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You are currently reading a thread in /fit/ - Fitness

Thread replies: 78
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ITT cuck faggots posting women who excel at crossfit
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Might as well just go gay at that point lmao
gross ass thread

she looks like a girl chad. Like she would have bullied me in highschool
das a big shoulder for a girl

I wonder how these girls are in bed.

Passive as fuck, or pound your dick off aggressive?
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Theyre aggressive with your oneitis

imagine brooke wells raping your waifu
That's not...that's not how that would go.

She'd be a bertha.
The overly masculine kinda homely chick that pushed people around and tries to bad touch another girl before her brother/boyfriend slams her face through a wall and leaves her for dead.

A female chad is the chick who would use social manipulation to fuck your shit up.
>A female chad is the chick who would use social manipulation to fuck your shit up.

Thats a Stacey. Shes just a super tomboy, but is still sexy/feminine being a girl chad

I knew a girl like that in highschool to. She was this big, but pretty volleyball chick that never wore makeup and would play bully me.
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Do I win this thread?
Stacey =/= super tomboy.
That's not even how chad/jamal works.
It's a "athletic stud male that all the bitches want and all the dudes want to be"

A super tomboy volleyball player with a fridge bodyshape? Women don't want that.
I've got a muscle-girl fetish but fridgemode crossfit girls just put me off hard
as a man, how do into fridge mode?
muh fridgefu

be born with wide hips like me. It sucks because Im still skinny and basically have a slight hour glass figure
Shadow from strings look like a tiny cock and old man balls.
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sounds like you're roger mode, not fridge mode
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brooke is cute

Underrated post
Best animated character
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busted mad nuts to this vid lads
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Do I have potential?
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Where'd your legs go m8?

Maybe I am gay cuz I find all these women incredible. Their asses and thighs are just magnificent
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literally a fridge
thats fucking box mode right there
LOL Someone skipped the leg day(s, weeks, months, years, decades).

Nice chick legs, cuck.
Being sincere: if you don't work on your whole body you look ridiculous.
>>37104323 <this

They have pretty faces. This and their asses are the only feminine qualities they still possess and for the sexually deprived (me), this is more than enough.

LITERALLY high test

i never asked for this
They also have tight, muscular vaginas. That is a wonderful feminine quality that you failed to mention.
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they look like they would be nice to cuddle with

thats all I want really
I want to touch her butt
I have a girl with a body like this at my gym. It's sexy and cringeworthy at the same time

I want to lick her fridge hole
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DL and DB side bends fucked up my v-taper and now I'm fridge mode
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Would marry. easily.
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>tfw everyone forgets about Lauren Fisher now
How do they get fridgemode in the first place? Were they already blocky?
ive seen that turbo manlet jewess posted here on /fit/ all the time
Steroids growth hormones and olympic lifting.
Why is she all dirty?
Does she work in a coal mine?
Why didn't she have a shower after work?
She's gonna get coal dust all over the equipment.
Great thread when you're trying to throw up but it won't go. Thanks brehs
She's white so I'm gonna assume she is a coal burner
she's hardcore bruh, you don't get slathered in dirt every time you lift?
Don't worry man I will never forget her hnnnngh
looks effay and will get you laid that's really all you want desu
If I'm black and she fingers my prostate does that make her a coal miner?
they have they asses and thighs of a swole dude because none of these women have hips. they don't look feminine at all
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reminder that this is the ideal male body
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Lauren fisher. Imo the hottest fridge mode out there.
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>you will never have a FRAME
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I wonder how this is possible.
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photoshopped his lats out
more like he got crushed by a refrigerator
it's a prop for the photoshoot.
Roiding crossfit girls are gross. No girl can lift natty and look like this.

they just turned up the clarity setting in photoshop, makes shit look moody and dirty
How do i achieve this....

Does the fridge mode comes by working out the obliques or what?
Left is definitely hotter than right imo
deadlifts and oly lifts
Thread replies: 78
Thread images: 29

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