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I used to develop seething rage, have severe tantrums when watching
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I used to develop seething rage, have severe tantrums when watching Barney, especially when they sing 'I love you' at the end.

Does that mean I am predisposed to scizophrenia?
Please be serious is childhood rage a sign of genetic schizophrenia?

My uncle was diagnosed with it.
Rage without paranoia or delusions doesn't suggest schizophrenia.

Furthermore, your childhood behavior is unlikely to predict this kind of mental illness. How old are you? If you're past your early 20s and haven't had a psychotic episode, you're likely in good shape.
Thanks doc

I am 28. Will be children be prediposed?
Same here.
I was 28 years old.
Did you also have tantrums during childhood?
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that generally appears in late adolescence or early adulthood - however, it can emerge at any time in life. It is one of many brain diseases that may include delusions, loss of personality (flat affect), confusion, agitation, social withdrawal, psychosis, and bizarre behavior.

How in the fuck did you get the idea that schizophrenia would even be the first mental illness to point to? I would say anger issues if nothing else. Having severe hallucinations that cripple you from even getting out of bed points to schizophrenia, having extreme paranoid delusions of constantly being followed, watched, monitored to the point where you can't sleep is indicative of schizophrenia.
Sometimes I hear the Barney song in my head with no trigger. Is that an hallucination?
It means you're a manchild who grew up with no discipline and thus has no self-control
No that's called having a random thought. Now if it drives you into a blind fit of rage that you molest your dog, kill your girlfriend, beat the shit out of your neighbors then I would say it would be a bit of agitation. But seriously, sounds more like a exaggerated pet peeve, a hallucination is moreso something you can't fathom is fake, but it clearly isn't real to anyone else. That's why it is so hard for people actually with schizophrenia.
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