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Steroids General



>ESTP has still yet to deliver edition
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first for animu
steroids are for manlet faggots
pinning is so damn easy , can't believe i was scared
Dude letro is an AI, I answered you. Yes you should run an AI on cycle, use letro. If you can't get it dose arimidex at 1mg per day.
>he's going to spend years to look somewhat decent
>not just doing 2 cycles and looking like a god
i'm just taking the fast route faggot
never been a fan of needles , I knew they didn't hurt but I was scared I would fuck something up. It's easy as in just find the suitable spot to pin , aspirate , slowly inject , take it out. good to go!
What was "she" supposed to deliver?
Will 1 year of roids damage my genetics and harm my future babbies?
What kind of PCT y'all using and why?
Dumb bitch said she would share lewd pics if Coach sent her some, he sent some yesterday but she hasn't delivered
I see
Somehow I am doubteful she will be sending/posting pics any time soon
>Will 1 year of roids damage my genetics and harm my future babbies?
This depends on the type of steroids that you do. Certain steroids (like trenbolone/equipose) can permanently effect your DNA and cause it to mutate. These steroids were designed for animals, not humans. There haven't been enough studies on this to know what extent it will have on future generations, people can only speculate for now.

estp is a qt trap
tbqh (not even gay i swear) would rather see coach pics than estp.
i'd like to reiterate that i'm not gay, i've only beat off to tranny porn two times, and they were very passable.
ur babbeys will be freak beasts bro. not even a con


This is pretty much the assumption I have been running on

See above

AND you said no homo both times
>Damage my genetics
>leave humanity behind
Yeah, "she" blames "her" deep voice on roids but we all know "shes" hiding a penor under that skirt
does anyone have that picture of that black rapper making that wtf face
i googled "black rapper wtf" but couldn't find it.

>AND you said no homo both times
what are you implying manlet?
does no homo x2 cancel each other to make it homo again?
oh of course :^)

>2 negatives = a positive
>no homo + no homo = homo
I'm sorry anon, you're going to have to fap to trannys once more and say no homo
Viper kill urself my man? Or the black guy with dreadlocks that brick always posts?
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So I talked to my local bodybuilder about starting my first cycle. I said I only wanted to start small and slowly build up to stronger stuff as I go on and he recommended 10 mg of winstrol and anavar and says he can get it for me.. is this a good idea?
Should I ask for something else?
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black rapper wtf.png
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got it
no homo, no homo, no homo
>summons mostlyhomo
>10 mg of winstrol and anavar
/r/ steroids wiki gtfo

pls be london
Anavar only cycles are for women, literally
Winstrol doses START at 25mg, not to mention that the drug is fucking horrible and will destroy your joints
The guy is trolling you, he wants to shut down your natural testosterone while making sure you dont make gains
Inject testosterone like everyone else
Judging by the London memes I'm obviously being offered girl steroids then
and you're retarded for not doing an ounce of research between now and 6-8 hours ago when you initially asked this question in last bread

/r/steroids wiki pls gtfo
>Anavar, gf takes this bb. Texas?
I was asleep for the last 8 hours my dude
Go away.
Buy testosterone and inject that shit
Oral only cycles are a meme, and you picked the single two shittiest orals for mass gain
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will the real yolo pls stand up
>69 59 59

tren is giving me freaky dreams

i just dreamt that i had sex with my younger brother multiple times
is he cute?
did you finish inside?
Yeah I got those kinda tren dreams
Except it was raping my sister
Fucked up shit


Ew ew ew ew go away
some facials and some inside the butt, not really my type if i had been gay desu

that's kinda hot though
I'd have really violent dreams too, like mashing some homeless guys face with a beer bottle and running over screaming people with a tractor
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>ywn fuck your own brother and cum in his ass

I dont even have a brother ;-;
Why did this pic use the guy from lie to me? Is he even a real psychoanalist?
I have dreams like that even without the tren

wonder what it'd be like on tren
So how does your body feel with tren? Do you "feel it"? Just taken test before but didn't really feel a difference but saw one afterwards.
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>Cutting on 1000 deficit
>Dealing with hunger pains
>0.4kg up the next day
5th time jacking off within the last 2 hours, still hard

and this is only 500mg test jesus christ, already getting raw dog

literally just water weight you aspie
hey gois

i lurk a bit here from time to time. i noticed you guys seem to have a lot of experience with different compounds and cycles, so i thought id give this a shot.

