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So I just finished watching Bigger Faster Stronger by Chris Bell
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So I just finished watching Bigger Faster Stronger by Chris Bell on Netflix, and it gave me a new perspective on performance enhancing drugs.

I was fascinated by the discussion of “where do we draw the line on artificially enhancing ourselves?”

Pretty much everybody uses drugs: may it be performance enhancing drugs for sports, study, rehabilitation, military, or even every day function like sleep/aid, caffeine, vitamins, etc.
Why are specifically performance enhancing drugs still illegal and so frowned upon? Why is there no open discussion on this subject and therefore further study?

Where do we draw the line? I feel like this topic eventually leads to the discussion of technological singularity. As our technology progresses, we force ourselves to change and adapt the way we view what is acceptable in our society.

If we have the knowledge to modify our genetic sequence to achieve the best possible outcome, why shouldn’t we? In the future, when we’re able to enhance our vision, hearing or even cognition, what then?

The future of sports in the next two decades is going to be very interesting to say the least.

tl;dr we have the tech to better ourselves, so why limit ourselves?
so basically richer man wins? we already have capitalism, why capitalism in all sports too?

although it is already on the way...
>If we have the knowledge to modify our genetic sequence to achieve the best possible outcome, why shouldn’t we?

This is a big, important question. It reminds me of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Imagine a society where every individual is optimized genetically. But, if we all have genius-level IQs and physiques like Arnie, would we miss the diversity and authenticity of our former selves? Will we be robbing ourselves of some of the mystery of life by stripping away every last bit of sub-optimal variation in our genetic code? Is perfection in this case merely a euphemism for total social conformity?
Fun fact, Chris Bell's brother in the movie died a few years after filming due to health effects caused by roids

Or, more likely, his willingness to hoover up any recreational drug put within a mile of him. Mad Dog had issues to say the least.
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Maybe we're just used to the way things are- the reality that some are healthier, smarter than others. But what if we get to the point where society allows for genetic modification and artificial enhancement? We'd still have diversity and authenticity but just on a whole different level we can't even imagine atm. There would still be new mysteries, but on a whole different level.
Social conformity? I see it as simply adapt and survive or die.

I guess the question is...if we have limits, what are they?
yeah even his father called it out in the documentary. so fucken sad. his father knew his son was gonna get himself killed...either roids or suicide.

On December 14, 2008, he was found dead at a rehabilitation facility in Costa Mesa, California.[3] It was ruled that he died of an inhalation-induced heart attack brought on by an accidental inhalation of difluoroethane in Dust-Off.[4] Bell was 37 years old.
"accidental inhalation" my ass. The fuck up was doing whipits, went too far and asphyxiated. Mike Bell was a junky with delusions of grandeur. "I'd rather be dead than average" should be quoted as a warning not the retarded slogan Mark and Chris Bell has turned it into.
Most people at the higher level have sponsors and people paying for their "training"
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one day, breh
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