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Fat Fuck
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Thread replies: 19
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So, I started SS 2 months ago and proceeded to gain 10 pounds in that time. I was 155 and went straight to 165. I'm 5' 11'', 21 years old.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? I don't want to tell people I'm "bulking" and make excuses when I really don't have my weight under control.
are you a grill or just anorexic?
I'm a skinnyfat male shitlord.
Just don't eat more than you already do. 165lbs is fine.
Stop eating so much? Just because you started lifting doesn't mean you need to stuff your face.
I've been eating 3,000 calories per day.
sounds like bullshit to me. a 5'11" 21 year old guy who weighs 155lbs has trouble eating enough food. I now because I used to be one. there's no way in hell he'll suddenly, without forcing himself, up his calorie intake enough to cover the extra calories needed for the exercise AND enough calories to grow 10lbs in 2 months.
so in 9 weeks, you have gained 10 pounds? that's pretty standard bulking weight gain.

seriously, if you are afraid of gaining weight then you are doing the wrong program and probably shouldn't even lift. strong/aesthetic people are heavy.

also, i'm having a hard time comprehending why anyone would give a shit about whether you are gaining weight or not. leave that to middle aged office monkeys who gossip about moira gaining 5 pounds of christmas.
So this is normal? 10 pounds seems a bit extreme from what I've read.
it's on the low side for SS, because SS is a routine designed for complete beginners who've never touched a barbell before. they can, and should, bulk faster than someone who has lifted for a while.
that's 1.1 pounds a week, owing to a 500 calorie surplus. eat less if you want, but you definitely aren't eating too much.
>owing to a 500 calorie surplus
no, you're confusing this with body fat. body fat is 3500kcal/lbs, most other tissue are much less. the whole point of body fat is to store energy and it's quite effective at it.

That's pretty good to hear.
Should I stick to 3,000 calories, then?
true, sorry for the mistake.

educate me then cause now i'm confused - if OP eats a 500 calorie surplus, and gets stronger during this period, how can he tell that his weight gain is normal?
I'm not sure what you're asking. the normal way to determine this is to monitor your BW and bf% and adjust accordingly.
what i mean is, when weight is gained, how can one determine the ratio of muscle to fat?

also have another question - given a lifter with a TDEE of 3k, aside from an obvious difference in fat gain, will he gain any more from eating 5k than 4k a day?
*any more LBM that is
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10 pounds is nothing I gained 8 pounds in my first month so I had start buying 6 inch subs instead of foot longs. You're actually bulking at the perfect rate, a pound a week is what I want to be gaining.
thats a lot
Thread replies: 19
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