soon i will be bulking on test prop, npp and dbol.
test @ 525mg for 8-10 weeks
npp @ 525mg for 8-10 weeks
dbol @ 20mg per day for 3 weeks
considering upping dbol to 40mg a day for another 3 weeks

i only have enough pharma dbol for 3 weeks, so will have to use ugl dbol for the other 3.

anyway, any of you have experience with a cycle like this? looking to add a decent amount of quality mass. will carb cycle to keep fat gain down.

also im considering dropping the test to 300mg per week and adding some var, to extend the cycle another 6 weeks or so and do a mini cut. not sure if worth as i can always just pct and do the cut cycle towards end of summer (southern hemisphere here).

comments/advice appreciated. however i will not b&c just yet
You get carb sweats, awesome pumps, taint and calf cramps.
Tolerance for bullshit drastically reduced
Delts and traps look huge
You become a machine in the gym
Short esters for first cycle? Bold choice
You're gonna be damn tired of pinning by the end
Extend the cycle to cut if you want but var wont make a difference, add DNP or (or ECA if pussy)
so it's good to carb load on tren?

Tolerance is already low, that might cause a problem. Worth the delts and traps.

/Homegymmasterrace/ I don't have to deal with peasants.
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Anyone ever ran primo during a cruise for dem good feels?
I'm homegym too, believe me you're gonna want cables.
I have cables. C'MON don't you?
why so complex?
Nah I'm poverty mode kek
Invite me over breh, I'll pin your ass with tren suspension nohomo
Ever since I started gear, my right arm/hand has been going numb, like there's a lack of blood flow to it. It usually goes away, but I was wondering if it's normal.
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Texas? Also cable machines aren't that expensive. I'll do the pinning bb ;)
Peripheral neuropathy, pretty common. Don't Google it though there's lots of fear mongering bullshit.
sorry probably should have stated that this is like my 6th cycle. ive heard pgcl (if thats correct) is better than dnp? dont really wanna risk my health too much, gear is about as far as ill go, maybe some hgh.

not really too complex, just two short esters with dbol. i prefer short esters for faster recovery and gains. might just pct and recover before i cut with the var. my consider other compounds too. ive never done a cut on gear and im probably sitting around 12-14% bf now. i can still see my abs in the morning and only slightly during the day
sorry, assumed it was first.
No idea what pgcl is but DNP is currently the best cutting drug available, its really not as dangerous as its made out to be. It dehydrates you and you'll sweat a lot, thats about it.
could i take 10mg tamoxifen every single day for the rest of my life

something is wrong with me, i have naturally puffy nipples and lumps, when i squeeze my nipple sometimes the tiniest bit of clear fluid comes out - yet according to my doctor my blood results are completely normal

when i did my first cycle tamoxifen reduced the puffyness, lumps still there but zero fluid coming out

suppose that i should stress again that its just the tiniest amount of fluid, and thats when i squeeze it, and 90% of the time nothing would come out

and no, im not squeezing my nipples all the time, literally like once per week out of curiosity
Why not masteron

That won't fix puffy nips. I thought that was fat
Tamox has shitty sides with extended use, use raloxifene instead. No negative sides and increases bone density.
the puffyness was reduced and the lactating stopped

im not trying to "cure" my puffy nipples, though that would be great

my logic is that tamoxifen is fixing whatever is causing the lactating and some of the puffyness
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You can try it for a couple of week to see if it makes any difference, but i wouldn't take it for the rest of your life.
how's the cut going, found your natty eye yet?
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Hey monsters to be I was diagnosed with cancer do they're gonna start doping me with a whole system of drugs soon including roids. What should I ask for, and how much cause I know there are some steroids which don't affect muscle development??
weak b8
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I see some difference every week, but goes very slowly now of course. I remember that also from the prev cut

Yeah, the natty eye is showing, i see his pupil already.
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I have literally no reason to lie about such a thing. Do you want more psuedo-porn for an answer perhaps??
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there are not going to give you anabolic sterons bro.

also if this is real im fucking sorry bro, hope you will win the fight.
Bummer i was looking forward to skinhead swole hahaha the 5-year prognosis is 68% even though im stage 3 so i have faith ill at least get to see a bit of a trump presidency or something. Im only 21 and otherwise healthy so they're basically like if chemo works you could be 100 if not 25
fugg man, hope this will end well.

gonna pray for you
Also are you sure Wikipedia says
>Anabolic steroids were first made in the 1930s, and are now used therapeutically in medicine to stimulate muscle growth and appetite, induce male puberty and treat chronic wasting conditions, such as cancer and AIDS. The American College of Sports Medicine acknowledges that AAS, in the presence of adequate diet, can contribute to increases in body weight, often as lean mass increases and that the gains in muscular strength achieved through high-intensity exercise and proper diet can be additionally increased by the use of AAS in some individuals.[1]

They wont prescribe it unless your lack of muscle threatens your quality of life.

