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So /fit/ I decided to eat more veggies and cut the junk food
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So /fit/ I decided to eat more veggies and cut the junk food from my died until I lose 5% body fat. But the constant fruits and veggies washing with soap is getting annoying, is there a simpler way to clean them ?

no. this is the only way.
Eat them in the shower
Who washes their veggies with soap?
No, and use more soap than in that pic, not nearly enough.

What the fuck are you doing? Dude, get the fuck out here man
I just put them in the dishwasher when it's empty. put it on 30°
Try the dishwasher
Give them a bleach bath, it's more efficient and doesn't need scrubbing.
im sure you can taste the soap after that
please be troll.
>bleach bath
Are you retarted ? Do you want to poison me ?
Looks like someone wants to eat dangerous dirty veggies. Keep memeing that bleach baths will kill you
OP, let your fruits and veggies soak in a water and vinnegar solution in the sink. Will remove impurities and increase the shelf life
Just eat organic you faggot
I do one parts distilled white vinegar two parts water. Just let veggies and fruit kinda chill in there then pull out and scrub with washcloth or hand. Put muh berries in a strainer and put in the bowl of vinegar water let them chill, do some push ups, then rinse in the sink. Acidity kills all the bacteria that makes them go bad.
Kek I dont even rinse them with water anymore. You guys are a bunch of faggots tbqh

Whatever doesnt kill you
Just fucking eat them pussy, nothing's gonna happen unless you have the immune system of a new born baby with full blown AIDS
this. i rinse mine very rarely. usually just throwem in the blender and go.

ill live by this until i get some disease or some shit and die.
fuck off faggot
Hahaha what the fuck? To you buy your veggies in the sewer?
what no ? You have to clean your veggies and fruits with soap in order to not lose vital minerals and vitamins
this OP
And activate your almonds, very important too!

Kill urself
Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which will deactivate any trace amounts of bleach left on them after you've let them dry.
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