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Sleep cycles for GAINZ
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What does /fit/ think about pic related?

How can we optimize our sleep cycles for MAXXX gainz in both muscle AND life?
Anything except the first 2 seem like a fast way to get a heart attack
The Uberman seems pretty cool
Pretty sure HGH is only released during the deepest phases of sleep at least 2 hours in
That shit is complete bullshit

Pity it doesn't actually work.
That's not what this says:


It's been studied. You don't actually adapt to the lack of sleep, you just stop noticing how fatigued you are.
ok how about dymaxion?

Same problem. Basically every sleep pattern that promises to radically reduce how much you need is full of shit.
Biphasic is pretty good. Lots of cultures utilise it effectively, like Spain with their siestas. They take longer than a 20 minute power nap but the idea is the same.

It's never worked for me because it takes me too long to fall asleep.

Uberman and dymaxion are bullshit and you will never feel fully rested if either of those is your sleeping pattern.
>>spain utilising something effectively
that's why they're always late, these lazy bums. because they're so "effective"
Kek, this
Biphasic is natural for humans, its what everyone does as a child. Everything else is a retarded meme, it doesnt work, it just leads to sleep deprivation. Why do idiots keep posting this shit?
>Biphasic is natural for humans, its what everyone does as a child
Proofs? Also, if you do something as a child, it's not automatically better. Otherwise we would all still shit ourselves.
you guys are idiots hgh and muscle repairment happen during deepsleep aka 5hrs+ in
How is any of those even going to work for someone with a job.
And if you don't have a job you can sleep ten hours anyways.
Did you not understand what i wrote? I said its natural for us, its what we do in childhood, its what i did and its what you did. Go ask your mom you fucking dimwit or google it.
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