Some terminal patients cant properly walk because of the lack of muscle. They give gear to prevent that. Not to keep or get someone swole.

Var is often used. If you're really going to die try methyltren at reasonable doses and report back with bloods.
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I'm considering it, I just don't trust the quality of the raws. I think jano said there's some ~98% around.
I want to be hypermasculine. Leaner. More beard growth. Possible deeper voice. Generally calmer and more confident socially.

What compounds do I take?
Also any with possitive side effects that are more or less permanent. I know test alone will vastly improve vascularity and myonuclei density permanently, Im sure there is more.
Yo Capitalist, Australia here. I've got 3 grams of your mk 677 and was wondering, is the tiny scooper you've provided a 25mg or a 50mg scooper?
Normally i inject on Monday. Would it care if i now inject on Sunday? Test and mast
no, doesn't matter
god damn tren pumps are nasty

i feel crying after every set
thanks anon nice chicas I will add these to my modelfu list
cute af
man I wish you could save instagram pics like normal pics instead of being forced to use the snipping tool
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>Not being 1337 haxxor enough to save the pics without snipping tool.
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how 2 pls, it is so time consuming, I also wish that they could be auto named
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I mean there's Instagrabber and


Instasave on Android. I use it for vids

>posting from phone
>>posting from phone
>being third world
>using an android
>being third world
your mother's a nigger loving whore.
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Anyone got experience with mod grf and ipamorelin or ghrp?
How effective is using an oral on and off throughout a cycle? Specifically superdrol. The reason I ask is because I see most people using an oral as either a kickstart or to end a blast. Would it just be a waste to use sdrol 4 weeks on/4 weeks off while also blasting other compounds like tren and test?
its a LOT harder to find actual primo than mast lol
like theres barely any real primo on the market and its expensive af
many people do that, works great
is it possible to blast and cruise without destroying your testicles / needing hcg or whatever
I think there is a guy here that bnc'ed for 2 years from like 17-19 and he had normal test levels after
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my gf just injected me for the first time guiyz. Most romantic shit i have ever done in my life.

I never had fake masteron myself. fuck, masteron is nice.
Im standing up.
what next?
Everybody lactates if you squeeze your nipple hard enough.
you didnt say simon says
is this really her >>37695334
Is 0.5mg dutasteride enough for most blasts?

What happened with that girl you were going to meet after so long
>What happened with that girl you were going to meet after so long
tl;dr she didn't come to my party.
Why. Did she dupe your heart
prolly dint want to.
she says her sister had a play and thsat she's try and come after that, but she didnt.

>Did she dupe your heart
was keen to see her, not gona lie.
but whateves, :)
Pull a Jerry. Kill da sloot
srsly considering taking a shit in her plants she uses for research at uni.
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>tfw would fugg estp's cute butthole while slave rims me

Decided to test the slave sooner rather than later boyos, gave her my (unloaded) gun and told her to rob my buddies family gas station (after hours, he turned the security off and was the only one there, she didn't know this. I took money out of my account to put in the drawer)

Lo and behold, she told me she was nervous BUT SHE FUCKING DID IT

>sitting at work
>get a text from buddie
>"holy fuck she actually did it"
>two hours later get home
>dinner is on the table for me
>"master, I did as you asked, here's your reward!"
>sets out the money and returns my gun next to my dinner

Told her it was a test and that she passed, gave her some molly and fucked her brains out for four hours as a reward. She was more excited than I was that she passed.
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Maybe you were too creepy


copy url, it grabs it, you download ALL the content in 1 click
the absolute madwoman!
I don't know if I'd be excited or terrified, to be honest.

