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Anyone had luck with Yohimbine? Thinking about ordering some.
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Anyone had luck with Yohimbine? Thinking about ordering some.
No solid studies suggesting efficacy for "stubborn" fat loss. All the studies published had major flaws.

Side effects are pretty gnarly.

Be safe and be smart. Don't go ham.
We had a thread yesterday, people threw this link around for some basic guidelines

I ordered some, I'll leave a note to let /fit/ know if I died
I tried ut but the anxiety was too much, couldn't handle it. Not worth it tbqh just eat less m8
>just eat less m8
It's supposed to supplement the diet gains from eating less
What the fuck? This is Y-HCL, not DNP. If you're not overdosing your daily intake you'll be fine. The largest side-effects are increase heart rate for the first 1-2 hours after taking the caps, sometimes anxiety if you're prone to anxiety. One other side-effect I've noticed is that it makes water taste strange sometimes only when taking the caps. (inb4 shitty plumbing / city water systerm - I've tried with bottled water as well).
No, it made my face red and heart pump harder. No fat loss. Just walk twice a day. Beginning and end of day.
Go read the studies. It's got worse sides than clen.
Used it with good results however anxiety was too much in the end, wasn't worth it for me

im fairly sensitive to these kind of things but my heart would race pretty fast and would get incredibly hot

I'd say it's worth it at a low dose with fasted cardio in the morning
Op on the real, try intermittent fasting with a good diet first. Like anon said, be smart. Don't go ham.
I probably take 16mg/day before fasted exercise.
I like it as a stimulant, and (broscience?) it's supposed to build up in your body over time and amplify the effects of other stimulants.
It probably helped me get under 10%bf but I was pretty close before I started taking it.
I've never had any weird effects I attribute to it, just usual stimulant stuff like extra flexing, wanting to roar, racing thoughts, and being extra laugh-y.
i did yohimbine but i came down from ~22% to ~13% so it wasnt really worth it. i had to lose shitloads of fat elsewhere before "targeting" my actually stubborn fat. it also made exercise feel horrible even 4-5 hours after taking it.

bought the powder and i kinda regret it. its like 50 times cheaper but the powder tastes like absolute fucking dogshit and i couldnt figure out a way to deal with it and i always felt like shit for the first 5 hours of the day purely because of the taste lingering. now that i think of it i think coffee could have somewhat masked the taste.

weighing the powder can also fuck with you. my scale was the typical 20$ milligram scale (from powdercity, same shit sold everywhere i think) which was accurate but you know, just having your window open while measuring shit would change the reading due to the air flowing. i learned to eyeball the dose pretty well but i never felt 100% sure that im not gonna overdose. my friend made an oral suspension which worked fine on that behalf but it still tastes like shit

but im gonna try cutting again in a few months, this time going from 14 to 9 or so and i think ill do yohimbine for the last half of the cut, somehow masking the taste. i dont know if it actually does much but i spent 60$ on the shit and it expires at the end of the year and i have no one to sell it to.
Why take yohimbine over ephedrine?
Its a MAOI which means it's fucking dangerous for the effect you get of it (read: no effects at all).

DNP is the only worthwhile fatburner to use
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Epehdrine HCL from Primatene tabs gave me massive ADD..

I did lose fat but I still have occasional irregular heartbeat/sucking sensation in my chest and am majorly scatter brained and am falling way behind in my life's tasks with no remedy in sight..

I tried joking that psychosis is a small price to pay for fat loss but I am not laughing anymore.
I was really fucked up by myself in college once, opened up the pill and put this shit in a bong, tried smoking it
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I one walked naked into the Arizona desert and found a small puffball mushroom and snorted the spores... grew fucking puffballs in my sinuses.
Ive burned through a bottle, no noticeable sides, not sure how effective it is. Dosed about 8mg a day. Lost about 2 pounds per week so far cutting and doing about an hour of cardio every day
Yes, according to examine it's a norepinephrine releasing agent, working synergistically with other molecules like methylphenidate (ritalin).
you probably didn't use the HCL version.
Saw no results myself. Im losing weight the same and "toning" at the same rate.

It's 10 bucks so nothing was lost.
I take it as an extract. Much energy, with some anxiety. Only need a few drops
Take this and do the psmf diet.I did and lost my man tits and my love handles completely

You're supposed to take 2.5 mg for every 25 lbs of bodyweight (rounding up for between).

Unless you weigh 50-75 lbs, you shouldn't be noticing side effects.
Thats probably why, didnt know how to dose it, and didnt find any good information, will probably start ramping it up this next week

so i could theoretically use yohimbine instead of caffeine for a powerful stim effect? not necessarily to cut?
I took it using the dosage guide here >>37370586 and never had any problems, and I didn't even adjust my dosage as I lost weight. I'm not sure how well it worked, for all I know it was a placebo, but I noticed none of the side effects people are freaking out about in this thread.
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