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Other thread is shit, because no one properly labeled their images or gave stats. Post progress, height, weight, and lifts.

Started at 150lbs in January > 165lbs currently.
Posture gains 5'10 > 5'11
OHP 1pl8 x 5
Bench 2pl8 x 5
No squat or diddly area in my gym, so I just use various machines to supplement.
I've been eating a 300kcal surplus, but cheated on weekends.

Planning on cutting for a month to lose some fat, guessing I put on 8-10lbs of lean mass and 5-6lbs of fat.
you've made literally no gains
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Started 375 October 2015
Currently 243
Squat: 135 to 280 to 190
Bench: 95 to 205
OHP: 45 to 140
Deadlift: 185 to 375 to 315

Started with CICO in October, have been cycling PSMFs since January.

I had no idea that losing weight this quickly would so brutally fuck up my squat and dead-lift form.

Going to give it 6 more weeks, then start a painstakingly slow bulk.
says no pic.

Also, I have 16inch biceps, is that decent for 5'11?
wow you shaved.

thats not much noticeable difference for losing 50lbs

are you sure you are not delusional?
Op here, that's impressive bro, especially for the time frame. Keep going.
Summerfag, please leave.
He doesn't look fatter comparing 1st and last photo and he gained 15lbs. Seems like pretty nice progress. If he cuts now to like 160lbs and then compares it to 1st photo i am sure we will see nice progress.

>lmao2pl8 @ 165, 5'11

This is impressive desu famalam.
Yeah, that's my thinking as well. Glad to hear it's decent progress.
Honestly, my chest is lacking big time. I dunno if I store more fat in that area or if the lack of chest isolation resulted in a lack of growth. I think bench is meme lift. I'm doing flies and other chest isolation's now. Only chest compound is weighted dips. which I did for the first time this week. I was able to go up to 75lbs for 10 reps, chest pump was great. I'm cutting bench from my routine.
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This morning's workout was...
>Bench Press 5x5@225
>Incline Bench Press 5x5@205
>Squat 5x5@225
>Overhead Press 5x5@135
>Dips 5xf
>Triceps Fuckery 5xf
ohp 65 -> 80
bench 95 -> 105
squat 95 -> 120
dl 135 -> 185
pendlay row ?? -> kill me

end of week2 ss

did ss in 2011 but had to stop. so im untrained again but am comfortable with the lifts besides rows which i just fuck up repeatedly
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