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if i'm doing a full body workout 3 days/week should i do
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if i'm doing a full body workout 3 days/week should i do it like

monday - heavy weight (strength training)
wednesday - low weight (endurance)
friday - medium weight (hypertrophy)

or should i just focus on the one kind of training 3 days/week instead of 3 kinds of training?
bump for interest
I'd say do all 3 all 3 days

Heavy compounds
Hypertrophy isolation accessories
Bodyweight conditioning and cardio
This some good shit right here OP
wouldn't that lead to overtraining?
No lol that's just propaganda used by simple minded people that try to force you into their perfect ideal camps

Split bros and stronk fats are gonna hate

But you can do both
Further more after doing 25 heavy rows doing 30-40 bicep curls will not overtrain you for example
ok so how should i lay out the exercise? let's use squats for example

3 sets of heavy weight then:
3 sets of medium weight:
3 sets of light weight


1 set of heavy then
No no no
Squats are a base compound and therefore should be heavy

For your volume stuff you'd do like leg extensions and curls and leg press

And then for conditioning you'd do like box jumps and some burpees and cardio

That's for squats
aren't you suppose to do one exercise for a body part when doing full body?
Just do SS with accessories, god damn OP.
Fucking Christ OP you are stupid.
Compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, OHP, etc)
Core work
Isolation (bicep curl, calf raises, leg extensions, etc)
Pylometrics (box jumps, clapping push ups, broad jumps, etc)
Standard cardio

Compound lifts buid strength, isolation develops the size of each individual muscle and pylo builds power output plus endurancd.
Also compounds put shit tons of testosterone into your bloodstream. So if you get a pump in your biceps after squats technically you'll see more growth
no it doesn't you broscientist retard, don't believe everything you read on the internet
One compound, isolations do not require near the recovery
Not him but it does affect test levels, just not free test like most bros think so the saying is wrong but test does change just not available test
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