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How to get jooicy god damn delts as a natty! What exercises and rep ranges, aside from THE PRESS?

you know why they call it "roid shoulders"?

cause you aint ever getting good shoulders as a nattie fattie do you even liftie.
this 2bh

but you sure as fuck won't get decent shoulders if all you do is OHP once a week, do conventional lat raises, rear lat raises, seated DB press as a minimum, and work shoulders at least twice a week if not more
So there is no hope?
His delts aren't impressive.Pumped underlighting pics can be deceptive
Of course there is. It takes time. Train shoulders twice a week. You'll make it
Okay but what does "natty" mean?
= Natty. It's about people who live inside or in caves
Why does test/steroids target the shoulders, out of interest?

Is there some science behind why it appears to target those a little more than the rest of the body?
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It means "cute"
What a sick cunt

shoulders are very good androgen receptors or someshit.

So if you take exogenous amounts of testosterone/steroids they grow disproportionally more compared to other body parts.

there is hope
delts love pain above all things, anon.
Try 10 sets of 10 reps overhead press (seated works better) sometime and you'll see what I mean

also, try cheating on your lateral raises. Think of it as more of a swing with a tightly controlled (2+ secs) eccentric.
Have good genetics. I have really huge delts, in proportion to the rest of my body, and I've never done anything differently to train them than my baby delt friends.
That'd also be true of the abs/roid gut then?

I'll do some googling, cheers

Roid gut is caused by hgh abuse and insulin


Roid gut isn't actually caused by steroids. People will argue over the exact cause but its likely to be insulin (possibly its use in conjunction with growth hormone makes things worse). Insulin usage causes the body to store a ton of fat around the internal organs.
Lat raises for high reps worked for me. 10-12 sets or 4-6 sets but 3 times a week. Also train the rear delts the same way, big rear delts will make the whole shoulder look round and big. Overhead presses never did jack shit for my shoulders, I dont even bother with them anymore.
You can get good shoulders, just not that big

IMHO it looks nice but unnatural at the same time, but a lot of people draw the line of too big subconciously at the same level of max natty potential (except for jelly faggots who consider everything bigger them themselves too big as skellies or skinnyfats)
>coïncidence? I think not
OHP is nice for strength building and front delt. I did OHP a lot too and if I look in the mirror sideways I can see that my front delt basically stands out

I'm working on correcting it but yeah front delts from the front are not that noticeable, they are from the side but it looks awkward when the rest of the shoulder isn't on the same level.
Have you tried training your delts?
True. But since I bench quite alot my front delts seem to get enough stimulus from that and other presses. This might not be the case for everyone tho. I personally never saw results from overhead presses and only did them 'because'. Raises and a shitload of rear delt work made my schoulders bigger.
I'm diabetic so I find it hard to believe that insulin is responsible for roid gut.

Insulin is anabolic, same as steroids and HGH, it allows us to increase the amount of energy we get (and/or store) from glucose after eating food. In the case of bodybuilders you're seeing increased or inflamed muscle, not fat. So none of this correlates.
Type 1 Diabetes is a insufficiency of insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes is a resistance to insulin.
You have diabetes so you take the right amount of insulin (to replace your lack).
Hgh stimulates the release of insulin and IGF-1 which promotes muscle and organs growth. Roiders have more insulin than they physiologically need, so the growth is exaggerated = muscle, heart, intestine hypertrophy (~roid gut)
Correct but misses some important overlaps. There are also some odd forms like pregnancy diabetes where both are true

>Hgh stimulates the release of insulin and IGF-1 which promotes muscle and organs growth. Roiders have more insulin than they physiologically need, so the growth is exaggerated = muscle, heart, intestine hypertrophy (~roid gut)
You're explaining the effects of HGH, not insulin. Having more insulin than needed over short and long periods of time results in higher uptake and anabolism of glucose, either from food or fat. Insulin plays a role, but it's definitely not the cause.

Insulin is anabolic, yes. Its also noted for causing fat storage. Especially around the organs underneath the abdominal muscles (the infamous visceral or brown fat) and the injection site (which is typically abdominal as well).

