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gym doesn't have a squat rack, only way to squat is with
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File: cybex-smith-machine-2.png (47 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
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gym doesn't have a squat rack, only way to squat is with a smith machine and its annoying af..
I can still feel Im working the legs but idk doesn't feel as good.. will squatting in a smith machine do more harm than good?
Can't change gyms atm.. I'm in the army for another year and a half so don't really have a choice
3 options: use dumbells, do bulgarian split squats or do goblet squats
Just do leg extensions and hamstring curls
and lunges

smith machine is shit senpai

It isn't worth squatting in smith machine at all.
smith machine will SNAP YOUR SHIT UP
literally not even once
Might be a dumb question but what the hell, dumbbells head level or with hands down?
really a beginner here..
Are landmine squats an option for you? I actually prefer them to back/front squats sometimes.

Arms hanging down.
It's simple! Just take the bar from the bench.
Why do you need a squat rack to squat?
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I got better results in the smith than free weight squatting, and I squatted on average more in the free weight side of it.

do people just make shit up to feel superior? yes they do.
You're a fucking idiot.
>posts anime
>is retarded
no surprises here
>getting 2+ plates to your back from a clean
>doing front squats
How much difference occurs between regular squat rack and smith machine in terms of weight that lifted?

Depends on a ton of things, but its pretty rare that there isn't a significant amount more with the smith machine.
do you go to planet fitness?
Squats are overrated

Leg press, dumbbell lunges, leg extensions and leg curls are enough.
Oh and calf raises
The Smith machine locks you in an unnatural position and you can't do anything about it, you retard.
Just do goblet squats. Probably fix the form issues that using a Smith machine gave you.
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>squats are overrated
>gives 4 exercises to do instead of just one
why not all of those?

no, squats are not overrated, it isn't just a leg exercise, it trains your balance and mobility, hardens your core, your body as a whole, can even help the release of testosterone...

do few from those plus squats..
Clean and front squat
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If the machine is slanted instead of straight, it's fine to do back squats. Otherwise, do front squats.

When you eventually move to a squat rack you will have to deload to strengthen the stabilizer muscles however.
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