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>tfw finally deadlifted the bar
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>tfw finally deadlifted the bar
Congrats anon, I started off with a 40kg deadlift (including the bar) today, just keep at it and don't let anything fucking stop you, we're all gonna make it.
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>tfw finally OHP my arms over my head
Good to see you guys getting back into lifting after being in a coma for 3 years.
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>I can bent over row 5lb dumb bells now
>Finally moved onto bodyweight squats holding a cup of water
>i can open the gym door now
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I'm so proud of all of you. You're all going to make it :)
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>Got out of bed
Chemo patient rehab ITT?
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>tfw finally did my first body weight squat negative
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>finally curled my arms for one rep
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>Had to sleep with no cover because I cant lift it off in the morning
how much does the bar weight
>tfw can finally pull up the fly on my jeans
Got my jaw strong enough to chew 5 reps. Will be able to eat a non liquid meal soon, so fucking motivated
tfw can finally pull myself up from bed unassisted

tfw can finally go the toilet unassisted

tfw can finally put on underwear unassisted

/surgery bros will know these feels
>finally strong enough to put the 1.25s on the bar

getting there...we're all gonna fukken make it brah like zyzz said

only problem is now I can't actually lift the damn bar with the 1.25s on it.
I'm close to being able to pump my own blood now
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Someday. Someday.
>3 years stuck on 42.5kg ohp
>tfw I'm finally strong enough open my eyes
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>Open your eyes to Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise!
are ... uh ... are any of you guys serious? because right now Im kinda progressing *very* slowly at the stage where I want to be able to reliably do 12rep sets of machine presses at 50kgs before I move on to barbells and I do plan on starting fresh from the empty bar when I do, but reading all of these posts really puts a damper on my motivation :((
What surgery breh?
>tfw laughing hurts and have brehs come over to dick around my mutilated body
side re-attachment surgery
what are micro-weights
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>took a breath this morning
it actually took me a few days to be able to properly body weight squat just due to mobility shit
Now it's time to start third world squatting breh.
Be a slav
Thanks /fit/ im laughing my ass off in the hospital cafe right now on my break. You guys are great
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>tfw can finally exist today
you might have zika bro
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>tfw left shower on hot for 5s before turning it down
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>tfw finally benched my arms
whoa buddy slow down there.
one thing at a time.
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>can finally lying tricep extend my pillow
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>drank water 135ml x1 for the first time today

felt great
>Finally managed to do 4x1 mouseclicks to solve the captcha
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>tfw OHP on shirt for first time
>finally am strong enough to look at dumbell rack and consider lifting one
Go to settings and enable legacy captcha m8, it's so much better.
Hardest thing desu
Second hardest thing in the morning ;) Well.. Not anymore. I've had ED since I was 19 due to my weight.
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just have your mom spot you and give you a little boost if you fail
>tfw finally strong enough to open up my laptop latch so I can shitpost in style
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>That "guy" who cant lift his own bodyweight

Better start your MtF transition now
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> Finally worked up the confidence to move away from machines and do 90% of shit using a barbell
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>Finally built the strength to safely get 45s onto a barbell above my waist

ACL surgery bruv
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Thread images: 23

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