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This just in: steroids lead to Jihad.
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/Fraud/ on suicide watch after getting BTFO once again with definitive proof gear causes roid rage!

This in addition to the premature balding, kidney disease, heart disease, acne, bloating, depression and testicular shrinkage.
Dangerous assault steroids need to be banned.
It can't be Jesus Juice for sure. Maybe Allah Juice?
ahahhaha suck it you cheating frauds
Wasnt that dude a manlet?
Manlet on roids is still rage of the halfman
Yo real question: I have uncomfortably large testicles. Can I use roids to shrink them?
Not like he was a radical Islamist or anything.

It's totally steroids.

Man, the extent to where these people go to justify their leftism.
Stay natty kids

great more slander and finger pointing at fucking hormones

fuck the US and these fucking liberal kikes
The fuck is Bright Bart?
Hormone induced gender confusion causing internal cognitive dissonance due to allegiance to a repressive religion. His only way out was to compensate by going out killing homosexuals. Screen cap this post, you heard it here first
How long till public gyms start testing gym members for steroids?
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