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What does /fit/ think about drug use? Where on the graph would
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What does /fit/ think about drug use?
Where on the graph would you draw the line?
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I love how alcohol is closer to crystal meth and cocaine than to cannabis
Source on graph?
Because alcohol is more damaging to society and health than marijuana is?
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everything below the line
Lines are stupid, I circled what I'm okay with. And I'm pretty sure someone on meth has more than a little slight increase in personal harm over a casual alcohol drinker.
2.7 on the X axis, no limit on the Y.
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It's honestly easier to fatally overdose on alcohol than it is to fatally overdose on almost any other drug other than opiates and barbiturates
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Pic related.

Nicotine is OK as an occasional treat. It's a lifetime smoking habit that will fuck you.

I have used Codeine to control pain, with a prescription before. Don't forget your laxatives, because it tightens up your asshole.

I don't drink more than 2 evenings a week, and never more than 2-3 pints except for very rare occasions. I don't think I'm going to drink today. Had a beer yesterday.
you're okay with meth but crack cocaine and heroin is pushing it too far?

How the fuck is methylphenidate orders of magnitude less harmful than amphetamine, meth and coke? It's the same shit.
Or do they mean "methylphenidate when taken as prescribed by the doctor"?
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Better chart desu
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>Where on the graph would you draw the line?
I've injected heroin and cocaine before, tbqh neither of them was particularly enjoyable, heroin was about 20% feelsgoodman, 40% sleepiness and 40% nausea, cocaine was like 5% feelsgoodman and 95% horniness but stimdick that made masturbating infuriatingly impossible
They're all completely different compounds.
Coke is an SNDRI, meaning it blocks serotonin, norepenephrine, and dopamine re-uptake, making you feel fucking great. It's also a mild local anesthetic, which is why it makes you feel numb.
Amphetamines cause the release of dopamine, and are SDRIs, selective dopamine reuptake inhibitors. They have a lower fatal dose too iirc.
Ritalin is a weak SDRI, and has an incredibly high fatal dose.
Tbh, I'm not against trying crack or meth, but I prefer the gentle stimulation of things like good coke or 2C-B, so I'd happily put the line anywhere between alcohol and heroin.
This graph covers less than one order of magnitude.
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>inb4 i have a problem
I could be wrong senpai but to my knowledge Ritalin is a selective SNDRI that blocks noradrenaline and dopamine re-uptake(but not serotonin) whereas amphetamine is a phenylethylamine and therefore acts primarily by increasing circulating levels of catecholamines

Of course they don't all act exactly the same, but it's not like methylphenidate doesn't give you a good stimulating kick. It's only weak in the doses recommended for medical use, if you adjust the amount, a speed junkie will not feel short-changed for getting methylphenidate from his dealer.
You're probably right man. I don't know much about pharmacology, might take a course in it soon though.
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It has much weaker side effects though. Amphetamines are far more addictive, and can fuck you up a lot worst than Ritalin can iirc.
Try not to laugh when the lecturer teaches you about COX inhibitors in class
Dunno bout that man. I hear trying to eat your own elbow can be pretty bad for you.
I'll try not to.
Anyone in this bread an addict?
All the following are fine in moderation. Obviously moderation is relative though.
Only talking about drugs ive tried

its good at getting me to sleep, otherwise not all that fun

>magic mushrooms
cool shit, only done them twice though

again, really fun. Shame the high only lasts about an hour or so

only opiate ive ever tried. definitely felt something but it was nothing amazing

im a bit meh about coke. done it twice. its fun in a social setting but in my experience its limited to sociability. Dancing on coke was not fun at all.

really good at getting you fucked up without much negative impact on health. Can fuck with your gains and make you do stupid shit though

weird shit but fun. small doses are fun to dance on
>he even cropped it incorrectly
projecting 101 here lads
very very very very very conservative use I doubt is bad for you. Weed probably once or twice a week wouldn't be bad either

*This is not a recommendation or advice. I am not advocating to consume any drugs or illegal substances*
You have a problem.
I've had a mild stimulant addiction before, I never did anything crazy like suck dick for meth but I realised that I was doing shit like making excuses to avoid spending time with my friends and family so that I could spend more time getting high and jerking it to Chinese cartoons for 72 hours in a row
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Anything that you can swallow is good for me

Smoking sometimes but I'd have hesitations injecting shit
My nigga.

