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Fat under me bum
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You are currently reading a thread in /fit/ - Fitness

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File: what-what-underbutt-4.jpg (84 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
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Femanon here. How can I get rid of the fat under my butt? I'm only 5'6" and around 120 lbs, but my underbutt looks absolutely gross. How can I get rid of it??

Post a pic
Lift and lose weight.
skateboard squats
?? What's that stand for?
How much to lift though? I don't want to lose that much weight either.. I'm pretty slim already
Op here. I don't know what that stands for..
Post a pic or get out
Post a pic, what the fuck is "fat under your butt"?

My bet is OP is underaged banned and anorexic.
... I just wanted some advice and the people on this board seem knowledgeable for the most part. Just asking for help.
Like cellulitey fat right under my butt. No pics, as I'm at work and wouldn't anyway. I'm not anorexic, just don't wanna be flabby
Op here--i've been doing squats w/ a 35 lb weight, but I have no clue if that's right for me
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Looks like this..
Just go into the bathroom and take a pic fully clothed so we can see how big you are and where you're carrying weight.

It's likely you're stuck with the booty you have due to genetics-- fat placement on the body is entirely up to genetics afaik, and in that case only way to get rid of it is to go full powerlifter and leave yourself with a minimal level of bodyfat.

Lots of guys like a phat booty though, especially black dudes. If you're white and happen to have any black, male friends, it's cuz they're all thirstin' for that booty.
You gotta let me lick your asshole or you can just do squats.
if you read the sticky youd know that you CANT TARGET SPECIFIC REGIONS FOR FAT LOSS

if you show your tits there might be a way though...
Thank you so much for your genuine reply and advice. I feel weird about posting a pic of my butt online (especially this webzone). I don't think it's genetic, I'm just skinnyfat
I don't want general fat loss, though. I want to do squats and lift but I have no clue what weights to use..I've been using a 35 lb weight
I did read the sticky, you stupid idiot fuck-o peepeehead
get outta the thread, nigger
W/ how much weight? I'm weak as shit.
why do you bros even reply to this shit? it genuinely saddens me
Why sad-making? I'm just asking for advice BC all I find on the internet are women's magazine websites and Bs like that
I wish I could say because summer but....
All right, you look like a good girl with good soul, but first we need to know how often you are doing sport, how intense, and to have a pic of your ass (to see if it the butt, or the harmstring etc.)

Then, after we clarify all of this, we can try to give you the best advice for your case and not some random advices you know.

Now, you have to choose, do you want a nice butt to take Chad's dick in, or do you want to stay pure and not show us a pic of your butt ?
OP do cardio everyday, squat every two days and keep a clean diet
read the sticky
lift some weights you fucking lazy bitch
her ass is some gross flabby ass. why do you care, nigger
jesus christ. i hate women so much. it all came crashing down this very week how much i hate women. i have been lurking r9k for a while and just generally felt that the women hate was a bit unwarranted, but how was i wrong! when did you bros realize you hated women deeply?
Nope, it's genetic.
>These structural differences have been confirmed with MRI, sonogram, and wedge biopsies. There is no getting around it - cellulite and the structure of the skin in cellulite-prone areas are simply different and something you cannot control.

From what I've been reading in my 5 minutes of research:
>Cellulite is genetic, women are FAR more likely to have it than men.
>Cellulite is essentially permanent and with you regardless of bodyfat because that's just how your body stores fat,
>Less fat = reduced visibility of cellulite
>there are treatments, but they're shitty and temporary so you'd have to go in every couple months or something.
Well, that's not very hopeful. Thank you though!
Back to r9k faggot
Let's admit it, /r9k/ is basically /fit/ with even less lifting and less gay people.
>I'm only 5'6"

Reincarnate as a 6'2" woman.
slim at 5'6" and 120 lbs


try 100 lbs for slim
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/fa/ pls go
Shouldn't need any weight, he's just tounging your balloon knot
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Baby, you're beautiful the way you are. I will love you no matter what.
You know that, right?
Now listen sweetie, you're gonna get a lot of hurtful comments from good for nothing jackasses here but I'm here to reassure you you're perfect the way it is and you need not to change anything about your divine figure.
I love you babydoll :)

On a serious note, it's pretty disgusting the amount of cellulite Western women have. Jesus fucking christ, just stop eating so much junkfood you fat cows what the fuck is up with that?!

Kisses sweetpea
Try being on top more and be sure to spit
He is pretty much right - assuming she has no significant muscle mass, there's no way she is actually slim. Skinny fat, sure, but not skinny. That or she has absolutely ginormous tits.
Haven't seen this pasta for a long time
It could be your posture/pelvic tilt. I have one leg a bit shorter than the other so the angle of my hip is different and I get a little roll under my butt on my longer leg, even though you'd think the shorter leg would get rolls because everything is bunched up in a smaller area
5'6 120lbs is a bmi of 19

am I missing a meme here?
Read the sticky, at least you'd know what SS is
After that you can start discussing of it is a meme or not.

Now post pics, maybe it isn't that bad
Thread replies: 51
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