>taking a shit in her plants she uses for research at uni.
Be the hero fraud needs
she's just playing games.

asks me to come help her science 2 weeks ago.
I drive to her uni (like 40mins away) to go help her.

she talks about how ex left her
then about new guy that likes her
then about how rich he is
then about how he's not rough enough for her
then asks about my love life
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It's a 10cc scoop. It will only measure VOLUME and not WEIGHT. I honestly recommend you throw it away. I only started including the scoops as a marketing gimmick because some of the competition includes them and I got a few emails from people who kept asking for it.
The scoop is NOT an accurate way to dose but if you do use it you will be fine. You can't really overdose Ibutamoren. My honest recommendation is to measure out 117ml of everclear and mix the powder and the everclear in some sort of sealed glass container. Might have to heat it a little bit in a microwave or in some water just off boil to get the powder to dissolve.
I should probably include instructions on this or make a youtube video or something. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I take this back >>37699500

Beta friendzone tryhard pls

What are you doing yolo
I need to get a student card from that uni and I'll do it.
>What are you doing yolo
p much just wana shit on her plants and move on now.
its not gona happen with her.
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Right click an image, open link in new tab so you're on the page for a single image.

In Chrome, right click, Inspect Element, go to Network, refresh page, open second jpg in new tab.

Alternatively, type this in URL bar;
> javascript: window.location = document.getElementById('pImage_0').src;void(0);


I'd try DNP.
Good. Putting an end to this bitch faggoting you around
So I've researched a bunch on TRT and just gear in general the past few weeks, but I found remarkably little info on just doing a 100 to 200 mg a week dose of test. Would I need an AI at those levels? Would I risk damaging future test levels?

I blasted and cruised from the ages of 20 to 23. Actually, it was more like permablasting. I was competing do even my "cruises" were shit like 250mg test, 1g EQ a week with tren base preworkout. Competition blasts had me swimming in drugs, I love experimenting so I took crazy doses of all kinds of shit just for fun.

PCT was me just coming off, waiting 2 weeks, then injecting a single 100mcg shot of triptolerin. That's it.

Got bloods tested a month later and I had already made a near full recovery, test levels were equal to that of the average guy. A month or so after that, it was back to its original levels which is 800ng/dl or something like that, I had/have pretty high natural test.

Maybe me having high natty test means I recover better or something, I'm just one case and don't expect everyone's to be the same. But triptolerin is good powerful shit. Considering hopping on again for a long time, will use it again when/if I come off.
>Putting an end to this bitch faggoting you around
ya man, p clear she doesnt give a fuck lol.

you should always have AI on hand because you dont know how many mg of test you're actually pinning and you also dont know how your body will respond to the compound.

Does it have to be mixed in an alcohol solution?

I'm guessing it isn't water soluble, but would it be ineffective to put it in water and just slam it down? Might not be fun, but I've done worse.
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I'm considering making a cl post for a hot milf to teach me how to sex
Since it's a milf I wouldn't be intimidatedso I could get it up, and after a life time full of being a slut, I bet she'd be a good teacher

How could it go wrong

But I did just spend a ton of money on azusas pussy so I should wait for that

If she'd go that far for you I bet she would even talk to me if you asked her too.
She's absolutely nuts

Probably not but maybe ai is pretty subjective, yes you'd be shut down
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I do believe it is water soluble. Just make sure you are accurately measuring the liquid you are gonna mix the powder with. I recommend going to a pharmacy and purchasing a 60cc catheter tip syringe for measuring.
Do it. Just remember to wrap it up so the aging sloot doesn't give you super aids.
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You just gotta breathe into your balls Jerry. If you hold your breath you are gonna nut early and she is gonna be disappointed. If you breathe deeply like you would during cardio you will last much longer and she will want more regardless of cock size. Once you have that down it's all about reading the girl and knowing when to slow down or speed up.
No I think I'll wait like 2 weeks without jerking it then go ham on that plastic pussy

Only fat bitches on cl anyways I bet

Literally What
>Right click an image, open link in new tab so you're on the page for a single image.
>In Chrome, right click, Inspect Element, go to Network, refresh page, open second jpg in new tab.
>Alternatively, type this in URL bar;
>> javascript: window.location = document.getElementById('pImage_0').src;void(0);
all that take much longer time than using the snipping tool
It's a mixture of excitement and terror, but naturally she only gets to see the excitement.

I asked her about the guys daughter Jerry she said she would have to get in contact with her again

O boy this might be your chance desu
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>Literally What
Learn how to breathe properly then start fucking and watch the girl and judge her reactions to how fast or slow you are going and adjust speed from there. That's my version of sex 101. Of course there is a lot more you can do to make it better. But if you can't last more than 2-5 minutes or tell when a girl wants to get pounded or when she needs a break then these two things are priority #1 to work on.
Just stick it in and make her cum. Don't you see 10 year olds do it in shota. Why not you.

Easy as pie
Ok, I'll use an AI to be safe.Why wouldn't the test doses be accurate though?