Yup, sober addict here. 3 years since last drink, 1 year since last line and pill (I basically switched booze for Xanax and methylphenidate/amphetamine three years ago). Been to rehab, would recommend.
where does whey and creatine fit into this graph?
scooby pls
I smoke a lot of weed and drink occasionally

Weed makes me feel less like an autist
Use it to increase my appetite. Trying to quit as we speak

Fucked around with it. Preferred pills to molly because it was like a scary surprise to see if it was cut with something

Really fun, tried it in liquid, blotter and gel tabs. One of those drugs you have to dedicate an entire day to if you wanna have fun tho.

>Pain pills/barbiturates/etc
Fun and awesome but my family has a bad history with that shit. I try to avoid them now that I almost OD'd

Would do it a lot more if I had more money. Hate the comedown

Don't even enjoy it anymore. Just get drunk in social situations. Same with smoking cigarettes
Lsd yes
Mdma no?

Shit bro
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What a shit graph, it hasn't got dank memes and shitposting on it
>Preferred pills to molly because it was like a scary surprise to see if it was cut with something
Be honest anon, you preferred pills because most of them are cut with meth
Use to smoke it thru the week some years ago. Made me totally unproductive and hang up with people alike.
Now only smoke the occasional joint with my buddies on a rock show or a barbecue.

Same. Social drinker with buddies, sometimes a wine or beer with my gf. Never drink alone.
>again, really fun. Shame the high only lasts about an hour or so

u wot m8

see >>37442612 and contribute lad
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I'm pretty chill.
Probably got some high class fructose with cinammon instead
you are useless piece of shit

at least use drugs that make you feel good instead of just sleepy and lazy
>be honest anon you preferred pills because they were cut with meth

You got me lol

>having an addictive personality
>Yes to Opiates
>No to Weed
I've had all those drugs except inhalants. That was years ago though. I just use snus and caffeine powder now. I work in an alcohol reward lab even though I never drank much.

>most people genuinely think heroin is different from other opioids
Because alchohol is literally a poison.
Just because everyone drinks it like water doesn't make it any less dangerous.
Anything on that chart is literally a poison, just to different degrees.
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>hurrr i hit a joint once and got sleepy so it doesn't do anything
Maybe because you're dumb enough to buy shit weed?
MDMA, great, love to go out and party on it.
Poppers, great, love to have sex on it.
Shrooms, great, love to go out hiking on it.
Cannabis, great, love to listen to music and eat on it.
Alcohol, okay, if it's light/smooth, though somewhat expensive to get going on.
Light coke+ket, probably the least satisfying one I've tried, maybe I'm not doing enough but I can rarely get high off cocaine. Also hella expensive so fuck that.

Definitely wanna try LSD. Nothing else appeals to me on that list though benzos might be worth a try.

Not really worried about drug addiction since I'm too poor/cheap to ever get a substantial amount to get addicted on.
>Heroin beyond alcohol and meth

Jesus Christ pure heroin does basically no physical damage to any part of the body. And junkies are way more chill than alcoholics and meth heads.
Also LSD up that high

Double wew lad>>37442262

>inhaled solvents before alcohol in personal harm

this chart is absolutely fucking retarded and you should feel bad for posting it
>lmao 0 ketamine
This. All of the damage heroin does to your body, beyond potential impacted bowels because of constipation, addiction, or overdose, is related to the route of administration and/or the cut used to dilute it.

The unfortunate thing about heroin is that the bioavailability is shit orally so you basically have to take it some way that causes potential bodily harm unless you're fucking Khun Sa and can just shovel handfuls into your mouth.
>it's not about the harm the drug itself causes, its the lifestyle that comes with heroin abuse
idk why I greentexted that
If you're doing more than having a drink or two socially once or twice a month, then you're weak and need to take a hard look at your life and where you went wrong.
ITT: people who don't know jackshit about drugs
Yes to MDMA, LSD and ket, no to everything else. Might have a few cigarettes if I'm pinging.
look closely, there's no "physical harm" axis
>drinks socially
>other people are weak for using drugs that don't damage myelin for non social purposes
If I remember correctly, the paper it comes from had a variety of clinicians and psychiatrists in the UK give their personal rating for each drug across several scales.

