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I miss trolling ohearn lels
Video in question

Wait, so whats the issue here?

Mike O'Tren just said he was going to compete against Mark?

Am I missing something here?

Is this not just a friendly competition?
YOU ARE NO LONGER MY FRIEND! Sounds like 2 12 year old broke up their friend ship in school lels
Why does Mark Bell have such a fat face even when he's shredded?
Why tf did you post the same like 3 times
Nobody knows
It is just a friendly contest. Mark's just trying to generate hype. He has no ill will towards Mike.
Weak looking for attention got me hyped up for nothing im out
B-but anon the whole video is Mark expressing ill will towards mike O'Trenbolone
>he can't into banter

This is legit, a sign of autism, get yourself checked my bro and by bro I mean never you phucking phaggot
Mark used to be a wrestler. Just some fake drama to liven things up. That's why he's laughing throughout the video.
I have several close friends anon, that video was not "friendly banter"
Agreed. Definitely not friendly banter.
How can mark stay so bloated year round?
One of the great mysteries of our time.
I'm 7 seconds into the video and it's clear he's just having a laugh

>Bring your stupid fucking dogs, you bald fuck. Your claims are always fake


No anon, you are the autisms
Test bloat
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