There's a huge difference between the doses of insulin a T1 diabetic takes and what a bodybuilder is using. There's also a reason the roid gut never shows up in people who are using tons of other anabolics but not insulin.
They take hgh to increase the levels of insulin and Insuline-like Growth Factor 1. It's these two that promote the growth.

People with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes are thin and with poor lean mass because they lack insulin and therefore muscle growth
Hgh also increases glucose in blood, if they only took insulin in high doses they'd end up in hypoglicemic coma

That's what the massive consumption of sugar water is for - to keep hypoglycaemia from killing them. Speaking as someone with some deeply stupid diabetic family members you can take a lot of insulin and not get immediately fucked up if the sugar intake is tweaked to match.
>People with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes are thin and with poor lean mass because they lack insulin and therefore muscle growth
No, they're thin because they're not converting food into glucose so the body uses their fat reserves.

You keep repeating the same false statement

>Hgh also increases glucose in blood
Interesting, I don't know enough about the science here to understand why that is but I'd assume lack of insulin is probably more to do with it.

>if they only took insulin in high doses they'd end up in hypoglicemic coma
Only if they were careless. In non diabetics (and less so in type 1 diabetics who take insulin) your liver releases enough sugar to keep you out of hypoglycaemia, the liver gains that sugar from the foods you eat.
I'm a med student and studying endocrinology right now :)
You should also know that high levels of sugar in blood cause atherosclerosis and that should be enough to understand how stupid roiding is.
You can get more info reading up something about acromegaly (andre the giant had it), which is caused by higher levels of hgh in adults, thus comprehending the dangers of hgh assumption
To edit this statement:
>(and less so in type 1 diabetics who take insulin) your liver releases enough sugar to keep you out of hypoglycaemia
That's not really true of us type 1s, though our livers do help with hypoglycaemia, it's almost usually not offset by the use of insulin. Just fixing this because it can be misinterpreted as me saying we're protected against hypos

If you're taking doses of insulin and you're not diabetic (or you are diabetic and overestimated your blood sugar), you'd better have some gluose onhand to counter the insulin. Your liver protects you against normal levels of insulin - assuming everything is working fine - not the big spikes associated with injected insulin.

Hence why insulin dependent diabetics are meant to always have a sugar source on them.
I know enough about science to understand why I can't convince you: physical circuits in your brain make you think like that and they're not gonna be rewired in a couple minutes by reading what a stranger is writing on an anime forum (this is why people can't be convinced even if evidence is in front of their eyes - I know it happened to some you sometimes, too). So, just take your time and do some researches.
Are there any other type 1 diabetics on /fit/ who take a sneaky pin of slin post workout?
Then you should understand why you're being passive aggressive as a result of not understanding enough about what you're talking about and learn to identify the objective data rather than whether someone believes you or not on a transatlantic mollusc trapping forum

I'm already way too much at risk of going hypo in the gym and if I eat immediately after the gym then it's just dextrose/sucrose, so injecting rapid acting insulin would be a poor idea.

Is that something you do?
I take a post workout protein shake/mass gainer and check my blood sugar level of course. Anywhere from 2 - 5 units of novorapid.

And I have dextrose on hand if shit gets real.
I've read people attribute this to growth of the intestines, rich piana claims his internal organs grew a measurable amount through HGH abuse. Second reason I've been told is that due to the quantity of food bodybuilders eat the intestines are forced to grow to become more efficient.
>get sub 10% bodyfat
>get a tan
>get a pump
>take photo in down lighting

literally all it takes you fucking retards
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Right on. I don't doubt the benefits but it's more of a risk than a benefit to me at this stage.

Also try one of these out, they're awesome for the gym because you don't have to bleed all over the equipment when you prick your fingers, and you can check every 60 seconds if you want. Only downside is they lag about 5+ minutes and are slightly less accurate.
Solid posts - you make clear and concise arguments, rarely seen on this board.

In response to your original post roid gut is typically attributed to HGH growth of internal organs - in one of rich pianas videos on HGH he claims internal organs grew a measurable amount. Some also claim that due to the quantity of food bodybuilders eat the intestines grow to become more efficient. Truthfully there's more speculation on roid gut than there is real science.