I could be thinking of a different paper though.
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that's about it
>having a vacation I can carry around in my pocket makes me a bad person

Haha look at this faggot
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take psychedelics with reckless abandon, alcohol with caution, and mdma with extreme caution
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Updated chart
I vape weed before a workout and I swear it makes me do more reps whether through placebo or otherwise.
Weed often
Psychs sparingly
Alchahol once in a blue moon
All others I've never tried and I'm not really interested but I'm honestly not above trying them if the opportunity arises. Well, probably never huffing...
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I smoke weed before I sleep to stop grinding my teeth at night.
Other then that I don't do any drugs.
yeah, seconding this. mustve got ripped off.
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I love opiates but they fuck with gains
every day for the last 5 years

Other than that no drugs, although I did try meth 3 times. It just lasts way too long for me though so I couldn't make productive use of it.
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You want to know how I know this was made by some pot smoking, hallucinogenic downing hippie?
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Green is safe with moderation. Yellow means it's safe at low, occasional doses or if it's used for a medical purpose. Everything else is shit and not worth it at any infrequency or low dose.
Fuck Alcohol was supposed to be green, stupid new Paint. I miss the old version that didn't pretend like it knew what you wanted.
>mdma not circled yellow or green

the misinformation about this drug is odd, considering how good it is

I'd recommend everybody try pot once in their lives. Beyond that, no, just no.
how can you afford coke every day?
are you an addict with a well paying job?
are you homeless?
what does your day look like?
>Social harm
Smoker kills family of seven
>putting benzodiazepines past barbiturates on personal harm score
>drug class that was fucking created to be harder to overdose on and have fewer side effects than barbs is considered more harmful

>putting tramadol, which has a widely acknowledged seizure-threshold (i.e. you do more than a certain dosage and your chances of a seizure increase MASSIVELY) on the same level as codeine and dhc

Also to answer the question, have done everything on the chart except inhaled solvents but now only drink once every couple of months.
Have done weed,aphetamine,ecstacy,cocaine,meth,ghb and shrooms

So would be pretty high on chart lol
I don't really have any moral qualms with the use (not abuse) of any drug, but personally I've used
Nicotine (not a regular smoker though, maybe two fags a month om average)
Weed (though rarely nowadays)
Mandy once every few weeks
LSD a few times
Tried charlie once but it did fuck all as far as I remember. Was probably shit to be fair
mdma is great: can't od, hardly any side fx (except sore jaw, which is annoying as shit) but it is a neurotoxin. don't think they've done any real studies on how lasting the damage is if any, and most of it is on edge cases with actual ravers who do it weekly with insane amounts.
Every drug on the chart except for solvents and debatably crack have been used for a medical purpose or are currently in testing for such. Even if you disregard that in favor of "drugs currently prescribed by reputable doctors" then you'd still reduce that number of uncircled drugs by less than half.
>smoking when pregnant
>smoking close to children
>smoking close to others
That being said idk why nicotine is named instead of cigarettes when its not harmfull to the body by itself
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No to everything else
The void inside me can only be filled with coke.
the orange ones are actualy the shitiest ever... ketamine is just shit its a horse tranquilant... vomit in your sleep etc...
the chart is retarded....
>hardly any side effects
>can't od
>I don't know what the fuck am I talking about and I've never even got close to someone high on ketamine or benzodiazepines because I'm actually 12yo and I don't leave my house
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only correct chart itt
>tfw former ketamine and mxe addict
lmao alcohol is not worse than cocaine faggot
>can't od
I love MD, but you can most definitely overdose and there are plenty side effects apart from gurning
It's not necessarily MDMA that's dangerous, it's that the street shit you get is almost always cut with something dangerous to your health. Unless you're making the shit yourself and know it's good, it's not worth it.

What medical purpose does heroin, cocaine, meth, or MDMA currently serve? Some amphetamines have legitimate uses, but they're too dangerous for what they do imo, and often have much safer alternatives. Same goes for the others.
>how lasting the damage is
It's permanent. Neurotoxicity almost always is, because most neurons are not replaced: ie once they die, that's it, they're dead.
Some (eg in the hippocampus) are frequently replaced, but those are the exception.

That's why no entactogens are clinically approved or used for anything at all, despite being potentially incredibly useful for autists, schizoids, and several other conditions.