>Probably not but maybe ai is pretty subjective, yes you'd be shut down

I know I'll be shut down during dosing, I meant would my test shut down permanently if I ever needed to stop? I want to try this as a depression treatment since dozens of meds have done nothing but I don't want to fuck myself permanently if it doesn't help.
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Oh boy
No pedo

This is too advanced for me

I have yet to cum from a female so I'm not worried there

Because real women have experienced thousands of dicks so expectations would be higher

No just pct

As far as depression goes, I'd say it only helps if you're low test and even then maybe not that much, I'm still a mess

only certain percentages of the compound are actually absorbed depending on the ester. Then there's probably a larger discrepancy if it's UGL and not pharma.

so if you're running test E you're actually absorbing like ~70% of test. running test P gets you closer to 80% i believe.
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>Ok, I'll use an AI to be safe.
You need to get bloodwork. NO ONE can tell you how much if any AI you will need. It is MORE dangerous to take an AI when not needed then to not use one when needed in my opinion. On a trt dose it is typically not needed especially closer to a 100mg/week dose.
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I want a slave so bad
How would you get DNP?
>No just pct
>As far as depression goes, I'd say it only helps if you're low test and even then maybe not that much, I'm still a mess

Well it's just a try, it can't be worse than anything else. Thanks though man.

>only certain percentages of the compound are actually absorbed depending on the ester. Then there's probably a larger discrepancy if it's UGL and not pharma.
>so if you're running test E you're actually absorbing like ~70% of test. running test P gets you closer to 80% i believe.

I see. So when I dose "200 mg" it's more realistically actually a range of 140 to 160 mg that would be absorbed depending on the type of test?


Thanks, that's what I had been trying to find out, but the most I saw was "TRT may or may not need an AI" which wasn't very helpful. Also I meant have an AI, I apologize that my English isn't great.

Jailbait ofc.



>gave her some molly and fucked her brains out

Living the dream.
is the dnp general still ongoing in /fit/ ? they always used to post the sources and stuff in the sticky
Mods have effectively killed it because they're newfag cunts.
>I see. So when I dose "200 mg" it's more realistically actually a range of 140 to 160 mg that would be absorbed depending on the type of test?
yes, but when the recommended starting protocol says 2 x 250 mg of test-e per week, it doesnt mean you need to bump it up to accomodate for the ester milligrams.
I wasn't planning on going that high. I was only planning on 100-200mg to see if it helped me, it was just news that there was a certain metabolic cap on the test types. That doesn't change my plan though.
On the cl ad should I mention I'm a virgin?
Probably should, would activate the Whore's craving for young flesh
Definitely mention you're a virgin.

"Young Virgin Stud Seeking Experienced MILF"
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There's no way anyone would believe that though, I'm a young hardbody
you realise that even a normal dose might take two months to make a noticeable effect, let alone a small one like that.
dont mention youre a virgin

just say youre inexperienced, if she asks further just say youve had blowjobs and ate pussy but never fucked
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Knowning that this is the face of the PEDO of fraud.

Yolo, how is the getting big protocol going? are you finally gettin your shit together?
How do you guys dose your fin or duta for blasts and cruises?
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tips fedora.jpg
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yeah I dont think I should mention it

I have it all typed up but I dont want to post it
Too pathetic

I'll wait for my plastic pussy
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Jerry you're becoming a wizard. there is no stopping you. Soon you will reveal your true POWER

Canary said you didn't look bad face-wise. send me a picture via mail [email protected]
post it with a throw away email address that forwards to yours. that way you can always ignore the responses lol

>Canary said you didn't look bad face-wise.
>Canary said

Canary wants to wrap him in warm blankets
Wait you're advertising on CL for sex? Why not use tinder?
I deleted it already

was like uh
"young & inexperienced for fit milf teacher"
Athletic young man looking for experienced fit milf to teach sensual ways

something like that

nice try fake mast
but ill never send my alpha face to some rando

Nah forget it
have to keep myself hyped for that prime plastic pussy

tinder a shit
>tinder a shit
said the guy buy a plastic tween pussy
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>Canary wants to wrap him in warm blankets
I do? Most of the whatsapp people would confirm that I'm blunt and honest to the point of being an asshole.

You guys probably imagine him to be ugly due to the whole onahole/azusa thing, and he 100% isn't.

