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fit docs, as far as you can help me: on the bottom of my left
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fit docs, as far as you can help me: on the bottom of my left foot hurts when I walk. When I walk slowly and careful it does not.

I can move it in every direction and press it with my hands painlessly, but walking hurts. Came after using old shoes in the gym and rope skipping.

Had last summer a osteosynthesis in my ankle FYI
>Came after using old shoes in the gym and rope skipping.
Sounds sexy
Is it the whole foot or just a specific spot?
Check the arches of your foot. Does any of them sort of collapse when you stand or perhaps only when you walk?
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16 KB, 460x300
red: hurts
yellow: something is not ok

also, my big toe feels a little numb or imagination
it seems so. when focusing on not having a flat foot while walking, it does not hurt. (barefoot)

pain increases in walking in shoes
Hyperpronation maybe? I.e. lack of a proper arch.
I've had the same thing, bought some insoles from Amazon and it's improved.
Would definitely recommend seeing a podiatrist if you can
Plantar faciitis freeze a bottle of water and roll it on the floor with your foot like a foam roller. Wear a sock cuz it's gonna get cold
maybe your sesamoid bone is broken, go get an X-ray or USG
treatment is anti inflammatory drugs (diclofenac), or anti inflammatory injections or bone removal
Plantar fascitis for the red
you unconsciously putting your weight on the balls of your feet to avoid the pain in red for the the yellow
still, go to a doctor. get some anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant spray/gel. research stretches for it.
there is also growth factor therapy, they isolate it from your blood and inject into your foot. cool shit, couldn't walk for a month after the procedure but then it fixed it for me
I will. For the moment I don't think that this causes the actual pain.
no blood or pain when pressing on it, don't think it is broken bones.

was my guess too. got some tendon muscle shit spray and ibuprofenum. will take and do the bottle of ice roll couple days and see if it improves, when not Ill go see the doc
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