And of course, when you buy the shit from some random dealer, you're not getting 100% MDMA, only God knows what's actually in those pills.
heroin - pain relief. better than a lot of modern opiates for efficacy, addiction, sides

cocaine - local anesthetic. eye surgery.

meth - weight loss, ADHD drug

MDMA - treatment of PTSD and axis II personality disorders (psychopathy, narcissism, etc.)
Yeah, because LSD is so much more dangreous than mushrooms. Give me a break.
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Only non-autistic answer
street drugs are mostly dangerous because they're illegal, and so from less than pure production methods. using "they're dangerous" as a reason not to have them available is really saying "we ruined them and we won't man up about it"
>not grippin' and sippin'
>not k-holing

there's no such thing as mdma od. you can die from related things exacerbated by it: heat stroke, heart attack, dehydration etc. if you're not careful, which you should always be when taking drugs.

it's not as simple as that. there's differing types of neurotoxicity and how lasting the damage is. brains are plastic, axons change and can compensate for damage. i'll wait until there's more studies before saying anything.
I made a point of saying that not all of them are currently used, just didn't feel like specifying. This guy's >>37448265
right on all the reasons those drugs are/were used though.

Also heroin is actually prescribed in a handful of countries as a last recourse for the terminally ill and for junkies who have had no success quitting after years of trying through multiple cold turkey and drug-assisted detoxes.
>Will take MDMA
>Wont take LSD
it's different for everyone

for me, i'm a bit of a stim junkie so as a personal rule i'm never going to try any illegal stim. no meth, coke, etc.

psychedelics are a o.k., only done shrooms once and it was niiice but i probably wouldn't go out of my way to do it again. kinda nervous about LSD. weed triggered some borderline psychotic (if not outright psychotic) symptoms so i haven't smoked for almost a year, so i can only imagine with LSD. maybe i'll be in the right place to try it one day... dunno. i'd have to be with people that i trust.

downers, meh not a fan.
Top kek
fuck, im on Heroin and benzos, i like downers .
but i honestly believe that S.H.S. is too high,
if you are still capable to earn honestly for yourself and watch on your health , you can have fulfilling life
Is it weird I would never try crack and meth, heroin is dangerous but at least it doesn't hit the brain so hard, at least instantly.
crack & meth are higher on that scale.
LSD, Alcohol (infrequently), Cannabis (less frequently than alcohol)
pls no hate
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let me explain something about drug abuse,
unfortunately from experience.

All people take uppers when they are young, problem with uppers is , they make holes in the brain and various psychical maladies (psychosis etc).

But when you ruin your brain and literally realize you destroyed yourself unreparabely, downers really help.

And honestly, believe it or not, worst drug is tobacco, its worst enabler , then alcohol , then grass(and I know that not all alcoholic tobacco weed smoking people end up as addicts on heavy drugs, but I honestly don't know any addict that don't smoke(tobacco) .
>social harm

wtf dude since I've started drinking about half a year ago, I've been much more sociable, pretty much the normie life right now, with many female friends, going out at least twice a week and stuff but haven't been able to settle the deal tho.
Except i've spending a lot more and my gains seem to have stalled.
he talks about alcoholics, you are weekend warrior at best.
real alcoholic need to take some heavy liqueur first thing when wakes up just so his hands stop shaking.

Also, when you are on last stop of alcoholism, 0,2dl beer is more than enough to be dead drunk whole day.
I knew a guy who drank one small beer whole day, his liver was so ruined it was enough just to smell some harder alcohol to feel intoxicated.
To be fair, MD is a much easier experience than LSD. I like both but you're far more likely to have a bad time with acid
This is disregarding health concerns obviously, LSD is physically healthier than mandy.
What's everyone's thoughts on Cocaine? Is it good for a depressed beginner?
In general it is not good to use drugs to deal with mental illness.

However, I think Cocaine is fine for that, assuming you do not have significant anxiety problems. It's also far safer than alcohol, though the same can't be said about marijuana. Despite the meme about Cocaine being highly addictive, I find it very easy to do one or two lines occasionally when I just need to get shit done with a smile on my face. It is certainly safer than amphetamines in terms of neurotoxicity.

If you want to minimize harm to the nasal passages, flush your nose out with water or saline 15 min after each line. If you want to minimize neurological harm, take vitamin C, and perhaps alpha lipoic acid as well prior and during use as the neurotoxic effects from chronic use of monoamine reuptake inhibitors is most likely due to free radicals produced from the metabolism of monoamines in the synapse.