Source; cheating fraudster
Oh damn, that would be useful. Wish I could get that in my country.
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ebay, more expensive but if you don't want to wait a couple years it might be worth it. Expensive since sensors only last 2 weeks but being able to see your bloodsugar profiles and what's going on, even just for 2 weeks, is invaluable.

I've been on it for 4 weeks and I've learned:
>Coffee bumps me up a little
>Dawn phenomenon is fucking huge
>Apple cider vinegar isn't completely a meme and does blunt blood sugar spikes
>I need about 1.5x as much insulin per carb in the morning as I do in the evening

Really useful stuff. I've started a blog to post my blood sugar profiles and talk about shit nobody wants to hear about and learned a ton recently, it's awesome
can you post your blog plz?
It's literally useless at the moment and contains nothing of value, but insulinmaniac.com
But I'll be focusing on showing profiles and what happens on diet X Y Z, when I eat X Y Z, etc.

Check out reddit.com/r/diabetes for a wealth of good diabetes talk/info. Rock on
OHP but they only Look good cus of my naturally wide shoulders the actual muscle isn't impressive
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They are also thin because muscle growth requires uptake of glucose and a positive nitrogen balance, and because an insulin deficient state is catabolic.

The problem you're having is that you're viewing the bodybuilders as being within normal physiological ranges. They aren't. The interactions with hGH, steroids and IGF1 create a cascade of all sorts of changes of processes in the body. Insulin is anabolic in that it inhibits the breakdown of protein (see proteolysis and insulin), and allows quick uptake and storage of glucose into muscle tissue (indirectly affecting and increasing nutrient uptake of various amino acids which are required to build muscle, assuming a positive nitrogen balance http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21864752)

Just because things are common knowledge with /fit/zens with no clue about physiology, it doesn't mean it's wrong. You're just trying to batter people into submission using scary words because they won't understand.
Take your 1st year science major ego and get the fuck out.

lateral raises and rear delt flies to fill them out. literally git gud at lifting.
what a beautiful man.
>Just because things are common knowledge with /fit/zens with no clue about physiology, it doesn't mean it's wrong. You're just trying to batter people into submission using scary words because they won't understand.
Take your 1st year science major ego and get the fuck out.

You're projecting son, I happened across the thread and called out a mistaken presumption when I saw it, you're the one actively trying to defend it and repeating the same mistake.

Everything I've stated I've learned through demonstrable first hand experience. I'll leave you to construe the data in any way you like and live with what doctors and studies tell me and what I see when I take insulin. I'll take first hand experience over someone projecting their education into false statements any day of the week.

Again, you're probably way more informed than I am on HGH and its relation to muscle building, but you're flat out simply wrong in stating insulin is responsible for roid gut or fat loss in diabetics when it's the lack thereof.
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Omg you're retarded.

They gave you the reason behind their statements and you just reply "hurr durr my experience". It's like you think to know more about cars than a mechanic since you own one
>They gave you the reason behind their statements
Hence why I concluded twice that he knows more than I do about HGH, it's evident.

Go shitpost somewhere else
>I'm a med student and studying endocrinology right now :)
>You should also know that high levels of sugar in blood cause atherosclerosis and that should be enough to understand how stupid roiding is.
>You can get more info reading up something about acromegaly (andre the giant had it), which is caused by higher levels of hgh in adults, thus comprehending the dangers of hgh assumption.

Actual doctors, even endocrinologists, know very little about doping for performance enhancement purposes.

"roiding" isnt the same as exogenous HGH.

Have you looked on pubmed for exogenous dose and timeframes required for a patient to present gigantism type symptoms?

Most top tier BB are on dosages (at various times) of oral & injectable anabolics, HGH, IGF etc that would blow the average doctors mind...

That does not automatically mean that there's not a safer point on the dose/response curve that has better "youth-extension" properties... this is especially true for moderate exogenous Test (if you're willing to spend a lifetime on it) and micro-dosed HGH... its not hard to get regular bloodwork done on yourself to validate this.
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