Why do all that. What if I just put half a scoop in water and down it?
>Canary wants to wrap him in warm blankets
most of the whatsapp fags have said he's a handsome dude, even if he is a bit spreged up
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you mad, you mirin, you jelly?

you mad.
you mirin.
you jelly.

give me my blankets
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>give me my blankets
I thought it's pillows that you want

>even if he is a bit spreged up
With women. Absolute top class bro tier with guys srs. If he acted the same way with girls he'd have it pretty easy.
I still believe jerry is just doing that stuff ironically. He probably is the chillest dude around who pulls girls ever weekend

At least that's what I want to believe. I love you jerry no homo
>you mad, you mirin, you jelly?
>you mad.
>you mirin.
>you jelly.

Eh...probably a bit more confuse than any of those, just something I dont understand if i'm honest with you.
Naw. You should mention it. Chicks l Iove the idea if being someone's first.

I've lost my virginity like 4 times.

Is Jerry serious or just extremely dedicated to trolling? I Seriously can't tell.

Also. I am back in the gym. But right now my body feels literally beat up. Id expect bruises everywhere.

Touching my quads is actually like touching a bruise. And my upper back/Traps are swollen.

This is just DOMS right?
How long have you been out of the gym?
You probably just went way harder then your body is used to.
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You're balding jerry. Time to get on that duta

>Is Jerry serious or just extremely dedicated to trolling? I Seriously can't tell.
You're retarted if you don't see that
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>Is Jerry serious or just extremely dedicated to trolling?
Which aspects? The misogyny is jokes. Azusa is real on the other hand
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youre right
get me pillows

I've intimidated by women

im more serious here than I am anywhere else

I was balding before test
its actually slowed down, I've come to terms with it

no tren has opened my eyes to women
or as I like to call them, worms
what doses are you taking? have you considered doing a gram a week to see how it feels?
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525 right now
I did 1g once for a bit
felt good but my bp was too high

plus im kind of a dick on tren so I try to stay off it
>I've intimidated by women
why, they're scum?
how much dnp have you done as most? I have done 800mg "without problems" except for shortness of breath and constantly being soaked in sweat.

Started dnp today again and frontloaded with 900mg spread out on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Will do the same tomorrow then do 800mg split at breakfast and dinner
I'll never grope my pillow the same way I used to.
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what kind of blood lab doesn't even check test

what the fuck?
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use a better one?
creatine bro
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gonna start stacking dbol and drol this week

the hype is real
Are there Canadian /fraud/sters?

Where/how do you guys get your blood work done? I'm hearing mixed things, feels so confusing compared to private labs in every normal country
is it safe to run a first cycle without doing any blood work?

S-surely I won't die from 15 weeks of test... will i?
Yeah that's what I read, but it takes lots of meds a long time to kick in so I'm fine with that.
probably not, go for it.
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Just quick q to guys here that use HGH, is there any dick growth?
pls reply
Follow-up question, would jelqing be potentiated with HGH ?
You can dose Nolva at 80/80/40/40 and then 20 until the gyno goes away. Although raloxifene, while not as good of a PCT, has shown better results for reducing gyno.
only if you inject vinegar into the foreskin
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it was pretty much everything people talk about when they mention dnp


the kind that have separate male and female hormone panels, probably


you know how they say there are no stupid questions?

they lied
Any of you guys get duta from ADC?

Not source talk because legal supplements.
the sweating is really the only hard part. My desk got sticky because of all the skin mixed with sweat that got on it, I also have a leather chair so that sucks, and I need to sleep on towels
Why the fuck we Cant discuss DNP source anymore? Did someone killed himself or What? I fucking need a source
i did 1.5g in a day once. i took the next day off work. i think it fucks with your electrolytes two fold, firstly the extreme concentration in your system, and secondly because it makes you sweat like a mother fucker.

I kinda figured that fasting and extreme dnp doses were giving me hypoglycaemic headaches, which is pretty much maxxing out the effect to the extent that is causes brain damage (and risk incapacitating yourself so you can't get any calories in).

my recommendation would be to try and stick to doses below 500mg a day and fast better. Anymore and you'll probably just be upping your calorie intake without realising, so you'll be getting the same effect.
Someone needs to have a word with this girl about her underdeveloped glutes and calves. Perhaps recommend a place to get that thing on her arm removed.