Marijuana is the better acute antidepressant in my opinion, but not with chronic use, and if you are chronically using marjuana, you may find improvement in your mental health after quitting long term.
Needs good company and going out for best effect desu. Not something for sitting around playing videogames.

Cocaine terrible for your heart.
Not too bad in irregular moderate use, assuming they do cardio and aren't roiding. But I don't think a depressed individual really cares if they die of a heart attack at 50 instead of 70.
How is Nicotine a treat? I have smoked tobacco so often, never felt better because of it. Just blowing around the smoke is what I consider satisfying about it.
Oh forgot to mention, methamphetamine is actually a prescription medication in the USA under the name Desoxyn. Rarely given out because in addition to the normal side effects, prescription grade meth worth thousands of dollars has the nasty side effect of sometimes giving its users lead poisoning ifyaknowwhatimsayin.
genetically defunct senpai. I don't break down dopamine/seratonin correctly so i only do like 5-10mg of coke a day, costs me less than what people prolly spend on weed or whey.

>sports training
>Just blowing around the smoke is what I consider satisfying about it.

Why not vape? All of the nicotine and clouds as a cig with none of the cancer.
>cocaine not great for video games
Take a look at this guy, its like hes not even a cyber athlete.
I don't touch opiates or crack. Just about everything else - at least for me - can be lightly/casually used.

Yes - even meth. Despite what you usually see and hear about the drug if used orally it's just a better version of adderall - pharmaceutical meth is sold as the ADHD drug Desoxyn. I've used it to study for exams before and I'm not the only one I know of.
Alcohal being that high
Meth being lower than nicotine for social harm score
Cannibis and magic mushrooms having almost no social harm
>Wew lad
>everyone in the thread circling LSD

Actually surprised desu, gotta see if I can find a hookup at my gym now

Just don't do what I did and push the dosage till you get a bad trip, shits not fun
And not amphetamines?
A-are you me?
>lmao weed dude
Try everything once. No homo.
Too much work in paint, but I'm a recovering heroin addict, done everything on the list except crystal meth which isn't really available in New York (at least when I was active)
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i might try oral meth and some pharma opiates like oxy, but not heroin.
what kind of fucking broscience is this

>alcohol worse than ecstasy

yeah, fucking your seratonin for life is totally better than getting buzzed
>this pothead propaganda
it's not about what it does to your body you fucking retard
>alcohol related traffic incidents
>alcohol related fighting
etc etc etc
interesting shit
>because pot is totally dangerous
ive done quite a bit of mdma and im completely fine, im actually happier than i was a few years ago and im single now too, must be an age thing
Cool story, doesn't change the facts though.
yea because you know from first hand experience, youre right it doesnt change the facts, and i am living proof you goof lmao
Only ever smoked weed and drank alcohol before, but I'm considering shrooms for sure and maybe even cocaine in the right setting.
how do I make sure I have a good time on acid? last time I ended up in a loop.
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thanks for making me laugh for the first time today
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this desu
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>implying I'd take any drugs
happy with my life as it is and don't want to be addicted to any kind of substance
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>this fucking stoner who thinks the bodily harm of alcohol is on par with cocaine
>also thinks it's as socially damaging as heroin

this is bait

hey no one's forcing you to take drugs man, there's no need to preach what you learnt from your high school PE class.
word man. fucking wankers and their beer bottles. mindless sheep. i'll stick to my heroin needles. i bet the governent banned heroin because they can't stand the idea of me being free.

yep, it's either alcohol or heroin.

there's definitely no middle ground there.
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who here /patrician/??
it's almost as if i earlier implied they were on different levels before, isn't it? >>37454063

haha totally bro

i'll drink to that!
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I only like opioids anyway, not heroin though
In time, friend.
i still have no clue as to what your stand point is or why you got so defensive

haha totally bro

i'll drink to that!
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Here's to feeling good all the time
Nicotine when with freinds
Alcohol with freinds
Weed with freinds
are we the only ones in the thread?
My fuckin nigga
Top kek
yeah. the problem is that you get all fucked up by it. i mean. i did 200 Mics of LSD before working out, then going grocery shopping. no one noticed (as far as i can tell going back to the gym the day after) and that is a pretty heavy substance. drink 400 ml of vodka and you get pretty drunk and that is much more common. if one only drank a couple of times a year it would be cool, but the concistency of drinking puts it high on the list.usually i just smoke weed if there is a party and maybe drink a beer or two. nothing more. dont wanna ruin mah gains.
I inhale solvents daily during work
got high on ethyl acetate, ether, chloroform and others repeatedly due to work conditions
so I guess at heroin?
not a proper venn diagram.
never taken lsd or shrooms, don't know anyone who has well enough to do it with them though
>LSD as harmful as Codeine/ Tramadol, more harmful than Magic Mushrooms
Fucking what
I also enjoy injecting cocaine.
Honestly though, do the world a favour and kill yourself
>memes about holes in the brain

Thanks for the advice, grandpa.

