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Well /Fit/ my nightmare has come true >2 years ago >Meet
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Well /Fit/ my nightmare has come true
>2 years ago
>Meet GF
>Outdoorsy half black girl who is super into fitness and typical white people stuff (kayaking, mountain biking, hiking)
>She has a full 6 pack and is amazing in bed
>Date for 2 years, completely in love
>Move across the country for a new job
>She comes with
>goes from 135 to 155lbs
>loses abs
>Loses energy in bed
>Says she is just having trouble with the transition
>Feel like I may have lost her

I don't want to lose the great white buffalo fit, what do?
>having faith in a woman
try and be there for her, motivate her, help her find peace with this "transition"

If she's eating out of boredom/depression you should help her. assuming you really do love her.

If you were married I would say she feels she already has you, and can get as fat as she wants. Why the fuck are you asking here? is all of this really above you?
It means shes ready to bear your children OP, she will turn high test once it happens.
I'm poor and my only hobby is to to the gym. What do you recommend i do anon?

And try your best to get her back in the game.
>Says she is just having trouble with the transition
Like what?

You asked right?

Also offered to help her with the things she's bothered with?
She'll probably say you won't have to but women appreciate the fact that you atleast asked and will make them feel slightly better nigga.

If she misses social contact, go out and have fun with her, try making new friends together

If she misses home take her on dates to distract her AND make good memories of where you currently live.
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Yo what the fuck is she doing with her own life except being your cocksleeve? real talk.

Sound like she doesn't do shit. No ambitions, no passions, no life goals. All she living for is to eat, sleep and fuck and work some trashy 9 to 5. That ain't a life nobody should be living. It sounded like she was a more alive person back home and now shes out in buttfucking nowhere USA staring into space waiting to breed and die.

You took a dragon and chained it at home and now u wondering why she getting fat? Somebody auta slap you. I blame her too. Her fucking stupid ass decided to move outa her space and tie herself to a man to be a "good girlfriend" fucking retard.
You know what her FUCKING stupid ass is gonna do next?
Cheat on you my nigga!
Not now, not even for a few years... but as the MONOGAMY MONOTONY grinds her soul down to dust. I promise you, the urge to escape the hum drum by jumping into another mans bed will be too much for her to resist.

I've affairs with 3 females in your wife/gf's position OP. Young married chicks from outa state, complaining about how bored they are. How lame the sex is. How he doesn't make her feel the sexiest whore in the universe anymore...

Have EITHER of you seen Lost in Translation??? Bill Murray is gonna fuck your bitch.
legitimately where did you get any of this from?

is this pasta?

wow. I was high as fuck when I typed that but it's still very true. OP never describes what she actually does with her life besides just being with him so you can almost guarantee it's noting important or interesting. Her getting fat is just a reflection of her soul rotting away in a shit marriage.

It's life circumstances like these that get white men cucked.
Fix that. Both of these things are unacceptable.
Cut and run
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Realist shit I've seen here
Some if not all of this will come true. Spills the beans op. Tell us about her
she's ripening
Damn guys, didn't expect this shit to turn into a beatdown.

No, I'm not above this. Just posted here because I was bored and wanted to get opinions

Yeah, we have talked about it in depth. She is having trouble because she wasn't able to get a job that she wanted (Outdoor Education) and she just left a job that she really liked (not to move here, it was a seasonal position). Honestly, it is a big step to move out somewhere new with someone for the first time, I understand the trepidation.
I try to be as supportive as possible, but most of the time women aren't looking for a solution, they're just looking to vent and sense neither of us have close friends out here yet, she only has me.

She is currently working as a naturalist and is actually the breadwinner while I work on my Masters/Internship program so I'm kind of the...sleeve filler? We are both making good money though.

We still have an exciting life, we are both kayakers and mtn bikers and go out regularly she just isn't in the same shape she was before. We both used to hit the gym daily, but she comes back from work "too tired" now

>BTW this is OP
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I think my main concern is that we both used to have weightlifting as a huge thing to do together and now she isn't as interested in it.
Our relationship is great and we are as close as ever, I'm just bummed out that she isn't into the gym as much anymore.
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