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Canned salmon
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Has less mecurury content than canned tuna

Safe to eat one per day? I'm a poorfag
Oooh tasty. But gets expensive. Get wild caught, senpai.
Canned salmon on sale rn. Need to know if its safe to eat one can per day

yes, i would say you can eat three cans per day of salmon
Well you're a salmon bro now welcome! It's a requirement to shitpost as hard as vegans trips not needed!
Tuna is also safe to eat a can or two per day. Just don't eat past 3 and you won't have to worry, but even if you did you wouldn't really have to worry about it. Canned tuna(the chunk kind) has the lowest amount of mercury of any tuna so it's relatively safe

Thanks m8.
Canned salmon tastes like old stale whale pussy and if you unironically enjoy it you are probably a serial killer . just buy fresh faggots
Broke college student.
Get oats, peanut butter, whey protein, chicken breast, rice and frozen veggies. All better for you Nd cheaper in the long run than canned bullshit
costco chicken breasts
Is mercury a meme? I've never actually heard of anyone having any health problems related to it.
How often do you eat canned fish and yeah its a real thing
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I eat canned sardines almost every day... they have tons of B12 , DHA and protein and lowest mercury
So what's the best cannned fish /fit/?

salmon and tuna are always going to have higher mercury than sardines since they're carnivorous fish

If i eat 5-7 meals a week with canned fish should I just eat sardines or a mix of the 3
Make salmon patties
>canned salmon
>chopped onion
>form patties
>fry in pan with a little butter or oil
>deli fucking icious
Sardines are cheaper but you can pretty much eat as much canned salmon as you want

I'd really eat as little mercury as possible. It does nothing good for you

Wrong, it's the tastiest canned fish
>eat sardines

Mix it up. Salmon is safe to eat every day. Chunk light tuna isnt as bad as Albacore and tuna steaks are the worst. Sardines can be delicious in mustard or hot sauce but they are fucking nasty in plain water.

I like to make the patties with oats. One 14.75 ounce can of salmon, one cup of oats, two large eggs. It's simple and easy
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