STopped reading there, you fucking retard.
I stay away from drugs because they are illegal and getting caught really scares me
Calm down mKaelus
Yep, addict here, 14 years sober, tried almost everything on chart except heroin. Funny thing is cigarettes was the hardest thing to quit.
Can anyone with experience chime in.

Is 10mg valium strong? I found a strip of it in a bag I bought from a charity shop lol.

I have never taken any drugs in that class before.
How long are the effects and will one pill do much for recreational use?
Graph is stupid. Pharmaceutical grade crystal meth is no more dangerous than "amphetamine". Inhaled solvents by far cause the most harm to the user.
>i did 200 Mics of LSD before working out, then going grocery shopping
for a lot of people 200ug of acid will blow them out the water
they'll be off their tits way more than after a pint of voddy
From my experience one pill is enough the first time. I was a very heavy drinker at the time so I figured I'd have a high tolerance for downers. Took one pill of Valium and fell asleep until the next morning. Don't remember anything. Anyone else have a different experience?
>Accidentally took 200ug of Cid the day before a 2 finals
>Turned bad trip midway through
>Lost all sense of reality for what seemed like an eternity
>Spend the whole next day questioning reality
>try to study for exams
>cry in bathrooms several times
>feel like I failed my finals, want to kill myself because I basically just through away 4 months of my life
>C and B on finals
>2 A-'s and 2 B's

Ketamine is as safe as weed.
26 y/o, never done any drugs besides alcohol and cigarettes - smoked maybe 40 cigarettes in my whole life and haven't had any alcohol in over 2 years.

I do plan on eventually trying mushrooms and moving on to harder hallucinogens if I like what I see. Cocaine is also on my to-do list.

No interest in weed, though. It's a nigger/beaner drug.
>That being said idk why nicotine is named instead of cigarettes when its not harmfull to the body by itself

WTF are you on about? Nicotine is a deadly poison. 50 mg kills an average human.
alcohol is extremely damaging in comparison to cannabis silly
crack was a blast
Well I have done Ritalin, shrooms, weed, MDMA, LSD, Amphetamine, Nicotine, Cocaine and alcohol. I like my drugs.
I draw the line at 2.7 on personal harm scale.
>can almost do crystal meth
>feels bad man
How is nicotin worse than inhaling solvents...
I meant to say the peak only lasts an hour or so. The effects last hours, but I only tend to get an hour or so absolute fucking pinging.

Only done it a handful of times and was conservative with my doses. Im also a big guy 4u so that may have fucked with it.

Luckily one of my close mates bought a Q the other week (7g) and is giving me pure crystals when I buy off him, gonna roll soon
Dude, test your stuff, someone is selling you shit. It might be dangerous, watch out. Normally on MDMA you should come up quite rapidly and stay there for hours.

>holes in your brain

not sure if bait
My friend took just three marijuanas and died that very same day from brain leak.
where you from?

here in the UK MDMA is really cheap (£25/g) but its often cut. I know a few dealers personally now so i can probably get good stuff for next time
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>not taking 5 scoops and leaving humanity behind
This plus alcohol
I use alcohol as an easy late night calorie source after I've fitted all my macros. 2-4 drinks a day bulking on ~3200 (and from tracking my weight this might not be enough). Is this ruining my gains?

I just got tired of peanuts. So many peanuts.

Alcohol messes with gains, yeah


There's a difference between stimulating the release of a compound (usually dopamine) and inhibiting the reuptake of that compound.
Kratom, Ketamine, and Cannabis for me.
May the gods of opium be with you,
I quit H last week, broke up w gf and proceed to get shredded, wish me luck
I'm wondering the same. I take adderall everyday... is amphetamine that much worse than Methylphenidate?
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