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Someone tell me in layman's terms why I should take MCT
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Someone tell me in layman's terms why I should take MCT OIL while on keto diet.

I'm new to this shit.
Do you have drug resistant epilepsy? If not, you should not be a ketogenic diet.
No I'm not epileptic
For the first month or so, on a keto diet.

You feel on fire, with energy. It works, then slows down. And quits working.

MCT oil is the fastest source of energy. It takes like 2 metabolic processes to be use for energy.

Sugar takes 7?

Not 100% on the facts.
It will activate your almonds

it goes straight to the brain

If keto works for him mentally and physiologically so far you should shut the fuck up.
Stop falling for meme diets and meme product shilling.
MCT oil isn't necessary except maybe in the adjustment period to make the keto flu a bit less annoying.
While on keto you feel very tired and exhausted. This stuff gives you a little boost. You dont need it. I dont use it and ive been keto for few months. Black coffee will give you the same effect when tired.
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