God it's lonely up here on my pedestal.
hey brick, opinions on halo? thinking about running it next blast but I've no idea how it compares to adrol for strength

don't really care about putting on mass, but any size is welcome too
how does dnp bload compare to no carb depletion?
if i do both, will i gain, lose or stay the same?
pointless question.
I bet it's lonely when you get off it too.
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leather chair is def a non-starter


who the fuck knows

this year's operation pangea press release specifically mentioned targeting dnp and mentioned a couple retards that roasted themselves


constantly slow-sipping ice water and using rehydration salts would solve most of that, the hypoglycemia thing is usually down to people not having the discipline to stay the fuck away from carbs so they stay in ketosis


she's got her hips fully extended and still has an ass, I'd say she's covered there

>don't really care about putting on mass, but any size is welcome too



my opinion? it's only really useful for putting up bigger numbers, anything in that top class of hepatoxicity (halo, mtren, cheque) isn't viable for really anything else in the majority of the population (livers of iron withstanding)

besides aesthetic effects the only real big thing orals do is allow you to put more load on your muscles and perform at fractionally submaximal intensities for longer while you're running them, the only long term net is the higher adaptive response from that increased load
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i didnt really notice much bloat from dnp

i think this can only go so far though. I reckon once you're down to low bf%, your body has a limit on how quick it can release energy from the body fat.
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what the fuck are you talking about


sure, but we're talking like contest-ready ranges here


99% guarantee you weren't drinking enough water
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I'm 36 and I want to start taking steroids because being natty is fucking nowheresville.
>contest-ready ranges here
what kind of ranges do they take? except for Andreas Münzer tier
Week 6 of first 'blast' Just 125mg of test e E3.5D as I was low test (just above 240) I'm 35

Holy fuck. Is this what been a man is supposed to feel like? I feel amazing. Depression gone. Head up.

Can't wait for my first real blast. Just wanted to see what my sides were like. I'm in no rush. Gonna cruise after 15 weeks then do 500 test / 400 deca for 12 weeks. Shits gona be good.
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Then do it?
You guys know anything about running dnp for people with digestive issues?
someone told me betaine stops it giving you diarrhea. it didnt really help me. i found the only way to stop it was to take it during a meal (not before, and not after).
I dont have digestive issues when not on dnp tho
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10-8 is probably the lowest before you start actually running into these kinds of issues with your body "resisting" losing more fat

but dnp doesn't give a shit, it'll do its thing no matter what


make sure you actually eat real food, not just shakes, and don't neglect fiber

also the dnp with food thing is kind of a no-brainer since dosing any other way will make you feel like you swallowed acid

also greatly depends on the "digestive issue" we're talking about
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I didn't even know it gave you diarrhea. I am debating on running some dnp but the sides just seem ridiculous.
I have problems with ulcers sometimes.
Do you know what your test levels were before?

242. GP said it was low but still in the "normal" range. Fuck that guy. Self prescribed TRT + blasts for me.
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Are there any special considerations for being old af?
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Ya most GPs are fucking retarded when it comes to test levels and even how trt works. The first time I tried to get trt my doc gave it to me but told me we were gonna "check my levels in a month or two and if they were in the normal range then we could stop the trt." Didn't even try to argue with the guy, just went and found a new doctor.
>Are there any special considerations for being old af?
Your estrogen levels rise as you age possibly necessitating the need for an AI even on trt dosages. Also be mindful of your mobility and joints since I am sure you have neglected mobility work your entire life.
regarding sides, i dont think theyre worse than any other fat burner... in the sense that a certain amount of weight lost = a certain amount of heat generated, and a certain amount of additional breathing is required.

but with dnp you have the option of going for higher doses that burn fat faster.

if it worries you, just start with a really low dose like 200mg a day.
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I can deal with the heat assuming I am not gonna sweat my balls off on EC + DNP while sitting indoors. Don't wanna be a sweaty mess at work basically.
Tbh, if I'm only doing 8 weeks should I just keep dbol running all 8 weeks instead of stopping week 5?
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Yeah I'm gonna start roiding to use a foam roller baka
it made me a sweaty mess. i got some drichlor and had to start washing my clothes at a high temperature to stop them smelling :(
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A gigantic part of aging is mobility. But do what you feel.
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>it made me a sweaty mess. i got some drichlor and had to start washing my clothes at a high temperature to stop them smelling :(
Ya I think I will just wait until the winter when I am up in the mountains if I even use it at all. I already sweat a little bit from tren + ec indoors so anything worse than that would probably be a no go.
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vaccine is a real vaccine. it is based on e.coli and contains miostatine in the form, which makes our body to think this is a disease. Our body starts producing anti-bodies against miostatine. I can not say yet when it will be available for sale. We are testing it and collecting results and reports from our athletes.

Anyone else following the anti myostatin vaccine development from a big Russian ugl?
Seems funny to get 1-2shots and be immune to myostatin for a few months. But I don't know much about it to get a grasp on how effective it would be and if you have to stack a shitload of ass and HGH to get benefits or if it would be a new.wonder drug.

