you really not have shit like this at your bus stops?
Cities manage their own transit. Some some will have them (here in Poorland ORegon they do, but the drivers also literally flooded trains, so you gotta prioritize), others wont.
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Agree. Most of the "americans" pretend to have sick up-to-date technology like the ones you see in TV and what not but in reality its all different and absolutely nothing is made by USA.
The way they back their shit up is by showing embelished statistics and not mentioning national debt and other factors.
Family member was in Texas for couple weeks said he wouldnt want to live there if youd pay him his rent.
that's like saying people who use anything but Linux shouldn't browse here either. fuck off you fucking faggot.
Well BSD is okay too, but I agree with that sentiment.
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did you read that psychology study basically confirming what psychologists thought for a long time? that all females are either bisexual or homosexual? and that female heterosexuality is virtually a myth?
They measured arousal in males and females when they were subjected to porn of two kinds, heterosexual and homosexual, and then they compared the findings. It turns out that all females, no matter how they identify, no matter if they identify as heterosexual, all of them exhibit the same arousal when shown female sexuality. Basically saying that a woman can't ever just like men, even those who say they do are lying to themselves and/or to other people because of social pressure/religious indoctrination/tradition or being indoctrinated by media into thinking their purpose is to be sex objects for men. But they all exhibit the same patterns of arousal.

Similarly ( and this is why I'm talking to you about it) they found out that men can either be heterosexuals or homosexuals, there is nothing in between, and homosexuality is a lot less common in males than in females (not talking about bisexual females here but completely homosexual ones), what they found is that those males who identify as bisexual exhibit the same patterns of arousal as those men who identify as homosexuals whether they are watching male sexuality or female sexuality. Meaning that bisexual males are attracted to women just as much as gays are, ie not at all. Basically that they are pretending/lying to themselves mostly. Bisexuality doesn't appear to exist in male population and there are good theories about why this is given the social roles of early human males and females, and why would it make a lot of sense for females to be like that.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't be both, you're either straight or a very closeted homosexual, I think it's in your interest to be honest with yourself about that.
Who are you calling Luddites? You people still use stones to kill your disobedient women for fuck's sake.
>Northern Europe

Lol. Discovering and inventing are two different things kiddo. Educate yourself.
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>mfw Americans ITT calling this bait but it's actually true
I think most Americans don't even realize what things are like in Europe.
You should at a reference to the study tho
>The barrier to entry costs nothing.
funny joke.
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I searched "if I like trannys does that mean I'm gay"

I'll spare you the details, but men are attracted to the female features (Jane Marie for example). They are also attracted to penises because it reminds them of their own penis...theories go on and on

I also bought this book. They examine internet searches to see what people are really interested but might be considered taboo. Men equally google big cock and vagina.

I believe sexuality is on a spectrum. I'll take a D in the A for a tranny all day long, but not from some harry ass man


[u]A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships[/u]

America invented literally none of those things
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that's not really a psychological study, that's just one guy giving a ted x talk while about a lie he came up with when his wife caught him watching shemale porn.

Those men who search "big cock" are closeted homosexuals, they can't be bisexuals because they don't exist in male population.
And who the fuck searches for just "vagina" like wat... I don't think any men in history of the internet ever search for porn like that, that is understood that women will have a vagina, then you just need to search for whatever you want to watch those women do but they'll always have a vagina you don't have to just search google for "vagina", where searching for "big cock" is clearly not the same, the same would be searching for "penis". When you search for "big cock" you are searching for men with large penises, it is understood they'll have a penis and now you'll searching for your particular fetish but your fetish is involving men.

>I believe sexuality is on a spectrum.

Why do you believe that? Based on what? Based on that made up scale? You know that isn't based on ANY research or studies or experiments? The guy just woke up one day and said that sexuality is on a spectrum. And besides this newest study basically proves that it isn't. For men it's either black and white, but never gray, where for women is always white and gray but never black(black being pure heterosexuality)

Idk what to say man, just accept it and move on. You are most likely a homosexual, it's 2015 no one would probably give a flying shit but you will in 20 years when you wish you accepted yourself as you are sooner. You are the only one judging you.
How do you explain the many many guys who have bisexual sex? You believe they don't exist? They're only enjoying one of their two partners?

Can you post a link to the article already?
soda+poprocks episode
cool shitposting.
>bisexuals don't exist meme
yeah, they are well delusional, if you were to hook them up to some wires their arousal levels would show you the truth, another possibility is that they are just imagining that they are with a man when they are having sex with women. You can't possibly understand how far a delusional mind is willing to go to keep the delusion afloat... That's what "internalized homophobia" is

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I'm not sexually attracted to men at all. That being said, I would take a pounding in the ass any day(i never have though). But I think it's more about prostate stim than anything.

Now, if was a hot ass tranny, shiiit...I'd be making love to that bitch

pic related absolutely related.
male bisexuals, read the study. where females are either lesbians or bisexuals but never heterosexual

so I guess science just showed that you are a delusional closeted homosexuals that is trying really really hard to convince himself and the world that he "totally isn't gay" and that he is something "totally different" and less bad in his mind or whatever.
Can you stop posting about fags in an America vs Europe thread?
>read the study
Why don't you actually post it?

You want a US vs EU thread, take your ass to /sp/ or /pol/
Youre telling me you wouldn't bang the chick I just posted (jane marie)?

Stay in denial
> But I think it's more about prostate stim than anything.

How do you people even survive for this long? You do know that "stimulating" prostate doesn't make you feel sexual pleasure right? In any way? What hitting prostate does is forces piss and sperm in the tubes out, it basically makes you wanna piss really really bad like when you are way way drunk and you haven't pissed for hours and you need to go so bad you are in pain. That's what it does. The way trannies make themselves "cum" ( there is no such thing as an "anal orgasm", this is just ejaculation), is that they don't masturbate for a week or two and then edge all day( masturbate but stop themselves from ejaculating in the last moment), now the sperm is in the tubes and if they hit the prostate either with a penis or a dildo or whatever enough times it will make them feel as though they need to piss really bad and the piss will be forced out of them. When the piss goes it will push out the sperm too and so they cum and it's usually or watery and shit because of how much piss there is in it if they want it to be all slimy and shit they need to empty their bladder before they do this so there is as little as possible piss with that sperm they will ejaculate. But this doesn't feel as an orgasm like you have when you jerk off or have sex. In fact it doesn't feel like anything but that relief that you get from pissing when you needed to go really bad. But there is no pleasure in it, you see the sperm going out of your dick but you feel nothing but pain from something in your ass.
What they do and homosexuals too is that they get off on the idea of being dominated and used, the pleasure is imaginary not in any way anatomical like it is for normal people.
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>using public transportation

This is the yuropoor way of life
so you believe this study to be the unchallenged truth just because?
>this huge amount of delusion
Putting stuff in my butt feels good, friend. Nothing complicated about it. Head to >>>/x/.
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