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Question: how big a budget do you need to develop something like
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File: fallout1_09.jpg (69 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
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Question: how big a budget do you need to develop something like Fallout? Assuming at least one free programmer (that being me).

Also, you can talk about general game development in here.
try writing the *Underrail* guy
Assuming you're the only person working on it and you already have all the equipment you need, consider how long it would take to develop it and also how much money you need to live on.

That's your budget.
$0 if you can do everything yourself like real game developers back in the old days did.

Yet another reason today's gabillion dollar big budget movie "games" are garbage.
Alone? It would take me way too long. Possibly over 5 years.

I'm thinking of doing it in maybe 1-2 years but I need to estimate my budget.

I obviously need at least 1 more programmer, a few good graphics artists, a sound specialist and a composer. So everything except actually marketing and business side of things.
have you even made any games so far?
I could do it on my own in 8-bit style, graphics and music included. But that obviously won't sell. While I enjoy the craft of game development and I enjoy games and game design, I realize also that this is business and I need to make money off it.
Yes. I have 5+ years experience with game development and 8+ years experience with programming. I'm only wondering what the budget for a project of this scale would be approximately. If someone went through this kind of project or something similar that would be the best source of info obviously.
Do you want to build it from scratch or use existing libs?
There was a guy on /diy/ a while ago who built a pretty cool Mecha war game for his graduation project, took him like 7 months iirc. (including a simulator)

If you want an RPG with stories and quests and shit, you'll need some kind of writer as well or the game will be really boring.

Games rely way more on stories and artwork than most programmers want to admit
True that.

>programming or doing anything productive
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>how big a budget do you need to develop something like Fallout?

More than what you've got in your pocket if you want a sellable game.

You at least need to hire /one/ artist. Good artists aren't cheap. Bad artists are also expensive, so you need to shop around.

>isometricc projection

That is so 80s.
>That is so 80s.
Old is new again.
How come you have 5+ game dev experience and have no idea how big a budget you need to make a game?
Because I'm not normally doing the role of a manager.
find some graphics enthusiast kid on any gamedev forum, pay him pennies or even don't pay anything - if you choose well, he will gladly do it for free and there you are.
don't except quality though

Problem in developing something like fallout is making this atmosphere, story, overally content. Content is more important than anything else.
(i understood it when i wrote every script/element of mechanics/basically everything than be programmed i needed for my 3d mystery murder unity-based game and then realized i can't write proper dialogues on my own. fuck.)
Can't you, like, copy dialogs from known authors and rearrange the words?
>durr isometric projection is outdated

why the fuck would it be outdated, as a way of presenting your character and the world about him its pretty fucking timeless
make it a multiplayer html5 game. Use the Phaser library

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pic related. Made this in a week.
Why are the enemies purple dicks?
they're collectables
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>that game

the artwork is inferior to Astrotit.
Why are your collectables purple dicks?

Did you make a game about getting as much cock as you can?
code it in HaXe
haxe.org / openfl.org
figure 100,000 per person for a year.

so if you have a team of 4 then 400,000 a year
I've got a question of my own here… I'm in the process of developing a game. I'd aim for it to have a decent-sized story (writing it isn't a problem) and with that comes scripting.
However, I've got absolutely no idea where to start when it comes to scripting. What are your suggestions? Do I write my own language from scratch? Is it somehow possible to use an existing language? Or is there just something I've not thought of?
2 programmers
2 artists
2 sound&music
1 writer

7x 60k * 2 years = 840k
Python or Lua for end-user scripting
-Father, I am your Luke
-That's unlikely!

Yeah, works great.
You could probably code it alone tbh.
How would it be implemented?
60K a year?
shit son how experienced are these people and for 60K I'd expect it to be done in a year. Year and a half tops
>doing anything productive
1) start with the game
2) make an editor
3) dialogs/quests
4) database if needed

oh look you're done
Both have C(++) embeddable interpreters.
You mean $60k isn't the entry salary for you folk? Do you work in the gam... heh.
entry for most developers is £20k-£25k depending on experience (I'm on 23K because github and side projects after college)
senior developers range from £40k-£60k. even in USD that's around $40k entry
>8 bit style.
>Clearly at least 16 bits worth of colors, let alone resolution.

Please stop using 8 bit to mean "pixels" or "retro"
8-bit style means you're restricted to 8-bit color palette, 8-bit sounds and 8-bit music. It doesn't mean either pixelated style or retro, whatever that means in your world.
depends on where you live in california silicon valley 40k is nothing while in the midwest that fairly reasonable.

Also your going to have more expenses for an employee than there salary.
Wooooooooow next level idiot
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