A whole new type of mutants are gonna develop there
Just went to gas station to get some strawberry milk after a run in 90 degree weather and the cashier for some reason asked me if I was okay, and proceeded to ask if I was sure. He said I was sweating and my hand was shaking, but I didn't notice anything. Is it the Tren? I've never been asked this by store employee before. Social anxiety started to flare up.
youre an idiot
I have gone hypo once or twice on tren. You start cold sweating and shaking and you feel really uncomfortable.. almost want to puke. You >>37703789
Might have had hypo
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What is the name of this drug and is it Follistatin?
Hypoglycemia most likely.
>youre an idiot
You think that's bad, look at the end of the last thread and these anons giving advice on "all test" and how different esters attach to these magical different androgen receptors no one has.
I have no idea how it is called. This big Russian ugl claims it developed it by themselves. They claim you need only 2shots of it 2weeks apart to be immune to myostatin for up to 3-4month.

Bold claims but since they are from fucking government approved "dope every fucking Olympic athletes" Russia it might be true.
top fucking kek
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>watching my nice little girl anime
>Roomates gf goes "oh have you seen watamote? Its so funny xd"
>end up watching it
It's way too close to home
I should have gone and eaten out a milf instead of lifting at home

I think tren is getting into my head, I gotta stay positive

Never talk to people

Chill the roid rage bruh
Yeah, possibly. I had a headache, but I ate at least 800 calories of carbs 2 hours prior. I was sweating because it was hot as hell out and had sunscreen on. My blood pressure was high though, at 140 / 90 and Heart rate was 94.
>never talk to people
Yeah this. I'm 6'2" + 210lbs 10% bf and people expect me to be alpha, but I'm really just a kissless virgin that goes home to study japanese and develop software. They look confused when I just mumble out a "y-y-you t-too".
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Please try to find out the name of this drug. Myostatin inhibition has always intrigued me. I think this is why Big Ramy is so BIG.
When are we gonna hang out Jerry?
Blood pressure is not that high especially for being on tren. You ate 200g of carbs prior to this episode?
I don't understand how people can be this autismo but I am trying. Do you know what your Jung personality type is?
On 3rd day of dnp at 250mg ed and 500mg on off days(from work). Doing keto/if. Worst side has been the shits;_;
mainly the fact that I don't have experience with people, my dumbass parents homeschooled me
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Ausfag again, what if I just put half a scoop into water and downed the mk. Why do I need everclear and the rest?
Yes, I don't know what guy going on about since I'd notice if my hands were shaking. I'm going to blame it on anxiety amplified by Tren.

I'm not sure. I was the fat kid until I got out of school and raised by a single mother, so that's probably has something to do with it. I need to hit up my milf of a dentist.
Mumble Japanese to them.
They'll think you're a foreign alpha

Come on over, bro
I'll warm up a daki for you
esters are so confusing for new people
just took 20 mg of sdrol #leavinghumanitybehind
I had no idea places like this existed.

>Jung personality type
not the one youre asking but im also autismo
ISTP, assuming you mean MBTI
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Sorry man. I have a close friend who was homeschooled. I have tried for years to get him to be more outgoing and whatnot. Never succeeded but I am still trying.
Are we talking about the 10cc scoop I provided?
>single mother
Find some strong/outgoing/alpha/whatever you want to call it male mentors. Trust me there are lots of really smart guys out there who just want to help a bro out. It's a lifelong journey to discover what it means to be a man and there is no shame in seeking outside help. Especially since your mom, who I am sure is sweet, cannot give you ANY advice in this arena. If she knew what a real man was like you would have a father.
I don't know what a daki is but we can go out for drinks.
Yes I mean a test like this. You are introverted not autismo. Just read up on yourself and focus on whatever you feel lacking in. In the simplest terms you have to do the things you are afraid to do. It may change your personality type but this is not a bad thing. I would guess at least 75% of the posters on the chan, especially here on /fit/ are introverted.
>You are introverted not autismo
the two arent mutually exclusive
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>I don't know what a daki is
Proof you're just here to shill


It's the anime pillow bro
i fucking hate it m8,but I'm pretty im just naturally socially retarded, I only went to school for Preschool/Kindergarten and even then I remember being quiet as shit drinking my chocolate milk and seeing other kids chatting up the teachers and kids
If he could speak proper English you might actually understand a word or two....

I have not found any more about that stuff unfortunately
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